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Posted on Wed Nov 2, 2016 @ 11:13am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Ensign Korudos th'Razh

797 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Chief Science Officer's Office
Timeline: Between Interlude And Rumors MD 01


Cade Aldrex was passing by the science lab spaces when he spotted Korudos in his new office, looking deep in thought about something. He backed up and knocked gently on the door jamb. "Hey, getting settled in all right?"

Korudos looked up from his desk where he had been going over reports on the present he had been left by Engineering a few days ago. He was needing to finalize his notes on it so that he could move onto preparing for the upcoming mission but now standing right in the entrance to his office was the man he had been hoping to see. "Commander, please come in. I was meaning to come and see you this morning." The Andorian Science Officer said as he stood up and went over to greet the Stations Executive Officer.

"Do you have a moment to talk? I've been meaning to discuss the mission to Pangea with you some more." Korudos asked. His face showed a hint of frustration as he mentioned the planets name.

"Sure," Cade said, coming through the door. He pulled up a chair and sat. "What's on your mind?"

Following the Commander's lead Korudos returned to his desk but say next to the Commander rather than across from him. He grabbed the most recent information on the away mission and handed it to him. "I don't understand where the idea came from that we needed to bring all these people after I proposed we only being a small group due to the risks. I understand I'm the new officer here but scientifically speaking this planet poses as much of a risk for exploration as an enemy vessel does suddenly decloaking by our docking ports."

Aldrex nodded his understanding. "Yes, very risky. I'm keenly aware of them every time I send people down there. Make no mistake about that. What size of away team did you have in mind?"

Tapping his fingers on his desk, the Andorian Ensign took the chance to consider his response carefully. "To be honest Sir? After heading read the previous missions reports and synopsis on the planet I wouldn't send more than five people down at one until we have a full understanding of the risks and safe zones. Sending so many senior officers down you run the risk of a temporal portal opening and then boom, everyone is lost somewhere or some when."

"Yeah, that can happen," Cade said, nodding slowly. It already had happened. Lieutenant Zayna Malik had been left behind on an uncharted planet, possibly never to be seen again. Yet the others with her, including the Klingon and Cardassian ambassadors, had been rescued by the arrival of armed Starfleet officers through the portal. In th'Razh's defense, he probably hadn't seen that particular mission report yet. "Strength in numbers also has its benefits, don't you think?" Cade asked.

"They can, yes" Korudos replied, still weighing the situation. He still felt like the whole show off this planet and it's history want known to him and that worried him. Sure he was excited beyond measure for the chance to explore the possibilities it held but at the same time he knew the dangers of anything temporal. Whether anyone else knew that fact was another matter. "The truth is Sir what we're dealing with is a catch twenty two. More bodies means greater exploration potential but at the same time the risks can't be ignored in such a unique situation."

"I wouldn't say we're ignoring them. I consider the risks carefully when planning away missions. So does the captain. Also, we've been mandated by Starfleet Command to learn as much as we can before other parties start staking claims. I think everyone we've assigned to planetside missions accepts the risk as part of the job." He shrugged and added, "maybe even looks forward to the challenge."

It was obvious this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere in his favor and that the decision had already been made so Korudos ceded to the fact. "I understand Sir. Thank you for at least hearing me out. Is there more information that can be shared once we're back from this mission so I'm a little more prepared? I'd love to see all the data and any records on the planet besides the critical overview I was given."

"Sure. There's still stuff from our people coming in, and we're now getting reports from other landing parties down there. I'll make sure it's forwarded to you."

"Thank you Commander. I suppose I should gather my gear then and prepare for departure here soon." Korudos responded. Standing up the Andorian offered a very light smile and extended his hand in thanks.

"Good luck, Ensign."


Cmdr. Caden Aldrex

Ens. Korudos th'Razh
Chief Science Officer


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