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Fri Sep 22, 2017 @ 9:15am

Lieutenant JG Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

Name Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Zarnac
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 1.26 meters
Weight 45 kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Reptilian, with green/brown scales. She has a short tail and a short snout, and her body is slung slightly forward. She has sharp claws on her hands and feet. Due to an inability to tolerate an Earth-normal temperature, she always wears a specially designed environmental suit under her uniform.


Other Family Cousin: Lt. (JG) An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House
Grandfather: Canum Nara, Leader of the Forty-ninth House

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Remarkable technical aptitude

Much shorter than most in Starfleet. Inability to survive in Earth normal environment without special heat suit (the Zarnac come from an extremely arid world, and would freeze in our environment without protection). Has some trouble with the standard Federation spoken language (she sometimes doesn't catch on to Human idioms). A bit timid when the focus is on her.

Languages: Zarnac. Federation Standard.
Ambitions To live her life honorably and to one day teach at Starfleet Academy. She would also like to see her home world one day, but knows that the chances of that are extremely slim.
Hobbies & Interests Reading technical manuals. Has recently taken up sewing (with limited success).

Personal History Rhe'la was hatched at a remote Zarnac colony on Deridous IV. So remote, in fact, that it isn't an actual Imperial colony.

The Deridous IV colony was founded by the exiled Forty-ninth House some time in the 2330s. The House was sent into exile after their leader, Canum Nara, refused a direct order to destroy a transport carrying political prisoners and blame its destruction on a rival power. Fleeing for their lives, the Forty-ninth House settled on the then uninhabited Deridous IV and used the cloaking device from Nara's ship to hide their settlement (lest the Empire discover them).

Nearly fifty years passed, and the "uninhabited" planet of Deridous IV was chosen as the site for a Federation colony. The Zarnac observed with great interest from behind their cloaking field, wondering what would happen if they were discovered. It would not take long to find out. Less than a year after the first colonists arrived, the cloaking field began emitting radiation - not enough to kill, but it did serve to sterilize many of the Zarnac. They had no choice - for the sake of their own survival, they dropped the cloak and ask for help from the Federation.

Little did they realize, but it would bring them face to face with another Zarnac - Lieutenant Drakt, Son of the Thirty-first House, who served as Chief of Security on the USS Hyperion. With help from the crew of the Hyperion and the local Starfleet garrison, the sterility was reversed and the cloak was repaired. Though the secret of their existence was now known to Starfleet, they returned to hiding.

Even before revealing themselves, Rhe'la dreamed of leaving the colony and travelling the stars. But, even without the risk of drawing the Empire to her family's location, she was needed for her technical aptitude. Indeed - by the time the cloak began to fail, she had been serving as one of the senior engineers under lead technician Zolak (a close friend of her grandfather).

She practically begged her grandfather and parents for permission to leave the colony on the Hyperion. They were hesitant, but after assurances from Drakt and Hyperion commanding officer Captain O'Halloran that Rhe'la's origins would not trace back to Deridous, she was allowed to go.

Once aboard the Hyperion, Rhe'la set straight to work studying Starfleet technical schematics in preparation for entering the Academy. Though Drakt would ultimately serve as her sponsor, she spent most of her time working with Ensign Steve Wyman - one of the junior engineers and Drakt's best friend.

When Drakt was transferred to Starfleet Intelligence, Rhe'la remained aboard the Hyperion to continue her studies in safety. But upon his assignment as garrison commander on Deridous IV, she returned with him to her birthplace. To protect her house from detection, she remained secluded in an apartment in the main settlement. When the Empire invaded Deridous in 2380, she escaped into the jungles; hiding until Starfleet liberated the planet.

The following year, Rhe'la entered Starfleet Academy. She had expected the typical Academy life as described to her by several officers during her time on the Hyperion, but that would not be the case. During her junior year, she was pulled from class and assigned to a covert ops team aboard the USS Tokyo. As one of only four Zarnac in Starfleet, she (along with Drakt, Major Drant, and her cousin Ensign An'ta) was tasked with infiltrating a massive Zarnac base on Magnack III in the Romulan Neutral Zone.

This mission was ultimately a failure, and while Drakt and Tokyo commanding officer Rear Admiral Goddard took the blame, Rhe'la was quietly returned to the Academy to resume her training. She diligently caught up on the work she missed and graduated with her class in 2385.

She had hoped to be given a deep space assignment upon graduation, and was noticeably confused to find herself posted to Starfleet Security. When she reached Starfleet Security HQ, Drakt was waiting for her, and quietly directed her to Starfleet Intelligence.

Despite their failure on Magnack, SFI's Zarnac Operations Division had quietly put together a team of agents for the very real possibility of having to infiltrate the Zarnac Empire. To avoid suspicion, the team was designated as being a Starfleet Security team, and most of its operations involved work within the Federation itself. Rhe'la was assigned as the team's engineering officer.

Following a terrorist attack on Starbase Protector in 2389, Team 7 was dispatched to assist in recovery efforts and the investigation into the attacks. Once the perpetrators were apprehended, Drakt was offered the position of Chief of Intelligence for the base. Rhe'la subsequently accepted a position in the starbase's engineering department. Early the following year, Starfleet would be forced to abandon the base, and a large portion of the crew (Rhe'la included) would transfer to the USS Cavalry.

About a year later, Rhe'la found herself offered the chief engineer position on Deep Space 5 (having been recommended for the job by Steve Wyman, who was vacating the post). She was utterly flabbergasted and was ready to turn down the job. But, her crew mates on the Cavalry talked her into taking the posting.
Service Record 2381: Entered Starfleet Academy. Major in Structural Engineering Systems and minor in Theoretical Hull Design
2383: Temporary assignment to USS Tokyo
2384: Resumed Academy coursework
2385: Graduated Academy 90th out of class of 192. Assigned to Starfleet Security Rapid Reaction Team 7 as engineering liaison
2389: Transferred to Starbase Protector upon dissolution of Team 7. Assigned as Structural/Environmental Systems Engineer
2390: Transferred to USS Cavalry. Assigned as Structural/Environmental Systems Engineer
2392: Promoted to Assistant Chief Engineer
2392: Transferred to Deep Space 5 and named Chief Engineer
2393: Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Security Clearance Beta-Two
Duty Shift Alpha Shift

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters Deck 24, section 33
Office Chief Engineer's office, deck 1149