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Arctic Meeting

Posted on Tue Mar 20, 2018 @ 4:54am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue

1,457 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD5 10:30 hrs

When all the drama with the war-games and phaser certification had died down, Annora finally had some down time. Upon confirming that a holodeck was free, she donned her snow gear and headed for some Rest and Relaxation.

"Computer, load Silver Heights Resort."

From what she had read, it wasn't based off any real location. Instead the creators had based the Resort off various locations they had visited across the Federation. Whether is was based in reality or not, Annora still enjoyed the program. At Silver Heights, one could partake in just about any winter sport of their choosing. While she knew how to ice skate, the security officer preferred snow sports.

Strapping on a pair of skis, she made several runs down an intermediate slope. After about an hour, she headed down towards the lodge. As she approached the ski rack, the holodeck doors opened to admit a rather tall and well built humanoid male. Adjusting her trajectory Annora headed his way, careful not to spray him with snow as she slid to a stop.

"The program is called Silver Heights Resort. If it's on snow or ice, it's probably available here. Are from DS5 or just passing through?"

With the size of the station, either option was equally likely.

Blue looked upon the whiteness, he was not one to play in the snow; his Biology from his heritage with high copper would have been like Vulcans and prefer heat. His human DNA from his father had settled this a bit more and the 'Thermal suit he was wearing under his clothes was to regulate the body temperature, adding heat or cooling. He was dressed in a Leather Jacket and Khaki Pants with the strapped Leather Riding boots, filter mask with goggles and a Helmet. He had come to do some Endurance Riding; cross desert tundra type riding on a Motorcycle. Touching his control he added a thermal setting to the under suit to help compensate for the sudden cold. The Riding gloves were adjustable for environments as well of modern polymers and such.

"I am a resident." Blue put up the goggles and lowered the face mask to show and Orion man under the outfit, taking off his helmet. "I was slotted for Holodeck time; I must have gotten the wrong one, sorry." He gave a sly smile. "I did not expect anyone to be here." He extended his hand. "I am Blue, Gordon Blue." He introduced himself.

It was quickly evident that Gordon wasn't dressed for the cold. Annora wasn't quite sure what events he had planned, but the Khaki pants reminded her of the old desert uniform. Tucking her ski pole under the other arm, Annora pulled off her glove to shake the man's hand.
"Annora Tessaro. Nice to meet you."

She paused as an idea came to her.
"Computer, load Sierra Resort."

The winter landscape shifted, as the pair now found themselves inside the ornate lodge. A welcoming fire blazed in a large fireplace in the middle of the main room. Several windows provided a view of the weather and tourists outside. For the slightly more adventurous type, a large back-porch contained several hot-tubs. While her skis and poles had disappeared with the change of location, the rest of her gear stayed put. Removing her helmet and googles, Annora set them on an empty table nearby.
"Figured the snow wasn't the best place to have a conversation."

Blue gave a smile after removing his Helmet as well. "Thank you, I had planned a nice time of Enduro-racing across the Sahara on Earth." He chuckled. "A Ski lodge , snow bunnies and ... cold are something I admit I had not come dressed for." He glanced around. "This is a nice program though and It is nice to see a person rather than a Hologram." He put the gloves into the helmet and placed it on a near by table. "I must have messed up my time, I do apologize Miss Tessaro, my bad." He used the proper manners he had been taught and chuckled at the situation as he must have looked quite out of place. "I hope I did not ruin a good run for you?"

"Thanks, although it's not my program. I just made a few tweaks to the ski-runs to better suit me."

She briefly paused to order a large hot chocolate from a passing waiter.
"No you didn't ruin a good run. While the snow is a good consistency, I was heading towards the lodge for a break anyway. The nice thing about holodecks is I can always come back to the program at a later date. Endoro racing across the Sahara, sounds intriguing. I remember we did our Desert survival training there. A whole 'lot of sand, and not much else. Early in my Starfleet career I visited both Vulcan and Andoria. Was cool to visit both of them, but I find it easier to warm up than cool down. What did you plan on racing across the Desert with?"

"A BMW 1200 cubic Centimeter Off road style motorcycle." Blue unbuttoned the outer jacket. "Two wheels and enough torque and balance to go around the Earth with good maintenance, one of the most durable type Enduro Bikes of her era." Blue smiled. "Couple of Saddle bags and off one goes. IN her day she was one of the top Off Road style motorcycles built." He grinned. "One throttle; six gears and two wheels." He had a fond expression. "I have a programmed one that I tinker with between Holo-excursions." He smiled. "Usually ride alone, not many want to ride on the back, one has to be nearly intimate, move as one or the center of balance is off and... crashes are unavoidable in that case."

She follow all of what he said, but understood enough to get a general sense of what he was talking about. She remembered seeing an old-fashioned motorcycle in a museum on Earth, but didn't know how that compared to the specific type he was referring to.
"I would imagine so, don't want your partner messing you up. At least here on the Holodeck you don't have to worry too much if you crash in the middle of the desert or get lost. The same with skiing, you can take less explored routes without as much danger as real life."

She thanked the waiter as they brought over her drink, and then turned her attention back to Blue.
"If you don't mind me asking. Are you a civilian or with Starfleet?"

"Not a civilian." Blue answered. "I am a division of StarFleet." Blue admitted. ""And that question nearly always comes up from an Officer?" He winked. "Does that mean I can say you are pretty and not get in trouble?"

Annora decided to mess with the man for a minute.
"You're correct I'm Starfleet, but we both know the enlisted force is the backbone of any service organization. What's to say I'm not an arctic loving Petty Officer?"

"I have been an Enlisted rank and worked my way up." Blue smirked. "And only Officers are really concerned about Fleet status; the Non-fraternizing thing." Blue chuckled. "I am a Marine and an Officer." He answered. "We are in a lodge, a warm fire and need to decide if you will allow me to share some Holodeck time right about now?"

Throwing up her hands in mock surrender, Annora formally introduced herself.
"All right, all right. I give up. I'm the assistant security chief aboard the Station. Although I did spend about three years as an Enlisted Member. Guess I've spent enough time as an officer that it's hard to hide."

"You will always be the Cute Snow Bunny to me." He winked. "I hope that fits better? I like leaving ranks and other positions at the doors and just have some fun." Blue walked close and gazed into her eyes. "Just the two of us and the Holo program?"

"Cute Snow Bunny. I've had several nicknames in my career, but that's a new one."

She returned the Marine's gaze.
"Only one problem with that. You don't like the snow, and I've never been on a motorcycle across the desert."

"WE could always go to the one place a good Lodge has?" He joked. "What lodge in the cold does not have a good hot tub with some kind of drinks with umbrellas in it?"

It was an unexpected answer, but not one she was necessarily against.
"That can be arraigned. The nice thing about a holodeck resort, is I have a permanent room on reserve. Makes it easy to get changed,"

Blue Offered an arm as escort. "Lead the Way Milady." He said with a grin.



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