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Full Cooperation

Posted on Thu Sep 1, 2016 @ 3:27am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,293 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Dilithium Chamber - Executive Conference room
Timeline: MD3 - 1000

“Mr. Raymond, Lieutenant Tessaro of Starfleet Security is here to speak with you.” The small woman announced through the intercom system.

“Thank you Tashumi, please show her into the conference room, we will be in there in one moment.” Raymond Raddon responded as he stood and straightened himself. The tall and slender man looked towards the other Human in the room and paused for a moment before addressing him.

“Do you believe the boy is ready to speak with her?” Raymond asked.

“Would you? After watching some alien murder your brother by throwing him off of a balcony, how quickly would you want to repeat the story to a complete stranger?” Dorian responded as he began to follow his employer out of the office and down the hall towards the conference room.
“Well, that’s why we’re meeting with station security, so that the murderer can be brought to justice. . .” Raymond said.

Raymond merely sighed in response as the two men came to a stop just outside the doors of the conference room. They were quickly joined by the Melvyn Raddon along with his personal assistant who had retrieved Jelron and brought him to the conference room.

Raymond smiled at the boy as he kneeled down to become eye-level with him. “You have nothing to be afraid of; we’ll be right there with you while you speak with the Security Officer. “ Raymond said calmly.

“Bu….but what if she tries to lock me up for-for-for trying to use the replicator?? I don’t wanna go to jail!” The young boy said, tears welling up in his eyes.

The elder Raddon stepped forward to console the boy. “Don’t you worry at all, we won’t let that happen. You understand that, don’t you? We will not let anyone harm you any more, not while I’m still standing.” Melvyn Raddon said firm, but compassionately.

The small group waited for several minutes before they were able to console the boy and help usher him into the conference room where Lieutenant Tessaro was waiting for him to enter.

It figured that the Raddon family would be mixed up in the incident, but Annora tried to not let that get to her. She was there to investigate, not establish guilt.

“Good morning , m’dear…” Melvyn said as he walked the distance of the table and embraced the Security Officer’s hand within his. “Thank you for answering our request to come to our office and speak with us regarding this much much unfortunate tragedy.” He said.

"Good Morning Mr Raddon."

He may be overly pleasant, but Annora was doing her best to remain professional.

Having already met the woman before under a rather antagonistic setting, Raymond saw no reason to waste time re-acquainting himself with the prying investigator.

“This is Jelron, he was one of the eye-witnesses to the attack inside of The Box of Delights last night. As you are already aware, his brother was thrown over the balcony and was fatally injured. He witnesses the tragic event and wishes to give a full and complete witness statement.” Raymond said.

"I am aware of what happened."

She turned her attention to Jelron.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet with us. I'm not here to arrest you, or even get you in trouble. All I'm interested in is what happened last night. Take your time, and tell me in your own words what happened."

It was important to tell all persons of interest in a case that, but especially so with children.

The boy looked cautiously from Melvyn to the woman before him in the gold shirt. He could feel his heart beating a mile a minute as he thought about what to say and if he was going to get in trouble.

"She did it! She got mad because me and my brother were trying to run her replicator and we tried to run and then--she--she-- got mad! She got mad and fought my brother and I SAW IT! I SAW IT ALL!" He said, the words racing out his mouth faster than he had time to process them.

"What did you see?"

Saying he saw it all, wouldn't help the case either way. Annora needed a bit more detail.

"I saw her push him! She just hit him and then pushed him over the rail!" He said as he recoiled from the woman, leaning back towards Melvyn. ". . .and then there was blood on my shoes....and he wasn't talking...." the boy began to cry.

"As you can see, this has been quite traumatic on the boy, as it would be for anybody who had witnessed the murder of his only living relative." Melvyn said as he continued to pat the boy's shoulder. "I take it you have the suspect in Starfleet custody?" He asked.

"No sir. Security took her statement after the incident, and now we have the other side of the story. Her side and his side will both be taken into consideration."

She knew that wouldn't go over well, but it was the truth.

"Her side?" Raymond cut in. "Her side is going to be nothing but a self-serving lie!" He exclaimed. "She clearly had it out for the boys because of a harmless prank, a prank that you were a witness to " Raymond added, pointing out the fact that the Security Officer was a patron of the very same woman's establishment.

"I would hate to think that your patronage of her business has somehow blinded you from the obvious truth of the situation." Raymond said in an accusatory tone.

"Need I remind you the boys entered a closed establishment, after hours. If you want a strict reading of the law, that would count as trespassing. As for my bias, I'm not the one making the decisions in this case. Per Starfleet and station regulation, those involved in an active investigation are not allowed to leave without authorization. If JAG and/or Command orders their arrest, then security will take the suspect into custody. If you like, I can have a JAG representative contact you."

She didn't bother pointing out his own bias in the case.

"That's comforting, we're to leave justice for Humans in the hands of ----" Raymond was about to use a choice descriptor when he was cut off.

"That will be enough Raymond." The elder Raddon interrupted.

Raymond paused for several moments before he decided to respond. "You would think that Lieutenant Tessaro would show some concern after learning that one of her own kind was murdered by an alien." Raymond replied, more evenly, but still with an edge to his voice.

"You already know my stance on xeno-relations Mr Raddon. I'm not here to rehash that conversation, nor have I changed my mind. Now if there's nothing else of importance, I'll take my leave."

Turning towards the door, she wondered what a man like Mr Raddon was doing on such a diverse station.

Raymond held back the urge to respond forcefully to the uniformed officer's comment.

Instead he decided to take a different approach. "Fortunately for this boy, there are still those who remember where they have come from." He said as he placed an reassuring hand on the boy's head.

"I'll make sure JAG is in touch. Good Day sir."

Annora wondered if it would be wrong to have a non-human member of JAG assigned to the case. On second thought it would likely make things worse. She would pass along the information and let them make the decision, likely they were already familiar with Mr Raddon.

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corporation

Raymond Raddon
Senior Vice President
Raddon Corporation

Lieutenant JG Annora Tessaro
Dept Security Chief


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