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Dealer's Choice

Posted on Wed Aug 31, 2016 @ 5:02am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD3 1130


Edward was surprised to see Yolanthe walk through the gate in the shutters that were across the front of the Box of Delights. It was early for her to be up. But given what happened the night before, maybe she couldn't sleep.

"Morning, Yolanthe. How are you doing?"

She gave Edward a brief smile. She was mostly grey, with the barest hint of violet to it. "I'm fine.You?"

"Good. Good. I had the reporter from the FNN sniffing around wanting something for the morning news, but I ran him off." Edward put down his raktajino and pulled a chair down from one of the tables, holding it out for her. "What brings you in so early."

"I was thinking about this situation. I hate being talked about because yet more people have come to harm in this place." Yolanthe's skin turned a dirty yellow for a moment. "I want to make sure they're talking about it for the right reasons."

"Fair enough. You have something in mind?" he asked

"I'm going to hold a poker tournament," she told him. "I've got money put aside. I can guarantee a pot big enough to get everyone talking. I was thinking five hundred strips of latinum."

Edward choked on his coffee. "Five Hundred>?" When she nodded, he gave a low whistle, "That should get people's notice."

"That's the idea. How many people do you think we'll get."

Edward shrugged. "It depends. We should set a buy in, and an entry fee. That will keep out anyone who isn't serious. That should make for good entertainment, attract some serious people in to play."

Yolanthe nodded. "Okay, how much?"

He thought about it. "Say, twenty slip entry fee, and a two strip buy in? Its possible you'll cover at least half your pot that way. Maybe more."

"Done. Have we got the staff? Right now?"

Edward frowned. Depends how many people sign up, but if we have to, we can clear the main holodeck and use a casino program. I know you don't like holoprograms, and it might mean cancelling the bookings, but we've only got an open mic night and a comedy club booked this week. We can move them if we need to."


"Have you thought about what sort of poker?" Edward asked.

She gave him a surprised look. "I didn't know there was more than one. I assumed its what ever we play here."

"Texas Hold'em then. " Edward said, "That's fine. Its easy, and everyone knows it."

"Okay. Lets it do it that way." She pulled Edward's padd to her, and made some entries, and showed it to him. "What do you think?"

"It will certainly get people talking." Her manager allowed, and tapped on it himself. The windows came to life. In big red letters was the announcement:

Poker Tournament

Winner Takes All!

100 strip prize pot guaranteed

"What do you think?" he asked her

Her colours lifted, and she became a pastel blue. "Ante up."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Edward Stapleton
Manager, The Box of Delights
NPC by Yolanthe


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