
  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Jul 20, 2016 @ 5:30pm

Captain Andrew Reynolds

Name Andrew "John" Reynolds

Position Retired NPC

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Half Betazoid
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2'
Weight 190lbs
Hair Color Short, light brown
Eye Color Green with dark black betazoid iris
Physical Description Liam's almost identical brother. Those that know the twins well know the only way to tell them apart is by a small birth mark behind Johns ear and they have different tattoo's on their right thigh.


Spouse Charlotte Reynolds
Children Peter - Love child with Liam's first fiance
Father Edward Reynolds - deceased
Mother Lorena Reynolds
Brother(s) Liam Owen Reynolds - currently CDO of DS5
Declan (Half brother) currently residing in a mental health institute on Earth
Sister(s) Hannah Louise Reynolds

Personality & Traits

General Overview Liam's older by 3 minutes, almost identical twin. More ambitious than Liam and has risen up the ranks faster in Starfleet being the Captain of the USS Merlin.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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