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Ante Up

Posted on Tue Sep 20, 2016 @ 4:10am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Selah Zanaz & Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Civilian Ricardo Draxx
Edited on on Fri Oct 14, 2016 @ 3:31am

4,414 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD03 2000


The huge plate glass windows at the Box of Delights had been projecting the signs in foot high red letters:

Poker Tournament

Winner Takes All!

100 strip prize pot guaranteed

Games start 8pm

There had been a steady stream of people coming in since it had gone up to sign up, pay their admission fee, and deposit their buy-ins, ready for the start of the tournament, and now people were arriving, and collecting their chips, and finding their tables.

Yolanthe had eschewed her usual bartending garb of trousers and shirt for a slinking, glittering black dress that was draped off one shoulder to show a very toned bare arm on the other, and forgone her comfortable flat shoes for kitten heels that pushed her over two meters tall.

She had a tray of chips to hand and gave a pile to Illana. "What do you think of the crowd so far?" she asked quietly.

As she took the chips, appearing as though she was checking she wasn't being short changed, Ilana replied, "Nobody I've got my eye on so far, but for a prize I'm expecting a few chancers," she said softly. "Here's a chancer if I ever saw one," she added catching site of the guy with a posse who was halfway through the door.

Draxx walked in with the whole of his crew and did a double take at Yolanthe in a dress. "Damn," he said. That earnt him a whack round the head from his own Gorn. As Lucy hissed several things in her native language at him, Zoe felt very self-conscious in her own cocktail dress.

"Stop tugging at your threads," her brother informed her gruffly. Glaring at him, she spun round and spotted a familiar spotted face and flushed. As Biggs caught that and glared at the Trill in question, she walked further ahead. "Evening, boss," Zoe addressed Yolanthe. It was her night off, yet Draxx had insisted they all come to this.

"Evening, Chef." Yolanthe nodded to her. "Are you here to watch or to play?"

"Three for the tournament." She nodded as Draxx came up next to her. "Draxx, Biggs, and me. And he's paying."

"For the rest of his life, if I have anything to do with it," Yolanthe agreed, passing Zoe and her brother three trays with their allotted poker chips.

Zoe took the trays and said nothing further. She was the reason why Draxx had done what he had done and she was reminded on that every day. Draxx merely opened up a purse and chuckled. "Sorry sweetheart, but a lot more has to be on offer to keep me around for the rest of your life. Oh," he tossed the required latinum at her, "and you suit that. You should wear more dresses. Makes you look less angry and intimidating."

She raised an eyebrow at the comment, and then turned to one of the staff. "Jessica, take Chef and the caveman to a table. I think he's scared of me."


Caleb was a good Texan and could never resist a poker game. But he had a problem. The Nemesis had come into port, so he had friends from his old crew on hand. Luckily it hadn’t been too late for the buy in.

And so it was that the Chief of Security entered the Box of Delights. His only concession to the formality of the event was a button up shirt and a black leather bolo tie with a gold longhorn skull for the clasp. His black Stetson was perched on his head and he wore his cowboy boots.

And Caleb was accompanied by an entourage of three gorgeous women and a...child?

“Ya sure ya don’t wanna play, Boo?” Caleb asked the Caitian. She had glossy black fur and green eyes and wore a full length white dress that enhanced her already generous furry decolletage.

“With this tail?” Bubasti laughed, her tail flicking behind her through a barely noticeable slit in the skirt. “I can’t even bluff myself, Caleb!” she laughed. “No, Irissa and I are just going to scope the crowd, get drinks, and maybe find someone to take us home with them,” she smirked.

Caleb laughed. He looked at Irissa, the strawberry-blonde Betazed, whose dark eyes glinted with humor. “It wouldn’t be fair for me to play,” she pointed out, tapping her temple. She wore a tight green dress that matched her eyes, short and enticing.

Caleb had to chuckle and agree with that. “But you’re paid in, right, Eve?”

“Definitely,” Eve said.

“Remind me not ta sit at your table, then,” Caleb chuckled. Eve was usually rather emotionally volatile, but she could be cold and calculating when necessary. She was an operator, like he had been, and they’d traded enough pots over felt tables on the Nemesis over his years there.

Eve smiled. “Lost your edge, cowboy?” she asked. “I believe I’m up a pot or two on you.”

“Only ‘cause Ah ain’t had a chance ta get ‘em back,” Caleb grinned.

“This’ll be fun!” came the voice of the young girl that was with him. She was Bolian, with the blue skin, bald head, and cartilaginous ridge. She wore a black cocktail dress and low heels, though she didn’t look all that confident in them, like a girl trying to play dress up. “Imeanyouhowoftendoyougettoenteratournamenttoplay!” the over-excited Bolian said at the speed of a squirrel on crack and caffeine.

Caleb looked at Hranni with concern. The Bolian couldn’t bluff to save her life. He looked over Hranni’s head to Eve and chuckled.

“OhcanIhavethat?” Hranni reached for a glass from a passing waitress.

“Hey, no kids allowed in the tournament,” one of the bouncer’s said, catching Hranni’s wrist. The little Bolian winced.

“I’mnotakid!” she protested.

The big Human chuckled. “Yeah, right. You’re all of what? Twelve? C’mon. Out you go.” He started dragging Hranni to the door.

He didn’t get far. Eve locked her hand on the much bigger man’s wrist and squeezed. “If you don’t unhand the Chief Engineer of the USS Nemesis I will remove your hand,” she said threateningly.

Caleb chuckled, shaking his head. “This ‘little girl’ can field strip a warp engine in four hours an’ put it together again,” he said.

“She just hasn’t hit puberty yet,” Bubasti said with a grin.

Hranni glowered at the Caitian and tried to kick her, which just upended her on her heels, flashing her black panties at the room as she tumbled.

The big man, much larger than Eve, visibly winced and released his grip on the Bolian. “Mother fuck! What the hell are you, woman?”

“That’s classified,” Eve said with a sniff, hefting Hranni up off the floor easily with one hand.

“Fuck! I think you broke my wrist!”

“Hairline fracture at the worst,” Irissa commented. “Now be a dear and get us some drinks.” She gave a little wave of her hand at the wrist and the bouncer’s face went a little blank as the ‘suggestion’ took hold.

Caleb shook his head. “Ladies, behave tonight.”

Boo laughed. “No chance of that! First shore leave in months, I’m going to be very bad.”


The past few days had not been forgiving for Selah. This was her last opportunity for a quick exit. Her last money was put towards the entrance fee of this tournament. If this wasn't going to work she'd have to reconsider the slimy Andorian's suggestion. She dressed in the pink summer dress that she bought her first day here. She was also wearing coloured lenses to cover up her heritage, now looking at the world through icy blue eyes. Not that she had great empathic ability, but people didn't really trust a Betazoid at a poker tournament. She approached the owner of the establishment, who was handing out the poker chips.

"Hi. I signed up. My name's Zaida." She gave a warm smile and held out a hand for the chips, looking to get seated as quickly as possible.

The towering woman consulted a padd, ticked off the name, and handed over another of the slim trays. "Here's your stack, and the best of luck. Any of those three tables there." She indicated three tables in the casino area that had spaces. Six more more were full, with five players to a table, and another three were still to be opened. "Your choice."


A young man, new to the station, entered the room. He was dressed in finely-tailored business attire: jacket, slacks, and polished shoes. Behind him were two plain-clothed security men walking line abreast. The security men were each holding the handle of a tightly-sealed, nondescript box between them. They scanned the crowd while the young man stopped and spoke to Yolanthe.

"Hello, my name is Tiago Matthias, personal assistant to Auris, the Medusan Cultural Attaché. He would like to observe and participate. If that is permitted, of course." The irises of his eyes emitted a gentle, blue glow. Implants.

Yolanthe noted the glowing eyes and made a mental note to check if Ilana had any thoughts about it. "Well, watching is free. But if you want to play, its two strips of latinum, and a half strip entry fee per person."

Tiago momentarily gazed off into infinity, as if in a trance. Then he nodded and said, "Of course, sir." Turning his attention back to Yolanthe, he explained, "Auris, of course, cannot leave his protective habitation." He nodded to the box that the security men were still holding. "If it's permitted, then I will sit in his place at the table, and be his eyes, ears, and voice via our telepathic link."

"Telepathy?" Yoanthe's eyebrows pulled together in a frown. "Can your client read everyone's minds, or is it just yours?"

"Our link is only with each other," Tiago assured her. "My telepathic credentials have been filed with station security, if you wish to examine them. The bigger question is, will you charge the Attaché for one entry fee or two?" He smiled.

"One fee, one hand." yolanthe decided. "No teaming up, you play as one." She handed over the stack of chips. "Thats' two and half strips of latinum please."

"Rest assured, madam, I will only follow Auris's instructions. I have no idea how this game works." Tiago paid the requested amount, then made a tip-of-the-hat gesture even though he wasn't wearing one.


"You know," Draxx told the lady Yolanthe identified as "Jessica", who was leading them further into the venue, "she specifically asked this caveman to come here tonight. Thank you, darling. I think we have got it from here. Even my Neanderthal mind can manage walking in that direction." He winked at her.

Before they got to the tables, Draxx whirled round and addressed his crew. "Right, we all go to separate ones. More chance of a win that way. Orson, you and Lucy are on interviewing our two perspective new navigators. Lucy, I want your eyes all over this room. If ‘AnaRianni’ shows her face we will be having a little conversation later on. I have stocked up on blonde hair dye," Draxx joked.

"So you're seriously thinking about that bitch’s boss’s proposition now?" Biggs asked.

"I'm fed up of looking at her ugly face when she keeps hacking our comms making the same request. You keep saying you're going to sort that," Draxx told him. "Anyway, I think I have found my table." The human headed towards the one where a pretty girl in a pink dress had just sat down and joined her.

"Good evening," he said. "I can't help but notice you're missing a drink."

Selah smiled warmly at the man approaching her.

"Why, how very observant of you. How do you think we're going to correct this horrible oversight?" She gave him a playful wink. Iit would seem that tonight she wouldn't need to buy her own drinks. Which was a good thing, because she no longer had any credits to her name.

I seem to be the only one who's come alone, Ilana thought as she threaded her way back through the crowd with a tall stemmed glass pinched between her fingers.

She approached the table where the posse guy sat. "Is this seat taken?" she said, her voice slightly slurred as though the cocktail in her hand might be the fifth of the evening.

"It is now." Draxx smiled, happy at his luck to be sandwiched between two beautiful ladies. He stood up and pulled the chair out for her like a gentleman, flashing Yolanthe a look as if to say, "Caveman, my arse."

"I am just getting this lady here a drink. What's your poison?" He didn't buy for a second that she was drunk though. After "AnaRianni"-gate he was totally on guard and no one in their right mind got drunk at a high stakes poker game. Adorable, though, she thought that might fool someone.

Ilana placed both her glass and chips on the table. "Why, thank you," she said, keeping up the act as she eased herself into the chair. "This one's a Stellar Glimmer," she said with a tilt of her head and a winsome smile. "Surprise me."

"I don't need any more surprises. Could I get a klava juice?" Selah wanted to keep her composure. The day before had been a huge mistake. She still felt the bruise even though the physician had sworn they fully fixed her.

Draxx placed his jacket over his chair and dropped his own tray in front of the chair. He had made an effort to clean up, out of his usual white top and tight jeans to actually wearing a blue shirt which brought his eyes out nicely. "It would be my pleasure, ladies. I will be right back."

He got a beer for himself, asked the Trill barman to open a tab for him, and pointed out his crew, who were allowed to order on it. Then he had him make one of those sunset things the Romulan had been drinking when she had hoodwinked him. It was a classy drink and seemed to impress the ladies. And she had wanted a surprise.

"One klava juice and a surprise for you," Draxx said, placing it in front of her and handing a small spoon. "You need to tap it. It does something very cool." He sat down in his chair and took a sip of the beer before introducing himself. "So I'm Draxx. Very nice to meet you both."

Ilana accepted the spoon, but for now did not tap it as suggested. "After the first hand," she said with a tilt of her head. "But you might not like me so much then if I have your chips in my pile."

"I see. So you think you’re going to get lucky," Draxx said in good humour, winking at her. "I guess time will tell."

“Oh, here’s a seat!” came a higher voice that spoke at a rapid clip. “Hi,I’mHranniBrinn.Nicetomeetyou!” a petite Bolian greeted so fast it was difficult to parse the words. She looked like she might be twelve, fourteen tops. Cute, maybe, not much development. She eyed Draxx and gave him a big smile, her eyes going a bit dreamy. “Wow. Hi!” She held out her small hand to him.

"Hello," Draxx said to what seemed to be an adolescent Bolian making goo goo eyes at him. He wasn't about to get up and go get another drink for another lady. He hadn't even had a thank you for the last two. "I guess that's everyone then," he commented at the full table.

“Oh! Um…” Hranni flagged down a waitress. It took a couple tries, in her excitement, to get her order through. Something fruity, very alcoholic, and with caffeine. Yes, that should turn out just fine.

“Soisn’tthisgreat!Imean,howoftendoyougettodosomethinglikethis?” Hranni asked, bouncing in her seat. It seemed she had no off switch for her mouth.

Draxx shrugged trying not to comment on how ridiculously fast this Bolian spoke. In his line of work, gangsters and seedy space markets, gambling was bread and butter. "It's a first on this station," he settled on, meaning he didn't give away how frequently he had played poker. He looked over and spotted Zoe and then groaned inwardly. She had chosen a table with that idiot security chief. Biggs looked happy enough to be on a table with a few gorgeous women making sure they were playing all their assets.


Caleb settled down at a table, stretching out his long, lanky legs to the side and pulling his black hat down low. He idly toyed with the chips in his tray as he started to study the people at the table with him. It was never too early to start looking for tells.

There were several Ferengi giving him the evil eye as they fingered their chips possessively, a Nausicaan who was trying not to loom, and an Elaysian, her legs strapped into a supportive harness.

"I guess the last seat’s mine," Zoe said, taking it next to the Nausicaan. Being used to being around a Gorn, she didn't flinch at his size. "Good evening, all."

“Evenin’.” Caleb gave a tip of his hat to Zoe. He eyed the Ferengi. He wasn’t exactly on the best terms with them since Commander Soran had opened up that can of worms again and wondered if they were connected to Ambassador Qinee and Nazl. He silently fumed, thinking about the ambassador’s attache, and then calmed himself. He needed to be focused.


Eve dropped her tray on the table and looked around it challengingly at her opponents. She gave a smile as a couple of the men looked her over. Yes, let them look at her cleavage and not her face when they played. That was the point of the daring red dress. She sat down confidently and ordered only a club soda when the server came along.

The men leered, but there were several women also sitting there, a Trill and an Andorian. They all exchanged a silent, knowing glance. These males might be dim enough to fall for it, but they weren't. May the best woman win.

Biggs was enjoying the sight of the flesh on display, but the looks between all the women were not lost on him. However, since normally he didn't get a chance to eye up the women, always having to fetch, carry, or repair, he might as well enjoy it, he figured, even if they thought he might be knocked off his game by their charms.


Bubasti and Irissa moved to the side of the room, leaning against the bar where they could have a good view of Caleb, Eve, and Hranni.

“Going to give the play by play?” Boo asked the Betazoid.

“Now and then,” Irissa smiled. “Hranni probably won’t last long.”

“Never does.” Boo sipped her drink. “Odds on Caleb or Eve?”

“That’s a hard one…” Irissa frowned. “They’re both excellent.”

“Oh, heads up. Are they checking us out?” The Caitian smiled and tossed back her luxurious black hair.


With the tables full, Edward handed Yolanthe the board with the final numbers. Yolanthe picked up the microphone linked to the bar's PA system. "Good evening, everyone. The game tonight is Texas Hold'em. We'll be playing three rounds tonight. The first is the elimination round. The last two players standing will go to the second round. The last two players standing from that round will go to the final round, for a our grand prize for 100 strips of latinum."

There was a whooping cheer and Yolanthe went a bright blue. "Now, everyone has a stack of chips worth 10,000 points. In the first round, the ante starts at 100 and the blinds at five hundred and one thousand and will double each hand. Your dealers will be joining you now. May the best player win."

All the other games had been put on hold for the night, and even the usually flamboyant dabo boys were in more sober, if tight, pants and vests. They took their places, shuffled and cut, and dealt the first two cards. The game was on.

Draxx groaned when his vision was suddenly affronted by a fella with an indecently tight groinal area in whatever the hell he was wearing. It was so typically Yolanthe that she would have scantily clad men dishing out the cards. However, he smiled slightly as he looked at his first two. A pair of tens. Maybe he would get lucky.

The box containing Auris was placed on a high stool at the table. Behind that, Tiago Matthias took a seat. "Good evening, all," he said to those gathered.

A Tellerite woman wrinkled her muzzle at him in greeting and a bald human nodded at him whilst setting up his chips in perfectly aligned piles by denominations. There were a Farian woman and a Risan woman, a rotated K shape clan mark, and a Romulan, who narrowed his eye at the paired players, but said nothing.

Selah looked down at a seven and a two unsuited in her hand, the decision was easily made. She smirked a bit and on her turn folded out of the hand. This was only the first deal, she was sure it was going to get better than that, at least it couldn't get any worse.

The first few hands quickly disposed of the less experienced and the more unlucky. Within half an hour half the seats were empty as players who'd lost their chips retreated to the bar and the surrounding tables to see who would eventually win the pot.

Caleb saw the Elaysian and Ferengi all crash out, until it was just him and the Nausicaan and the chef from the Box staring at each other over their stack of chips as while the blonde croupier shuffled the deck again and dealt their next pocket cards.

At Tiago's table the Human and Risan went out quickly. The Farian woman hung on a bit longer, until just the Tellerite female and the Romulan male were left facing him. The Romulan eyed up the Medusan's containment box warily.

At Draxx's table, it was down to just him and the two beautiful women who flanked him. By this point, he, Selah and Ilana had a similar sized pile of chips in front of them.

"Are you regretting buying us that drink yet?" Selah looked over her cards and tried to gauge the guy next to her. The others at the table were terrible players. It did fatten their chip stacks, though she wasn't sure what the rules would be on carry over to the next table. Her gaze shifted to the other woman left. Looking at her hand she resists the urge to smirk looking at a bachelor's hand, jack, king, off-suit.

"I'll raise." She doubled the blinds and waited to see if anyone wanted to join the action.

"I never regret buying beautiful women a drink," Draxx said smoothly, happy to see he was on track for a royal flush. "In fact, when I win this hand I'll get you both another round. I will also raise." He grinned at her.

Ilana looked at her cards, a respectable pair of aces, but decided it was time she bowed out. She'd had her measure of the game and the players. She knew who she was going to keep an eye on. She pushed the stack of chips forward. Seventeen thousand in total. "All In."

Draxx nodded as the indecently dressed male dealer once again leaned forward and passed out the final card. He gave him exactly what he needed. The ace of hearts.

“All in,” Draxx stated, pushing his own mountain of chips to where the lady had.

The woman didn't bat an eyelid at the stack he pushed forward, even though it was bigger than his own.

He watched as she revealed her pair only. He had this in the bag. Draxx laid down his royal flush for the win. “Sorry, darling. I will still get you that drink of course,” he said, smiling at her. She had played a good game .

Watchers gasped at the hand that had gone down. It was a rare and high hand, and impossible to beat this round. Ilana raised an eyebrow, his ace and king of hearts squarely beating her. "Well played," she allowed with good grace as she pushed her chips towards him, satisfied with the elimination.

Meanwhile, Zoe was having no luck out-manoeuvring the “Cowboy”. Her brother, who had tanked out in the first round, was watching her with an annoyed look on his face, disgusted at her closeness to the security chief.

“I fold,” she said, finally weighing it up. Purely for her brother's annoyance, she leaned in closer to the “Cowboy” and said, “Take the Nausicaan.”

Caleb smiled as he pushed the cards over to the dealer again. “Much obliged, Miss Zoe,” he said. “Maybe Ah should start up a weekly game. If Ah do, Ah’ll let ya know,” he promised the chef with a smile.

Hranni had tanked out early and stood by the bar with Irissa and Bubasti pouting, sipping on a cocktail.

Eve settled the last card, staring down the cool Andorian woman. “Pair of sixes,” she said, a defiant look in her dark eyes.

The Andorian’s antennae twitched. “You stayed in on that!” she exclaimed in exasperation.

Eve shrugged.

The Andorian threw down her cards in disgust and stalked away, her bluff called. Eve merely stood and raked in her chips.


A JP Between

Yolanth Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Edward Stapleton
Manager, The Box of Delights
NPC by Notty

Security Consultant
NPC by Louise

Ricardo Draxx
NPC Deborah

Auris/Tiago Matthias
Medusan Cultural Attache & Assistant
NPC Bert

Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lt. Cmdr. Eve Three
Chief Tactical Officer/Second Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Matthew

Lt. Hranni Brinn
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Matthew

Lt. Bubasti P’Rurr
Chief of Security
USS Nemesis
NPC Matthew

Lt. Irissa Toma
Chief Operations Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Matthew


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