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Laying A Foundation

Posted on Fri Sep 16, 2016 @ 12:52am by Ensign Korudos th'Razh & Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Caden Aldrex

1,518 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Deck 12 - Main Operations
Timeline: MD 03 - 0800 Hours


Korudos nervously tugged down on his uniform as the turbolift ascended up to deck twelve.

Over the last four hours he had taken the time to refresh himself in his new quarters and look over the command roster as well as the science departments roster one more time. He was stepping into a situation where not only was he returning after an extended absence to a new posting that help its own unique dynamic but he was restarting his career in a role he least expected.

As the turbolift came to a halt Korudos walked out into the operations center and stood impressed by what he saw. It was easily two decks tall and extremely large, a bustling hub of organized chaos. Stepping towards a nearby station he asked where he could find the stations executive officer and a very busy looking Bolian comm officer pointed him in the right direction. A few moments later he approached the shorter, brown haired man.

"Commander Aldrex?" he asked as he approached the officer.

Cade was leaning over the shoulder of another seated junior officer at his console. "Tell that Berithian surveyor to slow his approach. It's not a race."

"Aye, sir."

Cade glanced briefly at Korudos. "Morning, Ensign. How can I help you?"

"Good morning Commander. I am Ensign Korudos th'Razh, your new Chief Science Officer, reporting for duty." Korudos replied as he glanced over at the screen the two men he had interrupted had been staring at. He wondered silently why the ship was in such a hurry, but then again he was sure that was probably the norm for such a busy station.

"Ah, Ensign th'Razh, welcome," Cade said, dividing his attention between the Andorian and the traffic controller relaying his instructions to the Berithian vessel. "The captains of the Yellowstone and the Tecumseh spoke very highly of you. I hope you can live up to all the glowing praise."

"I'm flattered Commander, I hadn't expected either to offer that after I stepped away from Starfleet, yet alone to return to this." Korudos said, his hand motioning towards the whole of the station and the implication of being brought on as a department head. He paused to give his superior a chance to deal with the vessel before speaking up again. "I understand there is a lot of ground to cover here and the station I'd extremely busy. I'll give it my all to meet your expectations and the Captain's Sir. What do I need to know?"

Cade nodded to the observation windows and the pale blue planet just beyond. "Pangaea is priority number one. We've already run into some interesting situations down there; learned a few things that cost us good people. Starfleet wants to know more. When you get settled in I'm sending you down there along with another full away team. There should already be a briefing prepared for you on a PADD somewhere. Are you up to it?"

Korudos thought for a moment about the name of the planet, it was ringing a bell in the back of his head yet he could quite place it from the reports he had read on his flight over. He knew exactly what he was doing today after getting settled in though. Giving an affirmative mod to the Commander, the Andorian studied the man quietly.

"I look forward to it Sir. I'll be sure to read over the debriefing and have an away team chosen when the time comes. Will you or the Captain be joining me?" He asked.

"I can't speak for the Captain, but I do think it's time for me to join an away team down there." Seeing that the traffic controller had the Berithian situation in hand, Cade nodded to the plotting table nearby and led the way there.

Isha arrived in ops to see her Executive Officer in conference with an Andorian. She did not recognise him. "Are we planning and excursion?" she asked as she approached the table.

Korudos had followed Cade to the plotting table and was beginning to look over some basic data with him when a voice interrupted them. Looking up and over to the woman standing at the table the Andorian officer eyed the four pips on her collar and quickly stood up and at attention. "Captain! Thank you for joining us ma'am" the new officer greeted her, a small and unusual nervousness to his tone.

"Just contemplating our options, Captain," Cade said. "There's still so much we haven't seen down there. We haven't done much more than scouting and mapping. Other than what happened in the caves, of course. Perhaps Mister th'Razh here can give our scientific mission a sharper focus. By the way, Captain, Ensign th'Razh is our new CSO."

The Captain's eyebrow twitched slightly, she'd not had much experience with Andorians, but given her background, she would find a way to adapt. "Ensign th'Razh, we are pleased to welcome you aboard," she said with a smile, "we've been without a chief of science for so long we have been relying on loans from the neighbouring research institute. With the challenge that Pangaea presents we are most glad to have one of our own to lead our investigations."

Eyeing the Captain and her reaction, the antennae of the Chief Science Officer arched in consideration before he returned the smile.

"Thank you Captain, I was just telling the Commander that I hope to live up to yours and his expectations." Pausing for a moment he looked over the table and then motioned to the holographic display of the planet before continuing on.

"I read in my report about the lack of a department head Ma'am. If it's okay with you and the Commander I'd like to take the next seventy two hours to get a feel for the land with the department so to speak and see where it stands operationally. Once I have a better assessment I can submit to you an away team proposal and where I'd like to start first with the planet."

Isha placed her fingertips on the edge of the table as she glanced at the survey area in question, "You have my blessing, th'Razh," she stated with an unusual clarity - in her mind to ensure that the Fae noted that there would be no threat to this man, nor to ... "As do any approved team members you choose to take with you."

She paused, "I might make a short visit myself within your team."

The thought of the Captain and Commander both wanting to come down with his team when they went was nearly a blessing from the frozen ices of Andoria and a curse. It would be the perfect opportunity for him to prove himself to his new commanding officers and build a strong rapport with them, yet at the same time it would also test him and his leadership with the rest of the team as well. "I look forward to it Captain. In the mean time while I prepare for it is there anything you or the Commander need from me or expect of me?"

"We'll stay out of your way for 72 hours, as you requested," Cade Aldrex said. "We trust your professional judgement to decide what goals should be prioritized." Then to Isha he said, "Captain, I recommend we don't go down together. In fact, it might be a good idea for us to remain far apart geographically."

Isha thought for a moment, "I'm not convinced there is any inherent risk," she said as she considered the suggestion, "but there is wisdom in us not both being absent from the station at the same time."

"Aye, Captain," Cade said with a single nod.

Korudos waited for the two to hash everything out before thanking them. "I appreciate everything and look forward to serving under the both of you. I'll have the report to you Captain and you as well Commander by oh eight hundred in three days." Offering his hand, he was prepared to give them both a firm shake before heading off and getting underway.

Cade accepted the handshake, and was surprised to learn that Andorian skin was actually warm. He had always wondered about that. "Ensign, welcome aboard."

"Thank you Sir." Replied Korudos. Turning to the Captain he paused and studied the woman, waiting to see her response.

"I wish you every success in your new role," Isha said, though she refrained from offering her hand. Instead she inclined her head slightly in the Rihannsu equivelant, "I am certain that you have much to bring, and we are very pleased to have you aboard."

With his antennae arched forward Korudos offered a small nod in return to the Captain. "Thank you again Captain." With that over the Andorian officer turned around and departed the operations center, off to go get a lay of the land with his department. He had a lot on his plate already and he planned to get started without delay.


Captain Isha t'Vaurek
Station Commander

Commander Caden Aldrex
Executive Officer

Ensign Korudos th'Razh
Chief Science Officer


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