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Not So Friendly Fire Part V - Road to Recovery

Posted on Sat Aug 27, 2016 @ 8:00pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.

1,197 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD02- 1400

As she'd indicated to her patient, it didn't take long for the transporter beam to deposit them in the infirmary - or rather, it didn't take long for the transporter chief to deposit the injured woman on a bio bed and Noelle beside it. She immediately ask for a nurse's assistance to administer fluids while she focused on getting more complete scans. All the while, Noelle made sure to explain everything she was doing. Casting her eyes gently over her patient's facial features, she asked, "What may I call you?"

"Perin." Said the Bajoran. "My name is Herdra Perin." She felt weak and dizzy, trying to focus on the Doctor.

"I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances, Ms. Herdra," Noelle replied, "but we'll fix you up as good as new in no time. I know it may be difficult to stay alert, especially given the pain med I gave you, but please try to stay awake as best you can, ok? I know you're dehydrated, and you've sustained a concussion and a broken collar bone, but do you hurt anywhere else?" Bennett knew no matter how good the scan, her patient could alert her to things that were perhaps not readily apparent.

Herdra shook her head.

"Are you allergic to anything?"

"Hasperat seeds." She croaked, "The seeds."

Noelle nodded and smiled. "Very good. I'll make a note when this is all over, not to give you a tray with hasperat." Bennett returned to her work then, and she was relieved to confirm from more extensive scans there were no additional internal injuries. The concussion, hairline fracture, and dehydration were causing her patient enough discomfort, but at least she didn't have any immediate indications she would have to rush the Bajoran into surgery. "I'm initiating and neural scan just to be sure there are no more surprises," she explained gently. "While I'm doing that, will you tell me what you remember about how you were injured?" Noelle was asking for two reasons. First, she genuinely wanted to know what happened in case there were medical challenges to be addressed later and secondly, she wanted to keep her patient awake as much as possible.

"The Cardassians." She forced out." Our comms were down, and they attacked." Herdra started to cry, the man she was dating was in the Engine room on B'hala. She couldn't believe she was only just thinking of him now.

"I'm so sorry," Noelle replied, hearing and seeing the monitors react to her patient's increase in distress. Her intention wasn't to cause more harm but to get as much information as she could about what had happened so she had the most comprehensive picture of the potential medical needs as possible. "Will you take some deep breaths for me? You are safe here, and the neural scan I'm doing will help me make sure there's no other head injuries we need to worry about. Once I get the all clear on your neural scan, I'll get the osteo- regenerator and take care of that hairline fracture. No one's going to hurt you here," Bennett repeated. "You and your companion will be protected."

Herdra calmed herself, and took a few deep breaths. She looked up at the doctor and nodded. For now there wasn't much else to do, but recieve her treatment.

Noelle took a brief moment to confirm heart rate and breathing had returned to normal by sparing a glance at the readings at the monitors. The neural scan finished in short order, and satisfied there were no other brain issues to address besides the concussion, Bennett administered a cortical analeptic that would address the concussion and its associated symptoms. "There you go," Noelle replied with a smile. "I'm just going to get in osteo- regenerator and take care of that fracture and then I'll let you rest."

Before turning to reach for the osteo- regenerator on a nearby tray, Noelle spared a glance at the IV bag, making sure there were still plenty of fluids available. Administering an IV was a bit old-fashioned, she knew, but in cases where injuries weren't immediately life-threatening, she liked to take a steadier approach.

Activating the osteo- regenerator, which emitted a slight hum as she worked, she asked, "How are you feeling now?" The readings could tell her one story, but she was also trying to keep her patient awake just a bit longer to make sure the medication proved effective.

Herdra winced slightly. Not that it hurt, but the sensation was new. "I'm alright." she said.

Colonel Wen arrived at Sickbay unaccompanied. "Herdra!" She cried, half running accross the ward. "How is she doing?" The Colonel asked, turning to Noelle.

Noelle turned her body to greet the unexpected and clearly anxious visitor, but kept most of her attention on her patient. "She's going to be just fine," Bennett replied, careful not to reveal any personal medical information. "I'll be finished patching her up in just a few minutes, but she's going to need her rest after that."

Herdra was begining to fall asleep. whether that was a result of the IV or her own fatigue was unknown.

Wen leaned down and whispered in Herdra's ear. "I'm going on a search mission to look for other survivors. I'll see you when I return." Herdra offered no response.

"Thank you so much doctor, for all your help." the Colonel said, as she headed for the door.

"Wait, please," Noelle called out. "I'd like to examine you just to make sure you're okay. I know you may not think you need to be, but you could have significant injuries. I can't have you collapsing. My reputation as a doctor would be ruined," she added with a small smile.

Wen grumbled and backtracked tothe Doctor. "I feel fine." she said with conviction.

Noelle instructed the nurse to complete the osteoregeneration on Herdra before turning to Wen. "You feel fine now, but that doesn't mean you are fine. The last thing anyone wants is to have to rescue you twice in the middle of looking for others. Wouldn't you agree?"

Without a word, Wen stepped towards the Doctor. "Let's make this quick."

"It'll take as long as it takes to determine you're well enough," Noelle asserted. She appreciated the desire to be of assistance, but she wouldn't be bullied into taking a shortcut regarding her professional responsibilities." Noelle stepped forward and pulled out her tricorder.

Trying her best to be patient, Wen stood still for the doctor's scans. The whole while counting the moment in her head before she could reasonable insist on leaving to join the search.

Scans revealed dehydration and a few scrapes and bruises, which was remarkable under the circumstances. "You're a little dehydrated, so be sure to take in some fluids as you go. I can give you something for pain too if you like." Noelle knew Wen was in a hurry but she wanted to offer.

The Colonel shook her head and already started towards the door. "Just take care of Herdra while I'm gone. Thanks Doc."

Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor

Second Lieutenant Herdra Perin
Weapons Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade


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