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Into the Fold

Posted on Fri Sep 30, 2016 @ 11:39pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Bajoran Embassy
Timeline: MD03- 1200Hours

After mulling over his interaction with Hydel Turvan, Antos decided it was time to speak with the Federation Diplomatic Officer. Wanting to remain close in case word came in from the search party, Vedek Krell invited the Lieutenant to join him at the Embassy and thought they might take a walk on the Holoterrace.

Liam hadn't been expecting an invitation to the Bajoran Embassy but it was nice non the less. He walked along the deck and entered the building to be greeted by a young lady with the same colorings of Tera. "The Vedek is on the holoterrace. Just this way," she announced leading him to a very picturesque terrace.

"Lieutenant Reynolds for you Your Eminence," she said bowing slightly to Antos.

Krell smiled at the young woman. "Thank you my child. Walk with the Prophets." He said, dismissing her. The Bajoran turned his attention to Reynolds as she left them alone. "I'm happy you could see me of such short notice Lieutenant." He contemplated his words. "There has been an incident."

Liam nodded sensing the mans serious emotions from whatever this incident is. "What's happened Ambassador?"

Krell sighed a quiet sigh, "While the investigation is ongoing, it appears a Bajoran vessel was attacked and destroyed by a Cardassian vessel in the area." The Vedek lowered his head. "As of now, there are only two known survivors."

Liam opened his mouth stunned, he had certainly not been expecting to be told that. "I am so sorry. That's terrible. My condolences to you and the families of the crew."

"Do you know which Cardassian vessel and are the survivors safe in your custody?" Liam asked knowing this was going to have to be reported to security and Ops. "Have you spoken to the Cardassian Ambassador? Is there any reasoning as to what was behind this attack? What can I do to help?"

The Bajoran tried to keep track of the slew of questions. "Starfleet has been wonderful in assisting in this matter so far. One of the survivors in currently recovering in the Station's sickbay, and the other is assisting in the search operations of the wreckage." The Vedek shifted. "I went to speak with Hydel Turvan, but found it of little help. Perhaps pressure from both of us will get us the answer's we need."

Liam was not surprised at all at the Ambassador stating Turvan had been of little help. He couldn't imagine he would be any more forthcoming with him but he had to try. He nodded. "I'll can try speak to him. Has Federation security been able to speak with the survivor in Sickbay? If not can that be arranged?"

"I'm not sure if they have or not. They have been quite diligent in the process, I assume if the haven't they'll do so soon." The Bajoran crossed the Terrace and sat on a stone bench.

Liam made a note to speak with Chief Ryan also. "Is there anything further I can do for you Ambassador?"

The Vedek raised his hand to his ear and grasped it firmly. "It is in the hand's of the Prophets now." He said, staring off into the holographic scenary.

Liam knew of the Bajoran custom to grab ears but had never experienced it until now. He wondered what he was reading off him.

"Resiliant Pagh." whispered Antos. He lowered his hand and looked directly at Liam. "When you go to speak with Ambassador Turvan I would appreciate if I might send First Secretary Li Kaya with you and perhaps Major Cenn. " He paused, realizing the Lieutenant probably was not entirely aware of who they were. "First Secretary Li is the Embassy's new Consul-General and the Major is my Security Head and Military Advisor."

Standing the Vedek let out a small groan. "I would like to have them there, and I think they can be of some help." He turned away from Liam and started towards the archway that led back into the Temple level of the Embassy. He stopped in his path, and returned his gaze to Reynolds. "The Prophet's tell us that; openmindedness reveals the enemy." He shrugged and continued his slow stride.

Liam wasn't quite sure what to respond to that. His knowledge of the Prophets and their sayings was limited. He merely smiled. "Okay Ambassador."

Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Republic

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds


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