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Hey, Good Lookin', What You Got Cookin'? - Part II

Posted on Fri Feb 6, 2015 @ 10:50pm by Tania & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Odessa & Alfrigg & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

1,421 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: The Veranda in the Bajoran Gardens
Timeline: MD 2/Lunchtime

[At another table]

Tianys wasn’t sure why she was in line. Her people ate very little solid food. Not that they couldn’t enjoy it, but too much would make her sick. But the line of people outside the small establishment indicated its importance, at least for now, and the proprietor of the Lotus Lounge was always interested in what people desired. It was, after all, her business to know. Of course, she catered to different desires than the stomach.

The green-skinned Rowa’ni with the flowing rose red hair that fell to her waist moved with the line into the restaurant. The gossamer thin, nearly transparent pale blue Tholian silk gown she wore flowed over her voluptuous figure, leaving little to the imagination. She liked the way the light fabric felt against her naked skin, but even that much clothing was more than she enjoyed wearing. Soon she would head back to her little den of iniquity, however, and be more comfortable. Her bare feet trod lightly on the grass and the air around her was filled with the enticing scent of flowers. Several nearby turned to stare, of course, but she only tossed them coy little smiles.

Not wanting to take up a full table for a mere appetizer, Tianys found a little one out of the way on the veranda, out under the open ‘sky’ of the arboretum where she could bask in the artificial sunlight, her green skin darkening as chloroplasts activated in the presence of the light.

"Can we squeeze in here?" Peridot asked, not least because she and her friend could see the table of pilots, in particular. "I *love* your dress by the way, lovely fabric."

Tianys turned her green eyes to the lovely blonde approaching her table, openly appraising the young Human’s beauty. “But of course,” Tianys said. “I do not need the whole table.” She stood and came around to pull the chair out for Peridot. She brushed against the woman and Peridot could feel the very soft silk of the expensive gown, and the firm yet yielding flesh beneath the material. Tianys’ flowery scent filled the air around them, firing their senses, sending warm trickles of pleasure along their nerves to pool in low, forbidden places.

"That's a lovely fragrance too. I... " Peridot glanced back across the room. Uh-oh, she thought, seeing first the Klingons and then Tam get to his feet. She put two and two together in an instant, and from what he had told her she could understand why.

[And in the Queue Again]

Edward bowed to the sylph-like creature that sat at one of the actual veranda tables and moved inside. He got to the head of the queue and smiled at the beautiful maitre'd. "Table for one, I'm afraid, though I'm happy to share."

Amused by his bow Tania looked him up and down. She noticed where he was looking, at the same time two ladies who had entered before him joined the one that seemed to have forgotten to put her clothes on.

There was still one seat at that table. "Why don't we seat you with those three ladies," she said. "I'm sure they'll appreciate your company.”

He would have preferred to be on the inside, able to watch the competition, but it wouldn't be gentlemanly, or polite, to refuse. "Thank you." He followed Tania to the table and took the menu. "Afternoon, ladies. I hope you don't mind me sharing."

"You're welcome," Stella said. She glanced at her friend Peridot, but her attention was elsewhere.

“Please,” Tianys gestured to the man, appraising him as well. A nice specimen. She smiled enticingly at him her scent tingling through him as well.

Edward pulled out the chair and sat, smiling around at his companions as they made introductions before getting down to looking at the exquisite menu. "Though even if this place is twice as good as the rumors, it’s still got its work cut out to compete with your company, ladies."

“Why, thank you, sir,” Tianys smiled, glancing briefly over the menu. It interested her little. She just didn’t have the stomach for much solid food, but there were a few appetizers that looked interesting.

Tam and his two compatriots were finally shown to a table. As the Betazoid sat, he looked around the Veranda, taking in the sight. As he scanned the room, his eyes fell upon Peridot. He grinned without realizing it as he looked into her eyes.

Okay, she'd sat here because she could see Tam, but when he noticed her he seemed to be looking right into her. She flushed a rather fetching shade of fuschia before grabbing the menu and holding it to obscure her glowing face.

"Angels one-five?" Munroe commented. "Or bandits at six o'clock?"

"Taking in the local scenery, are you?" Kyle asked Tam satirically. "There are rules against officer and enlisted fraternization, Captain Haican," he said jokingly, feigning concern.

Tam chuckled as he listened to his two new friends. "What?" he asked innocently. "She's not under my command...sooo...if something happens..." His words faded off as he smiled, allowing the idea of his statement be formed by the other two pilots sitting with him.

"...You'll crash and burn?" Munroe asked innocently

Tam couldn't help but laugh out loud at the joke. After a few seconds, he calmed down. "Thanks Munroe, it's been a long time since I laughed like that." He had decided that these two men were going to be very good for him. They might even become his new best friends...if they weren't careful.

One of the staff passed by with a tray and Munroe glanced enviously at the plates. The food just looked and smelt wonderful. A more detached observer might have thought the food looked disgusting, a half raw mix of badly chopped offal that gave off a putrid, rancid odor, but Munroe was salivating, waiting for his own meal to arrive.

[Back at another table]

Tianys noted the woman’s blush and followed her gaze to the young man. She smiled. “Ah, yes, he is quite an attractive male,” she said. “You wish to mate with him?” she asked. “Perhaps I can help. I am Tianys Dalav’ni, proprietor of the Lotus Lounge.” She offered her delicate hand in the Human way.

Peridot coughed, snorted, and laughed all at the same time. THAT was one hell of a direct question. "NOOO!" she said. "I hardly know him, I mean, I don't know. Maybe, if we hit it off."

“What is to know?” the green, floral-scented woman asked, the scent tempting and stimulating. “You are female, he is male, you are both highly attractive.” She gave the blonde Human an open, appreciative appraisal. “Why would he not wish to mate with you? And if he is reluctant…well, there are ways to make a male more pliant,” she smiled seductively.

Edward had worked with Yolanthe and Vedra long enough to be used to casual comments that treated men as something to merely use for pleasure, but it was still a surprise to hear it from other people. He blushed slightly and coughed pointedly. "Are you ladies ready to order?"

Peridot lowered her menu. "Yes, I will ..."

“t'Vaurek to Quirm. Be in my ready room in five. Out.”

She forced an awkward smile and glanced between them. "Tianys, Edward, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I hope we can catch each other again. I'm Peridot Quirm, the Captain's Yeoman, and she needs me now. I'm sorry to be so rude."

“Not at all. And please, if you wish something to aid in your efforts to mate with the attractive young male, stop by.” She handed Peridot a card for the Lotus Lounge. “Or I have other males that would be more than willing. Females, too.”

As she took it Peridot glanced at the card, "Errrm, thanks," she said feeling the heat in her cheeks again, "I'll er, let you know.


Peridot also cast an eye over her shoulder as she stepped down the wooden stairs. Her life felt so dull as her first foot fell back on the floor of DS5.


Ltjg Edward Snake-Eyes Munroe
Oak Squadron Leader

Tianys Dalav’ni
Proprietor of the Lotus Lounge
PNPC Caleb Ryan

Edward Stapleton
Manager, The Box of Delights
NPC by Yolanthe

One of the Fae
NPC by Yolanthe

Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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