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Why do you mourn for a Bajoran?

Posted on Sat Aug 27, 2016 @ 9:05am by Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Wed Sep 21, 2016 @ 10:42pm

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Cardassian Embassy & The Orcett
Timeline: MD 3 0500

"The vessel entered are Area of Operation, we were well within our rights to open fire on a hostile vessel!" Gul Druman Nivall said defensively. "The Rules of Engagement clearly stat--"

"Don't you dare quote regulation to me!" He snapped "How dare you speak to me as if I'm some first-year D'ja just coming to the fleet!" The Cardassian said, making reference to the lowest of junior officers.

The mere thought that he may have forgotten the basic elements of a tactical engagement filled him with rage.

"I may be the Ambassador, but before I ever held this post i fought countless battles across this quadrant in service to Cardassia." He said pointedly. "Perhaps you have spent too much time within the theoretical boundaries of the Sixth Order to understand how the rest of the galaxy works!" Hydel shot back.

It was not the first time that Gul Nivall had been accused of being "sheltered" within his unit. The Sixth Order had traditionally been the scientific arm of the Cardassian Military. Most technological and scientific breakthroughs had been discovered by the efforts of the Order throughout its various missions and dedicated tasks.

Gul Nivall's current mission was no different.

"Save me the theatrics, Hydel. The fact remains that no Cardassian or any other person of value was injured during this incident." Gul Nivall said callously. His lack of concern for the hundreds of Bajorans killed onboard was obvious. However, Hydel's anger was not based upon the loss of Bajoran life either.

"You are missing the bigger picture: Your destruction of that vessel will complicate both of our missions." He stated. "You and I both fully recognize the capabilities of the Dar'heel and what such a class of vessel will mean to re-building Cardassian's influence throughout the quadrant. That planet is the key to Cardassia's future!" He said, gesturing towards the display of Pangaea.

"So then why do you mourn for a Bajoran??" Gul Nivall asked.

"Undoubtedly, the Bajoran Embassy will raise some kind of a grievance with the Federation government over the loss of this particular vessel." He said. "The last thing I need is for the Federation to stick their nose any further into Cardassia's affairs in this sector than it already has." Hydel replied.

". . .fair enough. But you are assuming that the Federation will have substantive evidence regarding this incident." Gul Nivall responded.

"How wouldn't they? You can be sure that the Bajorans will retrieve data from the vessel that will be analyzed to reconstruct the battle." Ambassador Hydel stated, using the word "battle" generously.

"You assume that they'll be able to retrieve anything. . .at all. . ." Gul Nivall said knowingly as he tried to hide a smirk.

"Ahhh....." The Cardassian Ambassador said. He knew Gul Nivall long enough to know that he was fully capable of employing whatever tactic was necessary to cover protect himself from unwelcome eyes. Undoubtedly, the Bajorans were on their way to retrieve the "data" as they spoke.

"Then I will leave you to tend to your duties." Hydel said as he prepared to close the channel.

"For Cardassia!" Both Cardassians said in unison as the channel closed.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Gul Druman Nivall
Commander, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire
NPC by Thom


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