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Wed Feb 1, 2017 @ 11:02am

erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

Name Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

Position Commander - IRW Dhelan

Rank erie'Riov

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Rihansu/Human
Age 39 human years

Physical Appearance

Height 5-4
Weight 125
Hair Color Dark Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Rianni is an attractive half-human, half-Rhihansu female with mid-back length black hair in a style.... okay, well, there is no real style, it's just sort of there, the girl's been going through it lately. She has three earrings in each ear and a dragon tattooed on her ankle.


Spouse None
Children Nope
Father En-Riov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Mother Eleni Monteros, CEO Monteros Enterprises
Brother(s) Riov J'Tar tr'Khellian
Sister(s) Centurion Ashara t'Khellian
Other Family Commodore Gregori Monteros (RET), Maternal Grandfather
Capt. Isha t'Vaurek CO, DS5 Aunt
Mittens, Cat
Various cousins, aunts, uncles, etc on both sides

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rianni is generally a fun person to be around, though after some recent emotional setbacks she's become maudlin. She's still adventurous and will jump right into things to save/protect/rescue the people, places, and things she loves, often without really thinking about it.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Excellent Pilot

-Self Doubt
Ambitions Right now Rianni's ambitions are a mystery even to her. She has command of one of the best and baddest ships in the galaxy in the IRW Dhelan and for right now that's enough.
Hobbies & Interests Music, Fishing (all good Greeks fish!), Cooking, Collecting various antiquities and things she just considers "cool" from all over the galaxy

Personal History Born in a Romulan prison camp after her mother's ship, the USS Coral Sea, was captured after accidentally slipping across the Neutral Zone after a nav-system malfunction to Eleni Monteros and a Tal Shiar agent later revealed to be R'Vek tr'Khellian, Rianni's early life was one of uncertainty. Her mother, branded hero and traitor by her crewmates in almost equal numbers, would continue her Starfleet career in a series of Earthbound Administrative jobs so that Rianni could be raised in Greece with the help of her maternal Grandfather, Gregori Monteros, a retired Commodore who served in Starfleet's rarely mentioned Special Branch. A bright, inquisitive girl, her Grandfather put her on one of his corporation's flight simulators (an effort he admits now was made to get the little girl out of his hair so he could work) and found her a natural pilot. Deciding to nurture her interest in flight, Gregori poured hours of his own time each week into teaching Rianni the finer points of flight and, by 13, she was beating decorated pilots in simulated dogfights. Entering the Academy at 17 years old, she excelled in her courses and in practical flight and was assigned upon graduation to an SFMC fighter unit on Bajor. Fighting in the Dominion War she scored fifty enemy kills and went on to serve on over a dozen Starfleet vessels before being put out of Starfleet on a psychological discharge after a suicide attempt following the break up of her relationship with Areyn Kelan. After her recovery Rianni was officially made a member of her father's house and given command of the IRW Dhelan.

Her personal life has been decidedly more successful than her professional one: she's been married to four men, divorced three and killed the fourth (he deserved it!) and she's lost more than one woman she loved after finally coming to terms with her sexuality, playing it "straight" for years because she didn't want to be any more different than she already was. However, with the help of her aunt Isha, who also introduced her to her father, she's come to terms with, and embraced, her Romulan heritage as well.
Service Record Federation Service: CLASSIFIED

Romulan Service: CO, IRW Dhelan

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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