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All the Fun at the Fair (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Nov 2, 2016 @ 4:25pm by Civilian Thereen Tera & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Edited on on Wed Nov 2, 2016 @ 4:29pm

1,246 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: MD 1 1800

As the holodeck doors opened a sudden amount of green, brown, and blue sky filtered through. Liam led Tera inside. "This is an exact replica of where my grandparents still live," he said, nodding his head up. Her eyes followed his up a small incline to see a nice-sized house. "It's been passed down in my family for a long time. When we lived on Earth I spent a lot of time here," he told her, taking her in another direction.

Actually one day him, Jon, and his sister might inherit it. It might be a nice place to consider retiring too, he mused. Well, if he survived to retirement age. As they wandered further down the incline she could hear bubbling water and see a fence appearing with a rudimentary wooden concoction, which Liam suddenly released her arm and hopped over.

“It is very nice,” Tera said. “This is...Earth then?” she asked. “Not Betazed?” Tera considered the stile. She’d watched Liam cross it, so she stepped up. Sitting on the top rail, she swung her legs over. Overbalancing, she went tumbling into Liam’s arms, pressing against him, her full lips open in a bit of surprise.

“Thanks for catching me.” She smiled.

"Any time," Liam smiled enjoying the sudden closeness. Reluctantly he let her go again. "Its Earth yes. Betazed is also very nice. I will have to show you it sometime. Lots more blue and ocean where I am from."

As they went further, the source of the bubbling appeared in a small stream with stepping stones. The sun filtered through the treetops and it was very peaceful. Liam expertly hopped over the stones to the other side. "Nearly there," he said, grinning at her attempting the jumps.

This was a bit easier and Tera was glad for sensible shoes. “Were you waiting for me to fall in and get wet?” she asked him teasingly.

Liam laughed. "I didn't think of that, to be honest. Do you want to get wet?" he said playfully, scooping up a handful of the steam and coming towards her.

“Ah! No!” Tera exclaimed, laughing and backing away. She stepped on a slick rock, though, and went stumbling back, falling into the stream and getting soaked anyway. At least the stream was more rocky than muddy and the water was very clear and clean.

"Oh no," Liam said, dropping the water and walking to help her. He crouched down. "I didn't mean for that to happen. Are you okay?”

Tera laughed. “I’m fine,” she said. And then she grabbed Liam and pulled him down into the stream with her. It wasn’t deep enough to dunk him, but he would be just as wet as she was!

He wiped his face and said, "Sneaky," before pulling her up again with a good humoured smile. "But not without its merits. You got some on your front too," he said appreciatively. Her already tight top was clinging to her more now from the water.

Tera blushed, tugging a bit at her wet top. “Good thing it’s warm and sunny so we’ll dry,” she said with a smile. She didn’t seem at all offended he was checking her out.

He reached out and gently brushed a strand of her hair out of her eyes. "You do look good wet though." He grinned cheekily before leaning in and stealing a kiss.

Tera smiled against his lips. “Then you should see me in the shower,” she teased.

"Mmmmm," Liam muttered back. "If that's an invitation for sometime, count me in."

“We shall see,” Tera smiled, pulling away again and getting back onto the path.

Finally after a short walk down a well-worn wood chip path the trees cleared and they were at the bottom of a valley. To the right was a small village, but the fields immediately before it were set out with lots of stalls, some tents, and large constructions. Old looking ones. That were moving around and around. Liam laced his hand with hers and squeezed gently, walking her towards them. "What do you fancy first?" he asked.

Tera’s eyes widened a bit. “ it?” she asked, glancing at the strange machines. “Are” She looked skeptical, squeezing back on his hand and moving a bit closer to the handsome diplomat. Odd, tinny music was playing from somewhere.

"That is an old timey rollercoaster. And all the safeties are on, on the program. I would never put you in any harm," he said softly. "Do you want to try it?"

“Oh, I know you wouldn’t, Liam,” Tera said, pushing back a bit of wet hair from her face. “I was just surprised. I...haven’t seen anything like this before,” she said with a smile.

"Yeah, I bet it's quite strange to you, but it will be fun, I promise," he told her. "If you're not ready for something like that yet we could try one of the games or look around the stalls and tents. Or get some food. Or I can try win you a giant bunny." He pointed his arm in the direction of a stall with things stacked in a pyramid. "Whatever you want, Tera."

“A giant...bunny?” She looked over to see a stack of large stuffed animals and laughed. “This is a strange place,” she smiled. “We best save the bunny for last, though, or we will be dragging that thing around all day! What do you like to do at these kinds of places?” she asked him.

"Good thinking," Liam said. He hadn't thought of that, lugging a huge stuffed toy around. "I like the ghost train," Liam answered. "And the food. My granddad always used to swear by the fortune teller."

“You have an Orb of Prophecy?” Tera asked with surprise.

"Oh no, well, not quite," Liam said, not quite sure how to explain that. "Well, the fortune teller is a person, and sometimes they kind of use an orb. We call it a crystal ball. Sometimes they use cards. Do you want to see?"

“I want to see everything,” Tera nodded. “I’ve read about festivals, on Bajor, but not like this.” She looked around as they walked up to a booth with a man in it. He was giving out long strips of paper in exchange for other pieces of paper given by the people in line. It was odd, to say the least.

"Tickets," Liam explained. "You pay for tickets. And then use them to play the games and go on the rides. Yep," he fished around in his jeans for the note his granddad had given him. It worked with the programme, and when you ended it you got it back.

"This is Old Earth money." He showed her, turning it round so she could see the faces of two historical figures. "This is King William the 12th from the UK's monarchy, and this chap, he invented transwarp technology. He was British, so they happily put him on some of the last notes that were printed."

Liam handed it to the man and was given a wad of tickets in return. He split them in half and handed Tera some, then grabbed her hand again and walked them further into more stalls and tents. "Ladies choice," he indicated, curious to see her reactions at everything.


Lt Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Thereen Tera
Bajoran shopkeeper
NPC Matthew


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