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Marine Fit Check

Posted on Tue Mar 20, 2018 @ 4:10am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue

747 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: MD04 09:00hrs


Gordon Blue is used to the stares he gets as he walks the corridors; being in uniform was easier; it made a statement that he is not some pirate trying to be under wraps out to spy on them and report to the Pirates; he would make sure to be seen in the uniform more. Though he also had to be aware of Terrorists; enamies of the Federation and other threats that all cloak themselves as 'Normal' people of the Galaxy.

He found no such people in his opinion as he made his way to the Sick Bay for his routine check in for the new assignment. He had his 'lid' on at the moment while moving between buildings, it was a little different on a station than a Star Ship; ship side the lid is not required, but a station is more like a city and technically a roof constantly over head. Individuals treated it like a city so to a Marine the rules applied.

Once through the 'Hatch' he had the Lid off and in hand as he glanced around for the Chief Doctor, asking a nurse did help him narrow the possibilities until he found her.

"Doctor Telamon." Blue stood at more of a Parade Rest than attention as he spoke. "I am First Lieutenant Gordon Blue, I believe I have an appointment ma'am for a fitness check?"

"Good morning First Lieutenant" Amia replied. "Do come in." she held out an arm towards a cubicle with a bio bed inside. "please take a seat on the bed and I'll set up your initial basic scans."

Blue stepped into the room while removing his jacket to be neatly placed on a chair near the Biobed as well as stripping off his tunic to leave only his Muscle shirt on as he climbed up onto the Biobed for what is a routine examination like the many he had endured through his Marine Career.

"Thank you for seeing me on short notice." Blue spoke. "I would like to be able to train my Marines and I thought it best to come voluntarily rather than being chased down?"

Amia smiled. "Good strategy First Lieutenant" she agreed and her fingers flashed over the LCARS of the control panel, initiating scans and starting a scroll up of the data they were producing.

"Everything by the book Ma'am." He replied with a passive expression.

Amia watched as the data was provided and the results rolled up. He clearly had some kind of biological intervention that chemically lowered his vulnerability to the attraction and presumably distraction of female pheromones which showed up but she didn't mention it as it wasn't part of his basic medical overview with regards to fitness and health in a generic sense.

He was clearly very fit and his muscles were dense, exaggeratedly so by general standards but again this was not anything that marked him at risk or not fully fit and healthy so again, it didn't flag up as a problem.

"All your tests are as you rightly suggest 'by the book' First Lieutenant." Amia declared as the last data was processed and stored. She took out a small datarod which she handed him.

"This contains the main details and your certification as clear and fit for duty. There is a larger, more detailed copy on your main records in the main Medical Central Database which will be uploaded to Starfleet as fits the regulations but if you need more assistance with copy records of detail transfers, those will be available to you either here or from the main Personnel Archives on Earth. I'm sure you already know all this but if you have any questions I am here to help." she said.

"I will try not to play too rough with my fellow Marines." Blue smiled as he accepted the data. "Thank you for your caring nature. And please do not take it personally if I am not here often, I do try to stay healthy as the Doctor often suggests."

"Well, you're doing a good job of it Lieutenant. A very good job." she smiled. "Keep up the good work."

Blue slipped off the table and gave her a salute. "Thank you ma'am , we do try to please."

"Good luck" Amia said as the marine left. "Nice man" she thought and went back to her work.

A JP Between:

Commander Amia Soren-Telamon


1st Lieutenant Gordon Blue
Marine Commanding Officer


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