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A promise is a promise ...

Posted on Sat Apr 16, 2016 @ 9:18pm by Civilian Ricardo Draxx & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

2,342 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: The box of delights
Timeline: MD15 1800

“All I am saying is we can’t stay here indefinitely. Even if we have some Lat nicely staked up. It will look suspicious and that …. What do they refer to him as …..Cowboy, that Cowboy of a security chief will be on our tail. We are already on his radar. We will have to take some work on,” Lucy stated as they walked down the promenade. Lots of the crowd parted to give them a space, seemingly nervous of a Gorn walking their streets.

“The Captain said ..” Biggs started.

“The Captain has been thinking with his dick,” Lucy hissed.

“That may be …..”

“She’s not that special anyway. Just changes colour. What’s so amazing about that? And she’s got a right mouth on her that Yolanthe. Insulted our ship, and every one of us. He shouldn’t have left us and headed back there. He should have left her to rot.”

“Lucy,” a softer voice rang out. “You don’t mean that.”

“Yes I do,” the Gorn turned round and stood over the human blond who looked tiny in comparison. The younger girl didn’t even flinch.

“We are doing this because you’re better than that. And it’s the right thing to do. A promise is a promise. When Draxx makes a promise he keeps his word. And its not fair that I'm now safe and this poor women is trapped with Thom. That disgusting beast.”

“But ALL that Latinum,” she groaned. “Our biggest score ever and we have to …”

“Shell out for me,” the blond stated sadly.

Biggs placed a hand round his sisters shoulders and gave her a quick hug. “Look it doesn’t matter. We still have enough to keep us in fuel for the next 10 years about stashed safe. Even after getting you back. And that was the whole point of it anyway. We are family.”

“We are family. Draxx is an idiot. And he better show his idiot face back up soon. Still,” Poppy sighed but you could hardly tell. It still sounded like a hiss. “All that shiny.”

“Is this it?” Biggs asked.

“You’re asking me?” his sister said incredulously.

“This is it,” Lucy growled as they caught sight of Harry on the door.

"Kitten," he rumbled, seeing her approach. "Surprised to see you back so soon. Want a rematch?" He had a very satisfied look on his face. "Because I can clear my schedule."

There was an intake of breathe from the blond human accompanying Lucy, as she walked straight up to face him. "Oh sweet cheeks," she lazily ran her claw down the taller Gorns torso and said, "Whereas whooping your tail a second time is ....... so inviting, I'm busy having to do the RIGHT THING ....." she turned on her tail to see Biggs laughing his head off.

"Does Lucy have a boyfriend?" the blond asked quietly.

Lucy stomped up to the bar casting both of them a glare. “Who is in charge when your bitch of a boss Yolanthe is not here?” she demanded slamming the suitcase down on the counter.

Rosh Pelin winced when the heavy bag hit the bar top. Even though it was transparent aluminium, it hadn't been specced to withstand anything heavier than a drunk nausicaan sleeping it off. "Er, it depends what about. I'm in charge tonight, but the assistant Manager is Edward Stapleton. What is this about?"

"A idiot Captain and a promise to ....."

"Luce," Biggs interrupted. "Maybe I should take over the negotiation."

"Oh Hell no," the blond suddenly whirled round. "No way is that happening."

"Captains orders," Lucy stated slightly happier now. Turning back to the bar tender she boomed, "Something highly alcoholic. It might dumb the pain of having to do this. The RIGHT thing."

"Zoe," Draxx said ignoring Lucy.

"Draxx can go to the four corners of Arzarket, I am NOT working ....."

"It was the favour he asked of Yolanthe,"

"And did she even agree? Its MY life and he caused me to lose 2 years of it when it all went south at the Rimoldi job. Now that I am back if any of you think that I am going to be a bimbo waitress ...."

"CAN WE JUST FUCKING DO THIS?" Lucy bellowed. Her eyelids flipped back and forth several times. The bar tender placed a glass of something in front of her. "Siblings," she snorted at him.

"This is Yolanthes cut," Biggs explained deciding to leave the other issue for the moment. He indicated the suitcase.

Pel looked at them all, utterly confused. Yolanthe hadn't come back, yet. And all he knew was that she had gone to try and find Klia, why would hse have a cut of anything. "Her cut?" he asked.

"Minus expenses for the charter and the agreement between the Captain and her. A very substantial amount. You might want to put it someplace safe," he suggested.

Pel opened the bag. Pel looked in the bag. And he shut it agian very fast, and swallowed. "Vedra! Go get Harry." A brunette straight out of a wet dream shimmied off to the doorman, try still in hand. "What is this? Where's the boss?"

Both Lucy and Zoe looked at Biggs simultaneously then whacked him as his eyes followed Vedra. "What ..... she's hot ..." Both whacked him a second time. "Oh right. Yes. Well hopefully in the same place as ours right about now."

"We sold her to Torm Malakmar," Lucy stated. "She's worth a fair bit your boss, either that or her mouth pissed off a few people and they put a price on her head."

Biggs tapped his hand closer to the pocket concealing his side arm just in case Yolanthe's staff decided to get "excitable" shall we say at that news. Lucy had a knack for just blurting things out without thinking. "Your boss was in with the plan. Told us to buy back Klia for her from Thom, then bring her back here. We were to come back and smuggle her out at the next available opportunity like we have a few of the other girls in the past. Just takes a little planning."

"Yeah well the plan stumbled slightly," Lucy stated. "The bastard wouldn't sell Klia and evicted us from his private moon."

"Captains gone back in to get them both out now," Biggs continued. "We had one other order of business to attend too. Then our bosses orders were to come back here for a rendezvous. The deal was, when we couldn't buy Klia back to get half of the payment to you and then wait. Which we just did. Been true to our word so don't be starting any trouble."

Pel's jaw dropped, "You sold Yolanthe??"

"I know it sounds horrendous. Please understand. They sold her to try rescue two women who were in a bad situation. I was one of them," Zoe said softly. "I was kept hostage by someone just as evil as Torm for 2 years. Kila was the other. I think you know more about her than I do."

"An opportunity presented itself to get my sister back and safe," Biggs said stepping forward and looked Pel right in the eyes. "I championed we took it. And try rescue the other women too. The Captain agreed to it."

"Cause he was thinking with his dick," Lucy chimed. "Somehow your girl made him grow a conscience."

"Actually I think it was bigger than that," Biggs stated. "There's more to it. I know Draxx better than all of you. There's something he's not been telling us about Torm and he's been getting intel for ages on him. He had another stake in this whole thing. And it was personal."

"When are they coming back?"

"Yes, well ....." Biggs said at the sudden change of conversation. "That's the question isn't it. In my head, they should be here already. We'll give it a few days and if there's no contact or they don't show..."

"Then we will fly back to Torm's and go be big damn heroes," Lucy finished downing her drink.

Pel was very relieved when Harry muscled his way to the bar, "Can you take this to the office, lock it up." Harry hefted the bag with no effort, and took it away. "She's been gone over a week. Surely you need to be big damn heroes right now?"

"Hey, we just got here. The ships got a couple of kinks need fixing. And before you say it, that's right next on my too do list after giving you that mountain of Latium there." Biggs said annoyed. "But I'm going to have to source some parts and go over some data on the missiles he pointed at us to try find a way to stop them for locking on the ship next time round. If you can round up a Revolian spectrometer and a few metres of Ploxian fibres to help hurry that along, be my guest."

"We need intel and then we plan," Lucy cut in. "Otherwise it might go south again. And," she stated her sharp teeth showing as she kept talking. "Draxx, although he's thinking with his dick. He is on it. If that's not good enough for you, I can let you have the coordinates of Torms last known location and your more than welcome to go in yourself. Please do, saves me a job. I'm no fan of your boss."

Pelin swallowed, "Uh, no, thats fine. But shouldn't you be reporting it to security or something?"

Lucy threw her head back and started making a loud noise. Lucky for the bartender she was laughing. Biggs cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you should be working here son?" he asked. "In a place like this? With Yolanthe as a boss? And ask a question like report it to the Cowboy."

"What do you expect will happen?" asked Lucy as she composed herself again. "That he will drop everything, fly out to the Orion market, make enquiries about an illegal weapons dealer, actually get someone there to talk to him the Federation pig he is, track down Thom's secret moon, manage to actually get there without being blown up and go rescue her instead? Is she even a Federation citizen?"

Uh," spots of red appeared high on the bar man's cheeks, "I hadn't thought of that. Is there nothing more you can do?"

"What would you suggest?" Zoe spoke up softly. "Because I want to help. It doesn't sit right with me that I'm here right now and she isn't. I can't fix ships or plan strategy and do intel. Can I help with anything this end? While they get on with it," she shot a look at her brother. "Not a bimbo waitress ... no offence," she said back to the bar man. "I just spent 2 years wearing next to nothing waiting on a criminal. I've had enough of that."

Pel couldn't help looking around, and feeling a little guilty. there was plenty of flesh on display amongst the staff. And even those without exposed skin wore clothing that was tight, and emphasizing. "Maybe here isn't the best place for you. Unless.. can you cook?"

"Oh I can cook," Zoe stated. "Why do you think my brothers that size. Someone's had to feed him his entire life."

"Hey," Biggs snapped. "I've slimmed down."

"Only because I wasn't around ...."

"She makes excellent Jibalian omelettes, Hasparat and brownies," Lucy chimed in. "But if you don't hire her, then she comes back with us when we go rescue your sorry boss."

"Well, our menu is mostly bar snacks, nothing complicated. We're no restaurant. But you'd be welcome if you want it. We need another cook to cover the late shift."

"Point me to the kitchen," the blond said with a sigh.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Pel said quickly. "You don't have to start now even if you do. Why don't you come back in the morning, talk to Edward, our assistant manager, he can sort you out properly."

"Ah offical interview, yes I like that," Zoe said. Then she looked worried. "But wait. I don't have anything?"

Pel looked confused again.

"I have no clothes other than these. Biggs negotiated my release and they just ceremoniously gave me to him as I am. I have no belongings. And if I took a job here on the station like Draxx is insisting, for my safety, where do I even stay? In the ships hold that Draxx rents out? That's no good. I'm starting completely over," she said sadly.

Pel frowned, the ridges on his nose wrinkling. The boss had a soft spot for strays and waifs. "Well, we have a wardrobe replicator in the holospa, and if you need a place to stay, there's several hotels on The Mile. You just need a thumbprint if you're a federation citizen."

Biggs smirked. "Yeah were not Federation citizens. And Zo, you ain't staying in a hotel. If your working here on Draxxs orders, he's sorting you out an appartment. Ain't like we haven't got enough Lat left over despite handing over that half there. Come on," he grabbed her arm gently. "We'll sort it. And a new wardrobe. You'll look all the business for your interview with your man Edward tommorow."

He ushered her protectively infront of him as Lucy rose and tossed payment on the bar for the drink. "Girly shopping," she snorted. "Come on. Your the only person in the universe I would withstand this for. Biggs won't be any use." They walked off, Biggs remaining behind for a moment.

"You tell your man he best be nice to her," he said firmly looking to see that they were out the door and walking back down the promenade, then he dropped a bombshell. "Oh and yee best tell your Gorn that he's gonna be a daddy."


Rosh Pelin
The Box of Delights

Lucy, Draxxs Navigator
Biggs, Draxxs First mate
Zoe, Biggs Sister

All NPC by Liam Reynolds


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