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Twin One, Twin Two (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Jun 25, 2016 @ 12:40am by Captain Andrew Reynolds & Civilian Thereen Tera

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD2 14:45


Jon had just realized the waitress was naked. He did a double take. Then the full onslaught of pheromones and lust hit him.

Liam, what in the name of the goddesses have you been playing at! He had been hoping the Lotus Lounge that he had apparently made a very large payment to had been some sort of Oriental establishment. He knew Liam had hosted a diplomatic party, so had wondered if this had been the venue. Now he was not so sure.

"Ermmm, one Sumerian Sunset and I'm going to need a scotch. Definitely a double," he said after a moment. This alien was enchanting. His whole body felt giddy.

"You probably want to make this a large for Tera." She winked at him, presenting her own ‘doubles’. "I'll bring them over."

Tera. Tera, right he thought, shaking himself out of it. He had a name now. Of the girl he walked in with. Liam's girl. He nodded thanks and headed back to her.

"I'm, errrr, thinking I should have taken you somewhere less… Full of naked people," he finished as another goddess walked past them.

Tera was observing another naked Rowa’ni, a male, and pulled her attention back to ‘Liam’ as he returned. She gave him an embarrassed smile. “You have been her before,” she reminded him. Her body was showing the signs of exposure to the heady floral scent of Rowa’ni, her nipples perky against her dress. “I figured that was your angle.” She flushed, memories of their night together brought to the fore by the libidinous atmosphere.

Another Rowa’ni woman brought a tray by with several small compartments. Some held slices of various kind of fungus or lichen, and some little depressions filled with pills or small thimble cups of colored liquids.

“That purple mushroom with the pink liquid are very good together,” Tera told ‘Liam’, though she selected a bit of bright crimson moss on a cracker and a tiny cup that pulsed green, then blue, and then red as it changed color.

“That goes well with program 43,” the Rowa’ni suggested with a smile. “And you, Lieutenant Reynolds?” the Rowa’ni asked, offering him the tray and a full view of her lovely breasts and bright smile, her scent washing over him.

"I don't have an angle. I was only thinking it’s close to the shop for when Security finally show their arses and you needed some time out and someone to talk too," Jon said as he gamely picked up one of the purple mushrooms and the suggested pink liquid. "Thank you," he added to the waitress. Hopefully she would buy that and not realize it was his first time in here. He had to stop staring at everything. Jon forced his attention to solely Tera.

"What's Program 43?" he leaned in and asked Tera as the waitress from the bar appeared and dropped off their drinks.

“Oh,” Tera said. “Well, many of the edibles here are intoxicants and mild hallucinogens,” she said, popping her own bit of moss and cracker into her mouth and tossing back her little thimble of drink. “They often enhance sensual experience. The holotables are programmed with light and sound shows.” She indicated some of the patrons that sat staring at the tables where lights swirled and tones and beats played, some with rather stupid grins, others pleased, and all looking very, very relaxed.

Tera sank back in her own chair and picked up her drink, sipping it as she felt the effects of her own choice slowly slide over her, easing her tension, making everything sharper, more alive. She found herself staring at ‘Liam’, watching the way his hair strayed in the wafting breeze of a passing naked Rowa’ni, as if in slow motion, and she smiled at him.

She looked as beautiful as any of the goddesses, Jon mused as he downed the pink liquid. Mirroring her actions he sank back into his chair. "It's interfering with my empathic abilities," he said, wrinkling his nose up as he tried to make sense of the room, match whose emotions went to whose. It was fruitless. Everything was just fuzzy. He thought for a second he sensed something very familiar, but it disappeared into the sea of feelings around them. "You look like you’re glowing," he told her. "Like an angel," he added. Then he chided himself. Liam, remember. You’re just killing some time before thrashing things out with him, helping him help his girl out.

Tera giggled as the drugs took effect on her and ‘Liam’. “It only gets better,” she said. “It’ll last about an hour. You’ll be a bit thirsty after, but that’s it.” She scooted closer to him on the round couch around the holotable.

He needed to get back to business. It was a big effort moving through the haze of what he – no, they -- were experiencing, but he pulled himself forward again, swaying slightly until he managed still once more. He giggled for a moment until he was say up properly facing her again.

"Okay, this is what I think. I'm a diplomat," he stated. That felt odd saying that out loud. Liam had always been a counselor. "And Bajor has a trade agreement with the station and the Federation. So I think…that needs going through with a fine tooth comb. There may be something in there we can hit back at your suppliers that are giving you any issues." She smiled at him and it felt really, really good. Maybe she thought no one would want to help her.

Tera leaned in close to ‘Liam’, her full breasts pressing against his arm. She nuzzled his neck. “I’m small potatoes,” she murmured, nibbling on his ear. He tasted so great! And that shirt! It felt so good against her skin! She ran her hands across his muscled chest. “No one is going to care about a little jewelry shop owner on a distant station.”

A Rowa’ni sauntered by, dropping more drinks at their table.

“Ooo! Taste this!” Tera giggled, reaching up and pulling the alien into ‘Liam’s’ lap. “Kiss her. Lick her skin.” She leaned in and ran her tongue along the girl’s pointed ear. The Rowa’ni smiled and kissed Tera.

Jon was too lost in the moment to argue and licked the alien’s ear. "Mmmm, minty," he said with a smile. What did his brother get up to at this station? He helped the lady out of his lap. "I would rather kiss you."

The words were out of his mouth before he could even think properly.

Tera smiled. “You only had to ask, Liam,” she said as the Rowa’ni sauntered off. She slipped into his lap, straddling it, her dress riding up her lean thighs. She cupped his face, ran her hands through his hair, and leaned in, pressing her full, sensual lips to his in a deep, soulful kiss.

Oh goddesses. She was kissing him. This had gone too far. He had to come clean. And now, before he was in any deeper. Getting his breath back as she pulled away, he briefly sensed that familiar feeling again quickly replaced by lust. "Erm, I have to confess something, Tera." He pushed her back slightly, trying to get some space between them. "I'm not Liam."

"No, but I am,"


Thereen Tera
Bajoran shop owner
NPC Caleb Ryan

Captain Jon Reynolds
Liam's twin
NPC Liam Reynolds


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