
  • 9 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Aug 12, 2015 @ 2:51pm


Name Tania

Position Trans-Dimensional Alien Hunter

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Fae

Physical Appearance


Sister(s) Rusalka, Odette

Personality & Traits

Personal History The younger of the triplets and current co-Queen of the Fae. Tania and Odette overthrew their sister's rule but before they could destroy her, Rusalka escaped into another dimension with her followers.

Tania and Odette sent an army to hunt them down instructed to indulge their wildest whims to set the people of the new dimension against the fleeing trio.

Now the gateway that first opened ten thousand years ago has opened again allowing Tania and Odette through. They have challenged Rusalka to face them, determined to eradicate Rusalka's tyrrany forever.

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Personal Data [Admin Use Only]