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The Science of the Matter

Posted on Sat Jul 28, 2018 @ 1:38pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue

1,156 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: CSciO & MCO offices
Timeline: MD6


"Yes!" Alanna cried out loud. Starfleet and the Federation had approved her request and now all the caves, tunnels and surrounding areas of Pangaea that may contain time portals or anything else of interest were now officially under the authority and control of Starfleet Sciences, and, by extension, her.

She'd sent in a detailed report about the time tunnels and other oddities in the tunnels and a long list of reasons why they were dangerous, why they needed to be kept from the Cardassians, Privateers, and other groups that would want to exploit what was down there. And why science was uniquely positioned to explore, catalog, and protect a large area of the planet. And Starfleet Science took her petition to the Federation and... She sqweed in excitement and did a little dance. Now, she could protect and preserve the antiquities, oddities, and anything else that were down there. And neither the Cardassians, Klingons, Ferengi, nor any other group could take it from her. Well, from science. But as she was the Chief Science Officer on Deep Space Five, she was the one in charge of organizing and overseeing the teams and coordinating security with the Marines.

Brianthe opened the door. "What on earth is going on? You sound like you've been infested with ghazunes."

"Do you remember the petition I sent in to Starfleet Science?"

"Did they tell you that you were crazy?" she asked.

"No. They approved it," Alanna said, doing a pirouette in the middle of her office. "And we're in charge of it. Or I am, and you're my assistant. All the questionable areas of the planet now belong to science and are restricted to scientific exploration under my direction."

Brianthe whistled softly. "That's going to tick off a lot of people."

"A fringe benefit," Alanna said, grinning cheekily. "That's not why I did it. I did it to preserve what's down there until it can be thoroughly explored and catalogued. And to protect the more sensitive areas to keep the timeline intact and the knowledge from being used to exploit others."

"What about the list of people wanting to colonize the planet?" Brianthe asked.

"I'm not taking all of the planet. Any areas that are clear of any ancient tech or odd tunnels will be made available. I hear that there's a large section of the planet that has nothing of interest to science--and it's far away from where we'll be continuing the work of exploration."

"I'm curious to see what unusual plants are down there."

"Me, too." Alanna sighed. "I've got a lot of work to do, though. The message was sent to Commander Soral, so she'll know what's going on as soon as she sees the message. I'll need to coordinate with her later. First, I need to talk to the Marines about the change of focus, and make sure they're on board to help."

Brianthe smiled. "Can I come with?"

"Sure. Let me save the message to my personal computer and to the science database, then we can go."

Several minutes later, they both walked into Marine Country.

"Hi. Is Lieutenant Blue available?"

The Corpral was standing there with a stop watch near the door of a building. Frome the interior came the distinct sounds of Phasers and disruptors being discharged. In the mix was some echoes that resembled percussion type weapon fire.

"He will be a long momentarily; he hopes, ma'am" THe Marine checked his watch again. "If he is good ..."

The explosions were set off insode the building just as the door just five meters dfrom them bust open as Lt. Blue came out of the door firing back over his shoulder and then slid to a halt near the three people.

"Time?" Blue demanded.

"Another record."The Corporal was deflated. "You could have at least done your past time to keep the competition closer?"

Blue chuckled and glanced to the Science Chief. and held up a hand for the Corporal to toss Blue a white towel to wipe his face. as Blue holstered the side arm, his rifle slung over his shoulder.

"To what do Iowe the pleasure Lt. Wells?"Blue looked at his appearance. "If I knew you were coming Iwould not have been on Drills."

"No worries about the drills," Alanna said. "No one should be sitting around just because the geeks come calling." She grinned. "I need to talk to you about Pangaea."

Brianthe was quiet, more interested in looking around than talking.

"Can we speak in your office?" Alanna asked.

"Step this way." Blue said. "I get the feeling I might be having a chance to play with some of our Marine Gear not normally brought out of stores?" He led the short distance to his office, opened the door allow the ladies of Science to preceed him then following to close the door.

When the door was closed, Alanna answered. "Yes." She handed him a PADD. "A number of entities, including the Cardassians, are interested in these areas. I'm going to need your help keeping unauthorized personnel away."

"You are not one to give a simple task." Blue noted as he glanced down the list. "I think wecancover many of these little jobs." lue grinned. " I have some 24 hours sentries that are not the most distinguishing with the rifles but they arereliable and call into the security board so we will know if anyone or anything enters where they are entering."

"I'd rather have someone reliable than someone who's too quick to react," Alanna said. "I was given a shuttle that has some interesting tech on board. It almost got through the sensors to Pangaea. I'm using it to help strengthen what we already have. I've also set up some non-standard sensors that we used in the field. They aren't Starfleet, but that can sometimes be an advantage." She'd also reached out to some friends in the scientific community for help, as well.

"How well do they interact with Targeting sensors?" Blue asked his a sly grin. "I am one to work with newer toys ."

"Shouldn't be a problem. My tweaks will be for picking them up and keeping them out, not targeting them."

"Detection is all we needfor the Automatics." Blue said. "Just to cover the places not normally patrolled. Aside from that I am more than happy to help with securing the area, My Marines could use the fun."

Alanna smiled, her dark eyes sparkling. "Good. I'll see what I can work up and get back to you. Thank you." This was going to be fun. Alanna practically danced out of the office.

Brianthe grinned. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship between science and the Marines. So long, lieutenant." Then she followed Alanna out.


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

First Lieutenant Gordon Blue
Marine CO
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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