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Got a New Job For You

Posted on Mon Nov 7, 2016 @ 4:11pm by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,277 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: School locker room
Timeline: MD02 1800


“See you later, Zandra.”

“Later, Katyin,” Aleczandra said to her Bolian teammate. Pareesis Squares practice had been especially brutal today. Zandra was currently the last one left in school locker room, having had to talk to the coach about possibly getting assigned a new position. It was something she’d picked up while on Leto and she was glad the school had a few teams.

Aleczandra peeled off her practice uniform and tossed it in the reclamator to be recycled, then peeled off her bra and panties before heading to the shower. The water felt good on her aching and bruised muscles. She ducked her rainbow head under the shower and washed her hair, then just stood there enjoying the hot water.

"Hello, Naquiis." Around the side of the shower stall came a blond head, hair bound in a thick plait. Hex. The symbiont was closer to a parasite, totally in charge of the body it inhabited. "Who's in charge of the meat suit tonight?"

“Holy shit!” Alexzandra jumped, quickly trying to cover her naked teenage body with an arm across her chest and a hand at her nethers. “Fuck! What are you doing here!” she exclaimed, water cascading down over her naked form.

Hex chuckled. "Relax, honey buns. And trust me, I've worn every combination of colour, shape, and size of private parts a Trill can have. Including one girl who started out as a boy. You have nothing I haven't seen, and even less that I'd get excited about."

Aleczandra gaped and then glowered. “Well, way to make a girl feel appreciated,” she muttered, contemplating just how to shut the water off while keeping covered. Kinony’s comfortability with nudity won out, though, and the teenager just reached out and shut it off.

“What do you want?” Zandra asked, grabbing her towel and starting to dry off. “You want to talk to Juheni?” she asked with a sigh.

Hex looked the girl over, in almost direct contravention of her earlier statement. "It's not you, honey queen. When this is all over, you can ask Juheni about what floats my boat. But for now, take a nap. The grown ups need to talk."

Zandra frowned, wrapping the towel around her waist. “What are you going to ask him to do…” Her voice trailed off as her eyelids sagged. She stumbled slightly and put her hand out against the locker to steady herself. The fit passed in only a moment and her whole body shivered, eyes lighting up.

“Hello again, beautiful,” Zandra said, stepping up close to Hex, pressing her lithe young teenage body, wrapped only in a towel, against the other Trill. “Reconsider my offer?” she smiled.

Hex looked unimpressed. "Juheni, the moment I'd be interested in fucking that body, you'd already be long gone. And neither of us want that."

“Your loss,” Aleczandra said, dropping the towel as she went back to the locker.

"What I want is someone to get the boy from the Box of Delights somewhere nice and quiet where my boys can take over and put him somewhere safe whilst I get ready to move house."

“Your boys can’t do something that simple?” Zandra asked, pulling on some panties. “Though he admittedly was very good. I wouldn’t say no to another romp with him, though,” she mused with a smile. “It will cost you, though,” she said, tossing her rainbow hair as she looked over her shoulder at the beautiful, dangerous Trill.

Hex shrugged. "I was expecting nothing less. What do you want?"

Aleczandra tilted her head, thinking. She pulled out a bra and pulled it on. “Contacts,” she finally said. “I want back in. I’m bored as shit out here. I’m a hundred years dead, and so is everyone I know in the Syndicate. I want to work again, feel hot blood on my hands, the thrill of the hunt. I need introductions.” She looked down at the young teenage body that belonged to the daughter of a Starfleet security chief. “I need someone to take me seriously.”

"Syndicate doesn't have much of a presence here. Never had, really, but there's some other players about. I can play cocktail hostess if you need. But it means keeping missy out after her bedtime, so you better set up some good excuses with daddy dearest. Last thing we need is security officers coming to bust you for breaking curfew." Hex was trying and failing to keep the laughter out of her face.

Aleczandra glared at Hex a bit. “Daddy dearest still thinks I’m his little angel,” she said. “It won’t be a problem.” She tugged on a pair of tight jeans over her hips. “In the meantime, I’m planning a little...revenge,” she said with a wicked smile, tossing her rainbow hair back from her face.

"Revenge?" Hex raised a blonde eyebrow. "On whom?"

Aleczandra eyed Hex. Could he trust her? Well, they held enough information on each other. “That Ferengi,” Aleczandra said with a shrug. “The ambassador’s assistant. I hear the dark thoughts in her head, the nightmares. I figure I’d do something about it.” She grinned wickedly and pulled a pair of wrist bracers from the locker. There were two small knives in sheaths on the insides. Aleczandra flipped one out and through it with enough force to stick it into the wall beside Hex’s head.

She reached up, unperturbed, and tugged it out of the dividing wall. "Well, one of those should give someone earache. But not like you to play the dark knight. Since when did you care about your replacements?"

Aleczandra sneered a bit and took back the knife. “Let’s just say Zandra wasn’t the only one had to sit through Kinony’s little aural fallatio. I don’t particularly like Ferengi on the best of days -- unless they’re paying me. Besides, it’s a loose end. I clean it up, people might stop poking around the girl about it.” She shrugged. “Plus I want to see just how rusty I am using a soft target.” She spun the blade through her fingers before sheathing it at her wrist again.

Hex considered this, and accepted it with a shrug. "Well, if you can keep your murder spree until our business is concluded, I'd appreciate it. Don't want your therapy getting in my long term plans."

Aleczandra sighed. “Fine, I’ll wait,” she pouted. “I’m getting bored, though. Your boy will be a good distraction again,” she mused. “When do you want to do this?”

"As soon as possible," Hex told him. "I have a few little rituals I like to go through when I move meat suits, and they take a while, and I want to change bodies soon. There's a nasty wind in the air, and I think it's time to find somewhere better suited to a quiet life."

Aleczandra nodded, considering. “Tonight?” she offered. “I have control now, so let’s act while I’m not fighting the bitch. And no school tomorrow. I could go in a couple hours before closing, catch his attention, see if he wants a rematch.”

"Works for me. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to see you. It's going to be the last sex he enjoys ever again."

“I’ll make sure it’s extra enjoyable,” Aleczandra said with a grin, pulling a shirt on over her head, fluffing out her rainbow hair. “I’ll contact you when he’s ready for delivery,” she said.

"Excellent. Then we'll go make you some friends."



Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis


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