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The Decision

Posted on Thu Oct 6, 2016 @ 7:16am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,271 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Main Security
Timeline: MD 3 - Early morning


Dorian Gabriel paused slightly and allowed the elder Raddon and the young human boy to proceed ahead of him into the spacious conference room. This day had been greatly anticipated by lot's of concerned people. Jelron had been welcomed by Mr. Raddon and the other Humans within the Raddon Corporation. It seemed only natural that the boy would find comfort and understanding amongst his own kind as opposed to the animal corral that passed for a Federation orphanage.

Melvyn took a seat and reclined slightly as he shared a warm smile with the other Starfleet officers within the room.

"Good morning, gentlemen, and ladies," he said as he gestured towards Lieutenant Tessaro.

Caleb entered and moved to Lieutenant Tessaro’s side. He tossed down a padd of Security files and notes before tugging on his uniform and taking a seat, returning Melvyn Raddon’s nod of greeting. The he picked up his padd to review again the findings of his officers regarding what had occurred in the Box that night.

"Morning, sir."

She didn't know which way JAG was going to rule on the case. The first part of her job had been done when Annora turned over the results of the investigation. Now her job would be to enforce the ruling, either way it went. The JAG representative slid a padd over to her containing the ruling, as well as the reasoning behind it. Annora scanned the information as she awaited the official start.

Dorian's glare remained on Commander Ryan for several moments. It was not often that he had the chance to sit directly across from his "replacement". He had heard a lot about the man and his daughter's proclivities following the hostage situation with the Ferengis. In typical and shameful fashion, the Federation had decided that they would not prosecute the Ferengi and had actually apologized for "excessive force". However, Dorian did take some comfort in knowing that his replacement wasn't above nepotism. Perhaps there was some Human left inside of him after all.

"Hi. I don't think we've ever met before," Dorian said towards the Commander. "I'm Dorian Gabriel. I used to be the Chief of Station Security," he said as he extended his hand.

Caleb nodded and took the man’s hand, his grip firm. “So Ah’ve heard,” he said, carefully neutral. Given the company the man now kept, and the relative cloud that seemed to descend in the department whenever his name was mentioned, Caleb was cautious. “How’s civilian life treatin’ ya?” he asked.

Dorian smiled and reclined in his seat as he thought of an appropriate response. "It's interesting being on this side of the uniform,” he began. "You're not bound by outdated regulations, nor do you have to dance to the tune of certain outsiders," he said as he leaned forward on the table.

"All that matters is that you take care of your own," he said with a smile, letting the phrase hang in the air for several moments.

"But I'm certain that I'm just preaching to the choir about all of that, ain't that right...Sherriff?" Dorian said, referencing the ancient Human title for a law enforcement officer.

“Interestin’ perspective,” Caleb acknowledged neutrally. “But the law’s there to protect everyone, not just those we want it to protect. Ain’t always perfect, but better’n anarchy.”

Dorian gave a knowing smirk as he listened to the current Security Chief speak to him about the law "protecting everyone". Dorian knew just how ironic that statement was coming from the same man who had allowed a group of Ferengi pirates walk away without punishment just because his daughter had been caught in a "compromising" situation" with the Ferengi ambassador. However, he knew that now wasn't the time to draw attention to the officer's hypocrisy. For the time being, Commander Aldrex was the most important person in the room.

Caleb settled down in his seat and flipped through the padd he had brought to review the case file again in case there were questions. It had been Annora’s case, though, so he would let her answer.

With lull in the conversation, Annora figured it was time to make the announcement. She stood up, padd in hand. "Thank you all for coming. While the young man's death was a tragedy, neither Security or JAG found substantial evidence to suggest that it was deliberate. Therefore the ruling in the death is accidental, and no charges will be pursued in relation to this case."

"This is unbeliev..." Melvyn began to speak.

"Wha...wait...what do..." the boy tried to utter.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Dorian said forcefully as he slammed his right fist onto the table in frustration. "You have an eyewitness that says she threw this unarmed boy over the railing of her bar, why? Simply because he was trying to steal food to eat!" Dorian said angrily.

"What ambassador has to receive sexual favors just so a Human can receive some form of justice on this station?" Dorian said accusatorily, purposely making reference to the prior fiasco involving the Security Chief's daughter.

"I...simply cannot understand how you could not have enough evidence to charge her with murder, or at the very least manslaughter. I mean, the boy was just a child How could he have posed a significant threat to her?" Melvyn interjected, attempting to provide a level of sanity to the deplorable situation.

It was a legitimate question, one which had come up in the investigation. "Manslaughter usually comes into play due to negligence on the part of the Defendant. In this case the actions fell under self-defense. She was on her own business establishment after hours by herself. The boys were there illegally, which gives more support to the self-defense claim."

"Oh, how convenient!" Dorian butted in again. "You can murder someone, but as long as you are protecting a profit, the law will protect you. How very Ferengi of you all," he said, casting a cold glare towards Chief Ryan again.

Caleb’s face had gone coldly neutral. He stood up, glaring back at Dorian. “There is not sufficient evidence ta find any deliberate or negligent cause for the boy’s death,” he said. “Even your eyewitness admits ta the burglary,” he pointed out. “It was dark. No one could see clearly. What happened was unfortunate, and ya have my condolences, son,” Caleb said to the boy, his tone and face softening. “But given the evidence we have, Ms. Ibalin did nothin’ wrong. Ya’ll’re more’n welcome ta try your luck with a civil suit, but Ah’m not sure you’ll get much better luck.”

"I believe that this discussion is going nowhere," Melvyn said as he stood up and began to usher the distraught boy out of the conference room. "We'll be in touch," he said gravely.

"Oh, we definitely will," Dorian said through clenched teeth as he began to follow the elder man.

Annora watched as the door slid shut, leaving the Starfleet contingent.

"That went about as well as could be expected. What is a man with that much xenophobia even doing this far from Earth or a Human colony?"

Caleb rubbed his forehead tiredly. “Ah don’t know,” he admitted. “Money,” he guessed. “And that Dorian Gabriel…” he said, a growl in his voice. How dare he imply that about his daughter!

Dorian Gabriel
Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corporation

Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant JG Annora Tessaro
Asst Chief Security Officer


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