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Survivor's Vendetta

Posted on Thu Apr 21, 2016 @ 11:54am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,602 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Verex III
Timeline: MD16 0240


Keldan Willets and the remnants of his mercenary team were amongst the very few people associated with Torm who had avoided arrest or death, Carlov and her bunch had made a hell of a mess when they went to take down Brent Rubin. He'd lost five men, men he now had to worry would be identified by the Feds, he'd nearly been killed himself, and he hadn't even been paid for this debacle yet. So, to say the least, he wasn't exactly pleased when one of Rubin's Naussicans had stumbled to the back door of his safehouse with the wreckage of Xiona, but he'd let them in anyway, and now he waited to see what the doctor would tell them, ~Hopefully he can save the bitch. If not I'm out even more latinum.~ He thought as he pounded another shot of Aldeberan whiskey, so far he'd had an outlay of three bars of latinum, the doctor was going to cost another quarter bar, "Overhead is killing me."

'Doctor' Steven Buell wandered out of the storage room that his client had converted into an ersatz hospital room with a smile on his face; he could save the patient, but she would need extensive reconstructive surgery, and that meant a big payday for him. He took a seat across from Willets, the man who had become his main source of income since he lost his medical license, and pointed to the bottle of whiskey, "How's about a drink, Kel?" He asked, licking his lips at the thought of taking the sweet, strong liquid into his mouth.

"Sure." Willets shrugged, pouring the 'Doctor' a drink, ~Pathetic rummy.~ He said internally, fighting the urge to laugh at the Doctor's comical reaction to seeing the booze, ~Almost like Pavlov's dogs. Only they didn't lose their medical license.~

"So, good news." Buell began, stopping to take a sip of his whiskey, savoring it for a few seconds before continuing, "I can save her. I can also fix her face....."

"Whoa, Doc, I ain't tryin' to enter her in no beauty contests." Willets protested, "I just want to save her life so I can get all the latinum I've already blown back and maybe, just maybe turn a little profit. She can pay for her own fuckin' facelift."

"You really think Xiona is going to want to help you turn a profit if you leave her looking like that?" Buell asked as he finished his drunk. It was true, the once beautiful Orion was a mess, her face had been nearly crushed, she didn't even look humanoid anymore, "But, hey, that's your business I guess. How about another?"

Willets swore under his breath, he hated it, but the 'Doctor' was right, Xiona could hold a grudge with the best of them and if he saved her life but left her disfigured she would make a mask of his skin when she was walking again and he'd never see a cent, "Okay, so how much?" He groaned as he poured the drunk across from him another drink.

"Well, since you're always so hospitable and serve such great booze I think a discount can be arranged." Buell shrugged, he was still going to lay the wood to Willets good, but clients were hard for a defrocked doctor to come by, especially frequent clients like Kel, so it wasn't going to be devastating, "How's about twenty percent off my usual fee, Kel?"

"Twenty five." Willets countered, topping off the 'Doctor's' drink again.

"Hey, who am I to argue with my bartender?" Buell laughed, draining his glass and moving it across for another refill.

"Good." Willets nodded, pouring the 'Doctor' yet another drink, ~Maybe I should just get him wasted after the surgery and when he sobers up after just tell the drunk bastard I paid him....~

[Xiona's 'Room']

She was alive, every part of her hurt and she couldn't move many of her limbs, but Xiona knew she was alive. She was alive, meant Carlov had really screwed the pooch this time and Xiona was going to teach her a lesson. Her face hurt, and she feared the very worst, but she knew it was temporary at most, she would be beautiful again and had never, no, would never stop being dangerous, and she was going to make sure Col. Debora Carlov, and her pretty wife and daughter, understood that fact. One of Willets' men was sitting beside her, she could see him out of the corner of her unbandaged eye. With all her remaining strength she sputtered, "Get...... Will.... ets."

Elim Marin was a nineteen year old Cardassian, named for the 'Hero of the New Cardassia' by parents who dreamt he'd become an officer in the Imperial Military. His parents had been murdered when he was fifteen, their dreams dashed shortly after when Willets took their son in, spending four years teaching the lost boy how to kill for fun and profit, turning him into a soldier without a country, and, to Willets' infinite pride, one of the deadliest mercenaries in the known galaxy. He was damn near asleep when she started talking, he almost thought he'd dreamed it, but he had to know for sure. Walking over to her quickly he said, "What did you say?"

"Get.... WILLETS!" Xiona snarled, the act of raising her voice creating a whole new wave of agony.

Not knowing what else to do, Elim simply replied, "Okay." before leaving the room to do exactly what she had told him to do.

[Main Room]

Elim Marin hustled to Willets, his titular father's, side, whispering, "She's awake."

"What?" Willets replied, he'd not been expecting that.

"She's awake and she wants to talk to you." Elim repeated.

"Okay." Willets nodded, rising from his chair and turning to Elim, "Take care of Doc, kid."

[Xiona's Room]

It didn't take long for Willets to get to her side, that was good for Xiona, she didn't plan on wasting any time. As soon as he was in earshot she began to speak in a slow, soft tone, "Listen closely, I want the bitch who did this to me to suffer, you understand? I want her to watch her wife and daughter die first though. I want her team dead, I want anyone who helped them dead, understand? For that I will give you access to one of Rubin's hidden accounts, one even Torm didn't know about, it's got twenty thousand bars in it."

"Xi, are you screwing with my head right now?" Willets asked in disbelief, the only reason Rubin would've had an account Torm didn't know about would've been if he had been skimming, and if there was one thing he knew about Brent Rubin it was the fact he didn't have the balls to try and screw over Torm, "Why would Rubin...."

"Look, Major Steadman...." Xiona began, calling him by his real name, the name on the tombstone one of his victims now slept under, the one he wore before becoming 'Keldan Willets' mercenary to the stars, letting him know she meant very serious business, "Do you want the money or not? I'm giving you the keys to the kingdom, asshole, but the offer has a very limited shelf life." Her head was beginning to spin, but she needed to let Willets, Ernie, know that she intended to get what she wanted, his only choice in the matter was how much he profited or how much it hurt.

~How did she know that name?~ Willets thought, unable to keep his shock and his fear from showing on his face, "Okay, so basically I get twenty thousand bars that Rubin skimmed from Torm to kill this bitch?" He reviewed, trying to display a facade of calm.

"No, you pay the doctor to fix me, you give me five thousand bars, you take whatever's left." Xiona replied, "I'll need a stake to start a new life when this is all over." The fact was she didn't need the five thousand bars, Rubin had had four other accounts Torm didn't know about, and this was the smallest of them, she just wasn't about to let Willets, who, truth being told, she had plans to kill later, make that much profit, "That's a hundred times your usual fee for a murder. Now, do you want it?"

Xiona was still hurting, that much was obvious to Willets, but he wasn't about to blow a chance at this kind of latinum, "Okay, Xi, I'll get the Doc to fix you up, nice and pretty like before." He promised, "And then...."

"Then you do what I say." Xiona cut him off, "I'm going back to sleep now, tell your doctor I need pain meds then get out."

"Okay, boss lady." Willets shrugged, he wasn't going to complain about how she treated him, least not before he got that latinum.

[Main Room]

Keldan Willets moved quickly to the table where he had been sitting prior to cutting the deal of the century, tapping Elim on the shoulder, "Put that bottle away and go sit with Xiona, Kid, the doctor's cut off." He ordered.

"Yes, sir." Elim nodded, sealing the bottle and taking it back to the liquor cabinet, "Sorry, Doc."

"Hey...." The drunken doctor protested, slurring his words, "Wash.... what the... what the hell?"

"Patient needs her pain meds." Willets stated, "Then you go home and get some sleep, you're operating in the morning."


Back from the Dead and PISSED

'General' Keldan Willets

'Doctor' Steven Buell
Drunk Off His Ass


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