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Not So Friendly Fire Part VII - An Unlikely Pairing

Posted on Thu Sep 1, 2016 @ 3:32am by Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Bajoran Republic Ship Anor
Timeline: MD3-1030

Wen Aretta sat quietly. She was no longer angry, just uncomfortable. When much of your formative life is spent under a Cardassian whip, one is understandably put off by being around them. Still, at the insistence of the Ambassador, Wen conceded to allowing Kivan to accompany her on the BRS Anor to aid in the search efforts.

Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas' curiosity had gotten the best of him. The information he had retrieved from Colonel Wen's escape pod had only given him a glimpse into the new Bajoran vessel that they had been dispatched to search for. While he could not ignore the tragedy at the lost of life, the Engineering inside of him still wished to know more.

"Colonel Wen, you never did fill me in on the particular details of B'hala." Ensign Kivan said, attempted to make conversation while the Anor made its way to join the rescue party.

Aretta shot a contempt filled look at Kivan. "She was experimental. The technology was designed to put the Republic fleet closer in comparison to the Starfleet." The bajoran turned away. "But like all good Bajoran things, your people swoop in a crush it."

"They aren't my people. . ." Kivan responded through clenched teeth. It was more of a reaction moreso than a conscious response. For years he had dealt with being judge by his physical traits moreso than the person inside. Every time people saw him, all they saw was a Cardassian. Even worst, every time a Cardassian saw him, all they saw was a half-breed.

"We aren't even sure what exactly happened. You stated there was some kind of communication malfunction." The Ensign responded

Without the courtesy of eye contact, the Colonel spoke. "Our entire communications array was malfunctioning. When we couldn't respond to their hails, despite no signs of aggression on our part, the Bloody Cardies blasted us with everything they had." She spoke with a reserved anger and a firm respect. She was, after all, discussing the circumstances of her crew's loss.

Ensign Kivan paused before responding. "What do you suppose made them view you as a hostile target? Typically Cardassians are aggressive, but they typically don't randomly destroy Military Vessels just for target practice. Do you believe they were hiding something?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." Wen cracked her neck. "We didn't have any reports of Cardassian activity in the area, who knows what they were up to?"

"Ma'am, we've received word from the USS Horizon, they've discovered the wreckage of the B'hala as well as several Cardassian warp signatures." The Operations Control Officer reported.

"Thank you."said Colonel Wen, "Ask them where they'd like our search to start."

The young Bajoran at Operations nodded, and tapped away at his console. "Major Wen says he'd like us to look for makeshift energy blockades."

Colonel Wen couldn't help but smile. Of course many members of the Militia were former Resistance fighters, so energy blockades would have been instinct to use. They utilized minimal power, helped to create an artificial atmosphere, and block lifesigns from the Cardassian's sensors.

"Adjust sensors to a frequency variance of point zero zero three one." As she issued the order, Colonel Wen felt hope for the first time since abandoning her ship. "If they're hiding we need to find them soon."

Ensign Kivan took a seat at a nearby Operations console and began to bring up a schematic of the most likely area where the energy blockades would be located.

"When I was younger, I remember some of the others at Camp Hutet speaking out setting up the same kind of 'energy blockades' you are talking about" Ensign Kivan said with a slight smirk as he thought about the stories some of the captured "Freedom Fighters" would tell to their fellow prisoners.

"I always wondered if it really could be done with minimal resources, I guess we'll find out." He said as his fingers flew across the panel.

"You, at Camp Hutet?" Wen tried to hold back her laugh.

Ensign Kivan looked up while the computer ran its simulation. "Yes, I was there because I grew up on Cardassia IV, and no I wasn't there as an overseer" Ensign Kivan said ruefully.

"I was there because it was the only home I had left after my mother died due to an outbreak amongst the other Bajorans." He said defensively.

Solemnly, Aretta looked Kivan in the eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that." She said, taking a moment of silence in his mother's honour.

A chirp erupted from the Operation Station. "I think we have something." said the Young Bajoran, he looked to Kivan seated next to him."

Ensign Kivan brought up the larger display on the main viewer. He focused the vessel's sensors to enhance the area where they were detecting the largest amount of radiation.

"Colonel, I believe. . .that may be the source of our energy signal." He said as he magnified the image to show the still-functioning energy blockade. "Unfortunately, I'm not reading any life-sig---" He tried to say before he was cut off.

"Keep scanning!" barked Colonel Wen. Her feverous search would not be deterred by one dead end.

"Colonel, I think we should divert our resources to a more reasonable search effort. All reasonable evidence points to you and your subordinate being the only surviv---" He tried to say as sympathetically as he could before he was cut off again by the understandably passionate Militia Commander.

"Is that all you damn Spoonheads think about? Dead Bajorans!" She was heated and was not holding back any of her anger.

Ensign Kivan did not respond immediately. Instead, he allowed the insult to pass. He had been called worse, but he also understood that the Colonel was dealing with the loss of her crew.

"Continue the search." She said, diverting her attention from Kivan. "Erect a medical field around the cargo bay and beam any remains there."

"Very well..." Ensign Kivan said through clenched teeth. He had allowed the insult to pass, but he hadn't completely ignored it.

Colonel Wen Aretta
Commanding Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade

Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer


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