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Meeting the Marine

Posted on Tue Mar 20, 2018 @ 10:03am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue

1,012 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions


Alanna made her way to Marine Country to meet the new Marine CO. As she would be working with him on Pangaea, she wanted to talk to him and see how they could work together to learn where the different portals went.

Blue was near the a set of buildings, there was the sound of people at varied stages of physical training. Several of the Marines; four men and a woman were 'kissing pavement' doing push-ups as a means of getting a point home.

"Maybe a little extra physical activity would help you to loosen up a bit more?" Blue said as he walk along the line. "Now I like to have you hustle a bit more and strengthen those arms to be able to hold your rifles better." He told them.

A Marine female next to Blue nudged him and pointed in the approaching woman's direction.

"Okay Give Corporal Simms here twenty then run the drill again." Blue instructed and started over to meet the woman in Teal. "I am First lieutenant Gordon Blue." He stopped and took a relaxed Parade stance. "What brings you into our Country ma'am?"

"I'm the Chief Science Officer. We'll be working together on Pangaea."

"Simms, run the drill until the Sergent Major gets back." Blue nod to the female Marine. "Please we can talk in the office." He glanced around. "When they go through a drill it gets rather noisy around here." He nod and made a gesture towards some building away from this area of Marine Country. "So I see you get to play with the Possible Dante's Gates and we keep things contained?"

"Pretty much." Alanna followed him into the office. "We also get to work together to keep people from going in on their own. From what I've been told, there are a lot of people who want to colonize or exploit Pangaea."

"And it is always hard to tell the difference." Blue said as they walk. "The colonize to colonize or to exploit I mean." He added. "My Marines are there to make sure 'No 'unauthorized' entry into the gates. I will be imposing some strict security measures." He looked to the woman. "It might ruffle a few feathers if the Science people forget the procedures, I just mean to keep it secure for your studies SI thought I would apologize in advance."

"I'd rather ruffle some feathers than deal with the repercussions of someone getting through who shouldn't," Alanna said. "I've already dealt with one enterprising team. I don't want to deal with another."

"That is our job, as Marines we ruffle feathers and assure no one gets in where they should not be." He gave a sly grin. "We are experts and repelling boarders and such."

"Good," Alanna replied, smiling. "You'll need to be. I'm sure you've been briefed on Pangaea."

"Yes ma'am." Blue said as they came to his office and he allowed the lady to enter first. "You tell me your specific experiments and I will see you are protected as needed." He followed her.

The Office has some size a desk at the rear wall , Book shelves on the east and west walls with the exit on the south. In the center was a small table and four chairs; at present a Pot of Te and the 11 piece setting: 4 cups with saucers, the cream and sugar with a porcelain pot competing the set as a light steam came from the pot.

"Sorry, I was taught to be ready for guests when you are in command, so while not planning assaults I tend to have tea on tap. More caffeine than most coffees. " He gesture to the setting. "Please feel free to help yourself."

"Nice. Do you have herb tea?" she asked.

Blue opened a porcelain rectangular container of tea bags of different types. "I have a selection; often to match a mood from Herb tea to relax to some Blends that are higher in caffine than black coffee, there are three herbal types in the selection.

Alanna looked over the three herb teas and picked one. "Thank you. You have quite a variety. I find that herb teas can be quite relaxing, especially after a long day at work."

"After a day at work Tea is least on my mind, shower and hot soak, I like the Japanese Philosophy; shower to be clean then soak in hot water to loosen muscles." He shrugged. "It is nice to have someone other than a Marine for some conversation." Blue admitted. "Science is not my best suit but I am told I have a vocabulary so feel free to speak and I will ask if I do not get it on the first take?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Alanna said. "I usually just shower and move on. I don't take the time for a long soak. I'll remember that next time I have a rough day." She prepared her tea and added sugar, then said, "I don't know everything about science, either. I have a general background, and a specialty, but there's way too much for any one person to know it all."

Blue grinned. "It is good to meet someone with a strong Basis in Science that is not a 'Know it all' type." He meant it as a complement. "But I will bet latinum you know more than most?" HE sat back a bit. "May I ask the Specialty?"

"Archaeology, anthropology, and history," she said. "Not great in space, but I can be very useful planetside."

"As they say ' those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it." Blue remarked. "And I am not so sure it has no use in space; I hate having to repeat things myself."

"I think we'll work well together," she said, smiling.

"Yes ma'am, I think we will get along famously." Blue added.

Alanna stood. "It was nice meeting you, lieutenant. I'll let you get back to work."


1st Lt. Gordon Blue
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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