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Slippery Slope

Posted on Thu Sep 1, 2016 @ 10:03pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Selah Zanaz

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: 0330 Hours

It didn't take long at all for Selah to find a willing sponsor to help her drown her sorrows. She laughed at his jokes, she touched him to make a more intimate connection and he was very eager to keep ordering her drinks. It was just what the doctor ordered. Fuck that Andorian She thought to herself as she slammed back another shot of a non-descript alien alcoholic beverage. She was able to make this man shell out for the real stuff, none of that synthehol nonsense. Though she was sure he wouldn't be able, or willing, to pay for her fare back home.

"How about we take this party somewhere a bit more private?" The human man with dirt blond hair leaned in a little closer to whisper into her ear. He probably liked his chances with the rather young looking Betazoid whose hair was even messier than his own.

Selah took a moment to settle her gaze on him, the dark black orbs peering into his shadowy green ones.
"Sure... why not." She laughed again and ruffled his hairs with her hand.
"Lead the way!" She added with a grand gesture as she tried to get up. The confined space, the getting up too fast and the alcohol, probably more the alcohol than anything else, made her stumble. She lost her balance and was unable to catch herself before she violently collided with the table in the booth. It knocked the wind right out of her.
"AU!" Selah yelped loudly, stopping herself from throwing up due to the impact.
"Fuck! Shit!" She added for good measure.

"Hold on there, Zsara, are you okay?" Her alcohol provider stepped closer to her and tried to help her up from the table. He seemed worried for her, though it wasn't clear for what reason.

"I don't need your help. I'm fine." It had taken Selah a moment to remember that she had introduced herself to him as Zsara. It didn't make a difference. By the time he woke up tomorrow she'd be gone.
Six years of your life... She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and winced as she stood up, crashing into the table was quite a sobering experience. She stumbled closed to him, a pang of pain shooting through her side. She was happy the alcohol dulled most of it. Her hand was now on his shoulder, leaning down.
"I'll be fine." She smiled weakly.
"Now where is this private party I'm invited to?"

The man seemed relieved that she was still able to walk and gladly wrapped an arm around her to escort her out of the club and towards his quarters on the station.
"Just take it easy, I'll make sure we get there."

It took them the better part of twenty minutes to get to the residential area where the man's quarters were. Selah was breathing more heavily now. The pain in her side hadn't subsided.
"Are we there yet?" She asked, making sure she sounded audibly tired.

"Yes, yes, just around this corner." The eager blondie picked up the pace slightly to get to his doorstep. Once there he fumbled a bit with the access code to unlock the door.

Selah yawned and stepped into the room. It wasn't much to look at, this man was probably just travelling through and hadn't really planned on staying here for an extended period of time. There were three bags in the corner that remained unpacked. They were right next to the bed. The room was not divided by any walls. A small couch and coffee table were at the centre and on the other end of the room was a counter top with a replicator. A door next to it would probably lead to a small bathroom. She pointed at the bed, but remained silent.

The guy was all to eager to help her into the bed and started to kiss her, his hands getting a lot more adventurous now that they were in the safety of his room.

As his face came close to hers Selah withdrew a bit. "Oof, what did you have for dinner?"

He frowned, stopped with his advances, and breathed into his own hand to check his breath.
"Some sort of pasta, I don't know."

"Could you please brush?" Selah smiled a bit tiredly, leaning in to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Hurry back" She whispered in his ear seductively when she got close enough.

Leaving her in the bed the man rushed off in the direction of the bathroom.

Selah took the opportunity to quickly settle into the bed, pulling the summer dress off over her head, throwing it over the nearby chair and curling up in the corner of the bed. She closed her eyes. She was pretty good at pretending to be asleep, it normally only took about a minute and a half before her suitor gave up. She added a small drunken snore to complete the ruse. Still fully aware and alert so she could jump and kick and scream if the guy tried anything with her in this state.

It was only a short time before the man was ready. His short elation at the dress draped over the nearby chair faded quickly as he heard the snore coming from the girl on top of the bed sheets.
"Shit." He ran his hand through his hair, wondering what he should do. Slowly shook his head and stepped up to the bed, putting some covers over Selah her barely dressed form.
"Good night, Zsara." He smiled a bit at the young woman.

Grumbling a bit and shifting to get settled under the covers Selah had to suppress a smug smile, she still knew how to find the right guys. Free drinks, free lodging and tomorrow morning a free breakfast. After all that crap they pulled on her back home this seemed like a pretty good deal.
You deserve this one night of your old life She lied to herself as she drifted off into an actual sleep.


Selah Zanaz
"I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith, you sell your soul to the devil."


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