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Twin One, Twin Two (Part 3)

Posted on Sat Jun 25, 2016 @ 12:41am by Captain Andrew Reynolds & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian Thereen Tera

1,839 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD2 14:50


Oh goddesses. She was kissing him. This had gone too far. He had to come clean. And now, before he was in any deeper. Getting his breath back as she pulled away, he briefly sensed that familiar feeling again quickly replaced by lust. "Erm, I have to confess something, Tera." He pushed her back slightly, trying to get some space between them. "I'm not Liam."

"No, but I am," rang out Liam's voice.

Tera blinked in confusion, the intoxicants and lust making it hard to think as she looked up and saw…Liam standing there.

“What?” she asked, shifting back slightly in her Liam’s lap. “What’s going on?” She attempted to stand and the room spun a bit, sending her falling into the real Liam. She touched his face as if to assure herself he was real.

“There are two of you?” She giggled at the naughty thought. “Am I in the Celestial Temple?”

The ops ensign armed with a phaser that had entered with Liam turned to him as he caught the Bajoran woman. "Sir, is this the intruder? Are we dealing with a shape shifter?"

Liam sighed as Tera wriggled in his arms, finally managing to keep her still as he smoothed her dress back down her thighs. She gasped as he ran out of skirt and hit bare skin. Pulling his hands back, he reasoned she was under the influence of something.

He kept his arm round her waist, holding her to him, keeping her steady, and in truth not wanting to see if she would have gone back to Jon as he explained what was happening.

"No, that's my twin brother. Look my file up, Ensign, it’s all in there. Andrew Jon Reynolds. Four minutes older than me. Captain of the Merlin, which is currently docked with us. And no, Tera, it’s not the celestial temple. Jon was pretending to be me."

Tera gasped in shock, her big blue eyes widening even further as she stared at Jon. “You…”

His twin at least had the good grace to look mortified at his actions. "I was trying to help," he said sheepishly.

"Stand down, Ensign. I have got it from here," Liam told her.

The ensign nodded and walked off to the bar to check his profile and things were just the case.

"Look, I know you’re mad, but…"

"How is kissing…well, kissing my…a girl I like pretending to be me helping?" Liam demanded. "And what the hell have you done to her?" he insisted.

"She ate some moss stuff."

"And you’re not right either," Liam demanded. "You took something too. Do you even know what sort of things they serve here?"

"Well, no, which you think I would do, considering how much money I have spent in this place. Thanks for that, by the way. My soon to be ex-wife was really not happy when that bill came in."

It was now Liam's turn to look sheepish. He projected to his twin to shut the hell up and they would talk later. Right now he had to focus on Tera. Turning her round gently, he could sense confusion off he brought her hand into his. "Tera, will you come with me. I need to speak to you about something important."

Tera’s blue eyes were wide and a bit unfocused as she nodded to Liam. She turned to John, a bit wobbly, and slapped him. “You, sir…are a good kisser…” She giggled and fell back against Liam.

A tall, voluptuous Rowa’ni with plenty of soft, enticing curves and an innocent, angelic, youthful appearance approached them. She had the pointed ears that many of them had and wore a diaphanous white toga-like gown that was so close to sheer he could practically see her naked body beneath hit. Her hair was a deep rose red, long and unbound, and her scent was powerful as it washed over them, stronger than the others John had met in this hedonist palace.

“Make sure she has plenty of water, Lieutenant,” Tianys told Liam, “and give her a bit of this in the water.” She handed Liam a small baggy with a pink powder. “It should clear her system in about fifteen minutes with no hangover, though I can’t promise she will be happy with you for ending her high early.”

"Thanks, Tianys." Liam nodded, still struggling to keep her upright and more than a little upset that she thought his twin a good kisser. He didn't want Jon kissing Tera. He wanted to be the one who got to kiss her.

He took the powder and water off the alien. "Luckily I'm not high, so might be able to dodge a slap," he muttered, although not 100% convinced.

Liam laced his hand through Tera's and led her to the other end of the bar, sitting her down again. He picked as close to the door as he could to let some of the less Rowa’ni pheromone powered air sweep over them as patrons came in and out of the place. He poured the powder into the water, watched as it flashed a pinkish color, and handed it to Tera. "Can you drink some of this for me, sweetheart?"

“Sweetheart…” Tera smiled. “Mmm…I really want to kiss you…” she said, leaning in and stealing a kiss. Then she drank the water and sighed. “I’m sorry, Liam,” she told him as the buzz started to end. “I should have known…” She slumped in her stool and covered her face.

"How would you have known?" Liam asked pulling her hands away from her face. "I didn't tell you I had a twin and if you don't know what you’re looking for, he's a mirror image of me. He's the one who should have known better. Look, Tera, that's done with now. I apologize for his behavior and I will speak with him, but I have some not so good news to give you."

“Well, he was a perfect gentleman…well, up until the not being you part,” Tera said with a frown, working through the fog of coming down from her buzz. “Wow, this stuff really kills the mood fast,” she said.

Tera looked up at Liam and frowned. “Bad news? What sort of bad news?” she asked him.

“There's this young girl in ops and she has this ridiculous crush on me. I mean to the point where she's been following me about and stuff. Creepy really. She spied on our date. She knew where you lived. Saw me stay over. When you didn't respond to my messages…well, when you went silent on me, my friend Cade set me up on a date with his friend. She showed up and caused trouble, so the XO and I have just had it out with her. She said she let someone have access to your communications. We don't know who this person is and why they are monitoring you. I'm so sorry if I have got you caught up in something."

Tera blinked. “No, I didn’t return your calls because I turned my comms off,” she explained. “I didn’t get your messages until recently. Someone was…calling me,” she admitted. “You said someone got access to my communications?” She frowned. “Who would want that? It’s mostly just business calls…”

Then it dawned a bit on her and she hung her head in her hands again. “My suppliers…” she bemoaned. “They would know who was getting me the Bajoran art to sell. I didn’t tell them…anyone that makes the pieces who they were for.”

Liam pulled her hands away again and wrapped his arm around her comfortingly. "We will get it straightened out. I'll go speak to the Bajoran ambassador. This whole situation is ridiculous. Who was calling you, Tera?"

She shook her head. “I don’t know,” Tera admitted. “Mostly it was just heavy breathing. A few times there were…veiled threats. Nothing that I could bring to Security. And someone grafittied my window last night.”

"I don't want you all alone above that shop by yourself," Liam said suddenly. "Especially now people have taken to defacing and vandalizing it. And someone's monitoring you. You might not be safe. Come stay with me until the XO and security can investigate things properly. Please," he said softly.

Tera frowned, her back stiffening a bit rebelliously. “I can take care of myself, Liam,” she told him. “I’ve made a place for myself here. I won’t be driven out again,” she said, her voice choking.

"Right, of course," Liam said slowly. He stood up to leave, feeling like he just got slapped in the face twice. Once finding her and Jon all over each other, and for worrying and trying to be nice. What an idiot he was.

"I apologize," he said simply. "I'll let you know anything we turn up. I have to go kick his arse now. See you, Tera."

~JON he projected to his twin. We are leaving.~


Tianys turned to John, running her fingers lightly through the handsome man’s hair. “And what about you, precious?” she asked him. “What should I get for you? Would you like another girl?” she offered.

"Probably best if I just stick with finishing my drink and watching the lightshow. I have a not so fun conversation heading my way." He indicated his brother. "But that doesn't mean I won't be back afterwards." He smiled at the alien. "This is a really unique place," he complimented her.

“Thank you.” Tianys smiled, settling on the edge of his seat. “We try to provide whatever pleasurable experience you could imagine. You are welcome back any time,” she assured him. “I am Tianys Dalav’ni, the proprietor,” she introduced herself, offering her hand in the way Humans did.

"Charmed, Tianys," Jon said, pulling her hand to his lips. "My ship is docked for three weeks shore leave. I will have to recommend this to some of the crew." He certainly knew a few people who would want to let loose and "indulge"

Tianys chuckled. “My girls and boys would love to have you all, I am sure,” she said with a smile. “If you have some strapping young men, I know I have a couple girls that really need them,” she smirked.

Jon heard his twin yell in his head and sensed his vulnerability, anger at him, and a feeling of rejection. He stood up smiled at the alien. "I have to go, but I am sure some of the crew will be able to accommodate you. See you another time."

He walked through the club and past Tera, pausing to give a small wave before following his twin out the door.


Thereen Tera
Bajoran shop owner
NPC Caleb Ryan

Tianys Dalav’ni
Proprietor of the Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Captain Jon Reynolds
USS Merlin
NPC Liam Reynolds


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