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Wed Dec 14, 2016 @ 4:25am

Civilian 'Arrival' Selah Zanaz

Name Selah Zanaz

Position Waitress

Rank Civilian 'Arrival'

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 173cm
Weight 63KG
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Full Black
Physical Description There is very little about Selah's physical appearance that she leaves to chance. Everything down to the colour of her earrings is planned out. Even during the night time she takes into account what she wears to bed. Physically she looks unimpressive. She’s small, thin and seems fragile. She looks younger than she actually is, although she is only 24 years old. Even more than her appearances, usually predominantly sexy or innocent, she uses body language and several psychological tricks to pull victims into her scams.

Loving accessories with her clothes she has a lot of them to mix and match. Most of her possessions are in this category, although her collection has diminished severely due to most of it being labeled stolen and impounded at her arrest. She works to regain what she has lost.

To keep her petite physique Selah does a lot of cardio work outs. Running and swimming are on the top of her list of favourite ways to work out. She avoids lifting weights or anything that would make her muscular and compliments her training routine with healthy food and snacks.


Father Cole Zanaz
Mother Kriyas Zanaz
Brother(s) Frudan Zanaz (28)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Trying to keep a low profile is not how Selah operates. She is a confidence trickster. And confidence is something she has in abundance. Starting out at a stage magician she has an air about her that attracts attention, she knows how to use this attention to her own advantage and is also an expert in diverting it away from other important things. She comes on strongly with new people, going right in for the kill and then taking what she needs before departing quickly. This has made her a lot of short term friends and long term enemies.

After her two year incarceration she decided that perhaps it was time to pull away from the seedy underbelly of society and try to make her way to the more legal side of life. She did her time and wishes to leave that behind her, even though some people would probably not leave her behind until a score is settled.

She has gotten calmer during her time in prison, more at ease with herself. No longer needing constant action to keep her excited thanks to different meditation techniques.
Strengths & Weaknesses Selah is socially strong, she knows what to say and who to say it to. She isn't afraid to use herself to get what she wants. Aside from that she knows tricks in psychology and physiology to add to these social skills an edge that most swindlers lack. Having had basically nothing to do the past two years she's used the rehabilitation program to brush up her psychology skills and added a short course on field medicine to it.

Her true strength lies in confidence tricks where she works to fool people into believing her in the most outragious claims so that she can work them out of their hard earned money.

An inherant weakness to Betazoid telepathic or empathic reading is that without proper training it's weak and requires proximity. Aside from that the target person will always sense, as if someone is watching them. The more trained people will be able to block it out and even zero in on the source.

Her lone wolf approach to life has to give out at some point living with so many people in an enclosed space but so far she's keeping people at an arm's length, if not further, away from her. All her 'romantic' encounters and relationships where always for a specific reason and after it had served its purpose she's always quicker out the door than anyone can stop her.
Ambitions Selah wants to start her own company or have her own shop, although she's not sure exactly what sector she wants to be active in.
Hobbies & Interests With her history on the stage as a magician she's developed a liking to amaze people with short, simple, magic tricks. She especially enjoys ones that display her sleight of hand skills, which are formidable. Aside from that she likes dancing, singing and through her interaction with other performers she got introduced to the Terran piano. While she's not a master at the instrument she likes to practice and play it, especially to keep her finger dexterity up to the level she needs to perform most of her tricks. Aside from this she’s a fan of exotic fruits. From the Bajoran klava to the Klingon Zilm'kach to the Terran Strawberry.

Personal History Selah was born as the second child to the relatively low class Zanaz family on a Betazoid colony far removed from Betazed. While it was mostly a farmer's world there were several big hubs of activity in the cities. Her father owned a night club in the largest city and her mother helped him out there. There were a few employees and her older brother tried to help out, but was mostly in the way.

As the club was like the city, open 24/7, her father had little time for her. He was always busy with something or other. Administration, stocks, arranging performers. The only loving attention she got was when she left for bed, in the form of a hug and a kiss every night. By the time she was six she started doing small chores after she got off school to keep the bar running.

Getting along well with the regular customers and the long term employees Selah and her brother Frudan were always welcomed with open arms in the different shops and establishments around the block. Their parents tried to keep them away from the business end of the club to allow them to explore their youths. They were going to school and worked on their homework before they could help out in the club, even though there was very little actual checking up after it. Selah learned quickly that if she lied about something well enough she could get away with not making it from time to time, or barely making it the rest of the time.

Even when the club started going down somewhere during Selah her teens their parents did their best to keep this away from their children. More than their parents Frudan and Selah lived and breathed the club. They lived for the live music, for the poets during open mic night, for the stage magicians during magical thursdays. Especially Frudan, now sixteen, took a liking to the magicians and their tricks.

Because of this, at the age of twelve, Selah joined her brother on stage to perform their first set of tricks. Having invited all the friends they had made over the years for their first performance it was a night that made up for the last month of bad revenues. Even though they knew there wouldn't be much of a repeat in this, as this first time was special after all, their parents did took care to stimulate their cooperation on stage.

Using the stage names of Zanaz & Zaida they performed in their parents club every month, trying out new tricks and performances in the comfort of their own homes. Despite these and other recurring performances by the time they neared their teens clubs savings and their parent’s personal savings were all dried out and there was no way they could keep the club running at the losses they had been facing for the past years. It was also impossible to keep this away from the children in this anymore. They had to move house to a smaller apartment, Frudan and Selah were also expected to bring in a little extra through part time jobs.

Selah didn’t do well in regular jobs, she had a problem with authoritative figures that most workplaces seemed to have. This was why Selah, a.k.a. Zaida, started taking to the streets to perform close up magic there for scraps while Frudan worked a local bar as a bartender, utilising his skills and experience in that fashion. In the meanwhile Selah was getting into contact with several disreputable street performers she got caught up in a day to day that encouraged squeezing every last cent out of strangers if they happened to stumble by your turf. She quickly learned how to use her physical features - which by this time had begun developing quite nicely - to her advantage.

For some time she was able to pay her part of the rent quite handsomely, but once her father found out how she went about accumulating her wealth he threatened to turn her in with the police for fraud. Her father had a strong moral compass, he liked people and never wanted to hurt anyone, it broke his heart that his daughter seemed to be the complete opposite in that respect. That’s when Selah decided to not share her wealth with her family anymore. Driving her by now estranged parents away from her even further.

At the age of eighteen she had the choice to go to college or continue her life as it was. She decided that she was doing fine without school and just went for it. by now she had found her own place to stay and the only one from her family she spoke to was her brother. She developed a wide network of contacts and several close ‘friends’ she ran scams with in rotating fashion to keep a low profile with the authorities.

Things were going well for her, by now she was living the high life she never earned. She had closets full of clothes bought her by men, some even blatantly stolen or bought with stolen money. Her apartment was larger than the home she grew up in and in a better part of town to boot. That, however, quickly came tumbling down as she ran into her father in her new lifestyle. It was at a high class party where her father was tending to the catering.

It was an unfortunate set of circumstances as her father knew exactly what Selah did for a living and he also knew the person who had hired him was rich and gullible. In other words, the perfect mark. He warned Selah not to try anything because he would make sure she was arrested. She ignored his warning, or threat, and proceeded with the scam, a twist on a badger type scam where she was to lure the boss, who was married, into a private setting and get him in a compromising position. Her father was on to her and was able to intervene before anything happened. He turned her over to the police and through a few outstanding reports that were known to the United Federation of Planets she was trailed by Federation court to six years of confinement and rehabilitation.

During her years in prison she decided to make the best of it. Learning psychology in the rehabilitation track and trying to accumulate new skills, tricks and knowledge to further her way of life. It was halfway through her sentence when she got into contact with a counsellor that seemed to connect with her more than any other had before. Unknown to her at the time he used the same kind of tricks she used on her marks that made them trust her. He introduced her to Vulcan meditation to ease her mind, which he said was in a constant state of awareness and in perpetual need of excitement. There was even a short time where he thought she was suffering from a sort of reverse Zanthi fever, where others around her projected their need for excitement onto her. Though this theory was quickly disproved it did make Selah think about what she had been doing for the past years. She felt that after all that perhaps it was the best idea to try and do something back for those she had scammed and cheated. She joined a class for field medicine to be able to help people physically as well as mentally. After four years of confinement she was up for probation and, through judgement by professionals including her new counsellor, she was offered her freedom back.

Though her need for excitement and adventure not entirely gone she’s able to control it better through the rehabilitation at the hands of her Federation counsellor. Selah now wants to use her unique skill set to help out people who really need it, though she is lost as to how. Also it would be nice to get a fraction of the stuff back she lost due to her incarceration.

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