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Totally Recalled

Posted on Fri Sep 30, 2016 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant JG Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

447 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Chief Engineer's office
Timeline: MD 3 0015


"Hey... remember how I said I was supposed to be on a fact finding mission?" An'ta asked, poking his head into Rhe'la's office.

The engineer slowly lowered the PADD she'd been reading. "Why do I get the feeling one of us is in trouble? Probably both."

Her cousin shook his head. "No, you're fine. In fact your name didn't come up. Captain Stern just contacted me over subspace and wanted to know what I was doing here. I told him I had a family emergency and... that didn't go over well. The Romulans were expecting me and don't take kindly to being stood up. I may have kind of inadvertently created an interstellar incident..."

"Should I be expecting a Romulan task force to come in shooting?"

"Eh... not quite that bad. But the Captain has seen fit to reassign me. I'm getting out of that desk job!"

Being the more pragmatic of the two, Rhe'la just observed her cousin for a moment. He couldn't possibly think this was going to go well for him, could he? He obviously wasn't seeing the forest through the trees. "Might I ask where?"

Pulling a PADD from his belt, the male gave a cursory read. "Amphitrite. Strategic Operations Officer on Triton Seabase." Looking up with a puzzled look in his eyes, he remarked, "That has to be a typo, right? Triton starbase - that's what it should say, right?"

An'ta's aversion to water was well known enough that it was documented in his personnel file. Now Rhe'la was seeing how Captain Stern was getting his retribution, and she almost felt bad for her cousin. But, she wanted him to come upon the realization on his own, so she ran with it. "Yeah... must be a clerical error. I'm sure it's a starbase and not some planetary facility in the middle of an ocean."

"Yeah, must be. I mean - we're in Starfleet, not Seafleet. Why would Starfleet have a seabase?" An'ta reasoned.

"So I guess I'll have to take over any dealings with the Cardassians until Grandfather gets here? Since I presume that you'll have to ship out immediately?"

An'ta nodded. "Captain Stern made that pretty clear. The longer I'm here the more trouble I'm in. So I'm headed to the docking bay now. Just stopped in to let you know."

"Send me a message once you're settled in on the starbase." Rhe'la tried her hardest not to laugh, and more or less succeeded.

Lt. JG Rhe'la, Daughter of the Forty-ninth House
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

Lt. JG An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House (NPC)
Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Director for the Bolian Sector
Starfleet Strategic Command


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