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Survivor's Vendetta: The Hunt Begins

Posted on Sun Sep 4, 2016 @ 11:01am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,567 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Verex III
Timeline: MD 1-20 1130 local time


The bandages had finally come off and Xiona now nervously waited for Willets' bimbo 'assistant' to bring her a mirror. She'd never been vain, probably the one character flaw she didn't possess, but she had always known she was beautiful and wanted desperately to remain such. She'd have been less nervous if the doctor Willets hired hadn't lost his medical license for being a drunk and killing a five year old patient but, for gangsters, these were often the kinds of people you had to trust; it wasn't like you could just walk into the clinic, after all. She sighed loudly, that silly little bitch was taking forever, and snarled, "Hey, Kel, tell your bimbo to get out from under the desk and move it!"

Sitting in a leather recliner in his outer office, Willets could only sigh and shake his head, "She's coming, Xi." He answered, noting that for some reason she could not stand his assistant, Debby, ~Must be the name....~ He swiveled in his chair to face 'Doctor' Buell, who had arrived this morning already loaded after drinking his breakfast, "So, she gonna like what she sees, Steve?" He asked bluntly, "You know if she doesn't there's gonna be hell to pay."

"Don't worry, Kel!" Buell laughed confidently, "This is some of my best work ever. She's just cranky because I started weening her off of her pain meds the other day and she's a little sore. You see, it's very important to get a patient off of the pain meds as quickly as possible because...."

"Okay, Steve, stop." Willets laughed, "This ain't country club medicine, okay? Just as long as she comes out looking pretty and doesn't feel the need to skin us both I'm satisfied." In spite of his many failings as a doctor and a person, Willets knew Buell to be an extremely competent, even gifted doctor, though, much to Willets' chagrin, he never quite seemed to grasp the reality of his new situation, ~Frackin' boozehound thinks he's still working the royal pains set.~

Debby Roland, Willets' assistant and sometimes lover, finally made her way into Xiona's room, "I'm soooooo sorry I took so long, Xi! When I went to get my mirror I figured 'Why not get your makeup, Debs?' so that way I could help you get hot before you leave the room!"

"How thoughtful." Xiona replied, the bimbo meant well, even if she was as vapid as they made them, ~Probably an intellectual blackhole, sucking IQ points off of everyone who gets too close.~

With a broad smile Debby brought the mirror to Xiona's eye level, ''Doctor Steve did such an awesome job, Xi!" She grinned, "You look so hot!"

For once the bimbo was absolutely right, Xiona concluded with a happy smile, she'd never been more beautiful, "Debs, after we get done here I need you to go out and get my Doctor a case of whatever he wants to drink, the good stuff, call it a tip."

"No problem." Debby said, moving to start putting foundation on Xiona's face, "Wonder if he can do breast aug for me?"

"I'm sure he can." Xiona replied, hiding her annoyance well as Debby put the cool, soft makeup on her face with a gentle motion, ~Ye gods this woman is dumb. Draxx would probably love her. Need to run him down when this is over, make sure he doesn't plan on being a nuisance.~

Over the next hour Debby continued glamourizing Xiona's face, droning on and on about subjects the blonde Orion couldn't have given a damn about on a bet, but Xiona listened anyway, she didn't really have a choice. After the hour in the makeup chair, Debby brought her a selection of clothes to choose from, causing Xiona to feel a little maudlin as she remembered her favorite outfit had been destroyed in Carlov's raid, ~Yeah, and the rest of your stuff when the house collapsed.....~ Choosing a tight black bodysuit with matching gloves, Xiona walked out into Willets' outer room, presenting herself to the collected men, "See anything you like, boys?" She cooed, she didn't even need pheremones with this bunch.

Willets damn near dropped his drink when he saw her; Xiona had always been sexy, but this.... just damn! Taking the rest of his drink down in one quick gulp, he turned to Buell, "Great work, Doc."

"Not gonna enter her into any beauty contests, huh?" The drunken 'doctor' laughed, not even thinking that that comment might land Willets in hot water with his again beautiful patient, "Best damn doctor in the quadrant.... that's what the hell I am...."

Xiona chose to ignore that comment, she was in too good a mood to spoil it by breaking Willets over her knee; besides that he was still useful for now. Instead she walked over to Buell and took his face in her hands, "Yes, you are the best doctor in the quadrant, and you're going to be well taken care of. Right, Kel?"

"Ri... right, Xiona." Willets stammered, enraptured.

"Now, for what I need from you and your guys." She began.

"Whatever you need, Xi." Willets answered, trying to play it cool again.

"I need leads on where Carlov's wife and kid stay, for starters." Xiona ordered, "Then I need to know who wasted Torm and smoked the estate." The estate had been a mega-millions operation and she wasn't about to just accept it as a write-off.

"That's going to be a little problematic, Xi." Willets said, scratching the back of his head nervously, "You see, as far as survivors go, we're talking about like six people, and Squink vanished with Drax according to Hayes."

"Hayes is an idiot." Xiona snarled at hearing the name of the man Torm had chosen over her to be head of estate security, "Pity he survived."

"Yeah, well, I think he lost his damned mind." Willets shrugged, "Kept going on and on about a fighter, an old Peregrine class."

"Don't know anyone who still uses Peregrines." Xiona remarked, it was an outdated spaceframe, damn near obsolete even though it still hit like a brick through a plate glass window, "Maybe some of the Marine reserve units? Carlov was a jarhead, maybe she called in some friends. Hell, maybe it's attached to intel somehow."

"If it exists at all, Xi." Willets reminded her, he agreed with her about Hayes, not only was he an idiot, he was also unstable, "Hayes was hammered when we talked, probably saw the whole thing through the magic of the DT's."

"No, it was real." Xiona concluded, "Hayes may be an idiot, and he's definitely a sloppy drunk, but for him to remember something as specific as the class of fighter he saw, it had to be real."

"Xi, come on, a Peregrine?" Willets was dumbfounded, "You can't be serious! Look, Hayes was in the war, same as we were. He was probably having a flashback or something."

"Yeah, maybe." Xiona said, pouring herself a drink, "When we see the security footage we'll know for sure."

"Uh, yeah, about that...." Willets began, convinced that when he dropped the bomb he was about to she would probably kill him, "According to Hayes Squink had the only footage, said it vanished when he disappeared with Draxx."

"FRACK!" Xiona swore loudly, tossing back her drink and pouring another, "Did Draxx kidnap Squink or did Squink bail with him on his own volition?" Either way, Xiona decided, Ricardo Draxx was in a lot of trouble, ~Looks like he decided to go into business for himself. Stupid, stupid boy.~

"We're unsure." Willets shrugged, happy the Xiona's outburst had been limited to profanity and booze thus far. A far fetched, though not outlandish, thought fired across his brain at that moment and, though it was thin at best, practically anorexic, he had to voice it, especially since he'd never been a fan of that pretty boy pirate, "You don't think Draxx could be behind the attack do you? What if that fighter belonged to him? Or someone he hired?"

"No way." Xiona laughed, "Draxx is greedy, but he's not stupid. He knows going against Torm would be suicide...."

"Was... wasn't for who... who... whoever did it." Buell interjected, "They did it! Got... got away with it... too."

"He's right." Xiona nodded, the drunk was seeing things more clearly than either of them. Someone had had the balls not only to attack Torm, but do it at his own highly secure estate, then fly off into the void like it was nothing at all, "Means we're dealing with someone either very dumb or very brave."

"Either way it's someone very dangerous." Willets added, no longer sure if the money was worth it.

"Yeah, well, so am I." Xiona blew it off, whoever this was she'd hand them their lungs, "Just get me the element of surprise, then they're already mine."

"Okay, Xi." Willets nodded, recognizing the fact that she was the de facto boss on Verex III now, "Who you want me to put people on?"

"Everybody." She answered quickly, without even thinking about it, everybody who survived was now a suspect.


Vengeful Orion Gangster

General Keldan Willets
Mercenary Leader/Watching this deal get worse and worse all the time

"Doctor" Steven Buell
Plastic Surgeon/Drunk/Accidental Intel Analyst


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