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All the Fun at the Fair (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Nov 2, 2016 @ 4:32pm by Civilian Thereen Tera & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,372 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD 1 1830

Tera looked at the money curiously and then followed Liam inside. She turned around in a slow circle to take everything in, the bright lights, the tinny music, the smells, and lots of people. She spotted some kind of rotating device with garishly painted horses that went up and down on poles and played loud music. “How about that?” she asked, indicating the carousel.

Liam nodded and when the current ride stopped and people got off, they climbed on. "This is called a carousel. They date right back to Victorian times. Do you need a hand onto the horse?" he asked.

“Looks simple enough,” Tera said. She clambered up onto one of the horse and settled down.

Liam mounted his own wooden horse and grabbed the pole connecting it to the roundabout. It started off slow, music blaring, and then started to get faster and faster, moving them up and down on the horse as well. He couldn't quite tell if Tera was enjoying it.

Tera smiled, holding onto the pole tightly. The well-worn wooden saddle was smooth and slippery. She laughed a little, tossing back her long, black hair. Her large blue eyes shone as she looked over at Liam with a bright smile. “This is fun!” she said, looking up at them in a cheap mirror above.

"Glad to hear it." He grinned back at her. He pushed his empathic gifts out to catch her wonder and excitement at it. She really was enjoying it. The ride was beginning to slow down again. "Do you have anything similar in Bajoran fairs?" he asked as it came to a stop. Knowing from experience that you could be slightly disorientated getting off the horse, your body still thinking it was spinning, Liam dismounted first, making sure he was close enough to Tera to ensure she didn't fall if it got her.

Tera did stumble a bit as she got off, falling into Liam’s arms. She laughed with embarrassment and looked up at him with a smile.

“I have never been to one,” Tera admitted. “We never had them where I grew up. We were too busy scraping out a living.” She straightened herself up.

Liam nodded, feeling somewhat bad that his childhood had been a lot easier on him. "Well, let's try make up for that now," he suggested. "What's next?"

“What is that?” Tera asked, pointing to what looked to be a food stand, though not with any food she had ever known. She pointed to some fluffy pink something on a stick, as well as some kind of fried dough covered in a white powder that a fair-goer was receiving from the chef.

"Candy floss and doughnuts." Liam grinned. "Come on, you have to try them." He led her to the counter and ordered one stick of candy floss and a bag of the freshly made doughnuts. He pulled a bit of the pink fluffy treat off in his fingers to show her how you eat it. "Go on give it a go."

Tera pulled off a bit of the treat. It was light and delicate, and sticky. She put it in her mouth, where it melted almost immediately. Her large eyes widened further. “It is very sweet!” she said with surprise.

Smiling at her reaction, he reached over and wiped a tiny part of the sticky treat that she had managed to get on her cheek. He gave her the stick to hold and pulled out one of the doughnuts in the bag. "So with this one, the game is you have try eat a whole doughnut without licking your lips," he said, pulling one out and biting into it. Powdered sugar went all round his mouth. "It's a lot harder than it looks," he said.

Tera laughed. “Okay,” she said. “I can’t lick my lips.” She leaned in and ran her tongue over Liam’s lips. “Can I lick yours?” she asked playfully, and then took a bite of his donut.

His ears went slightly pink at the touch of her mouth suddenly on his, completely knocking his senses. "I think you already did," he grinned sheepishly. "Not that I am complaining."

"What do you think?" He held the doughnut up to her so she could have the last bite and watched amused as powdered sugar had managed to get in her hair, over her top, and down his shirt.

“Messy!” Tera said with a laugh, putting a hand to her mouth as she dribbled powdered sugar. “But good!” She licked her lips and smiled at him. “Very sweet.”

"Well, there's always that shower later." He grinned to show he was teasing her.

Tera grinned and stuffed candy floss in his mouth.

"So what's next? Fancy another ride? Go see the mysteries of the universe?" he indicated a large tent. "Have your fortune read?"

“Let’s go to the tent,” Tera said curiously. “What do you think is in there?” she asked, putting more pink fluff into her mouth. They passed another stand. “What are corn dogs?”

Ermmm...they’re kind of sausages on a stick covered in cornbread. I don't tend to eat them, but do you want to try one?" he offered as they headed in the direction of the tent.

“Sure. There’s a stand on the way,” Tera said, pointing to the food stand. She hopped up to the carney and got the corn dog with some yellow sauce on it before coming back to Liam. “He said it’s called...mustard?” she said. She took a bite. “’s good. I like the mustard. Not as spicy as hasperat, though,” she said with a smile, licking the yellow mustard from her full lips.

"Yeah, it's good," Liam agreed. "Nan makes her own. Grows the seeds in her herb garden. So," he laced her hand with his again and walked them in the direction of one of the tents. "Let's see what's in here."

They walked in and were suddenly surrounded by lots of mirrors. The mirrors all giving out different reflections of them. In one, Liam was stretched. Really tall, gangly, and thin. In another he was suddenly very obese. It was amusing. Tera's corn dog looked like she was holding a large yellow umbrella.

Tera jumped at first at the weird distortions, and then she laughed. “That’s funny!” she giggled, looking at the obese Liam. She slid a bit of the corn dog into her mouth, unconsciously evoking a very sexy image as her full lips wrapped around it.

"I shouldn't of had that donut," Liam quipped. He moved on a little as the next mirror showed his top half stretched and his hips and legs huge. "It's gone right to my hips."

Tera laughed. “I like your hips.” She turned in the mirror, showing off her enormous backside. “Does this make me look fat?” she asked, giggling.

Liam grinned. If ever there was a trap a women liked to lay. Playfully he said, "Not at all. It just magnifies your beautiful assets."

"Come on," he said, still laughing as her face dissolved into several more eyes and ears in the next mirror she walked past. The corn dog remnants multiplied several times too. He led her outside again and into the next tent in which an old lady was sat in colourful attire. "Ah, come for your fortune told, my lovelies? Madam Zelda is the best in the land." She smiled, raising her hand and pointing to a chair. Several bangles clinked on her arm. "It's one at a time. The lady first," she insisted.

On the table was a clear crystal orb and a pack of what looked like cards.

Liam cheekily stole the last of her corn dog out of her hand before planting a quick kiss on her lips. "I'll be outside."

“Okay…” Tera had suddenly grown more serious. She stared at the crystal orb on the table. Was that an Orb of the Prophets? She had only ever heard the stories, never actually seen one. This one didn’t have a relic case. Respectfully, Tera slipped onto the cushioned seat.


Lt. Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Thereen Tera
Bajoran shopkeeper
NPC Matthew


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