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One step forward, two steps back - Part 2

Posted on Fri Apr 22, 2016 @ 2:45am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,857 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate
Timeline: MD10 1530


He had found Torm straight away. The fat man was burnt and charred. Surrounded by a few of his goons. Quite clearly there had been an explosion. Draxx circled him wary at first. Then promptly shot him right between the eyes just to be sure he was in fact dead. "I always knew we would end up like this you bastard," he stated.

Kicking him over, which was no easy feat due to the weight of him, he found what he was looking for and had spent several years attempting to get hold of. He yanked the pendant off the dead mans cold fat neck. "You better have some back up computers mister," he muttered draping it round his own neck.

He picked up a piece of what looked like a broken phaser rifle and looked at it. "Lets hope you weren't on the recieving end of that Princess," he muttered. He tossed it aside and set off in the direction of what was left of the house.

Entering the complex in search of a useable computer and hopefully female survivors, he heard noises. Orson was right. Scavengers? or survivors?

Doors began to open on all sides of Draxx, and behind every door were two to three soldiers, all of whom were behind drawn weapons. From his position in Torm's office Squink could see it all going down on the monitors, "Guess I should intervene before they kill the damned fool pirate." He keyed the comm system, =*= Squink to all security personnel, bring Draxx to me, he's one of us.=*= He ordered, then a thought his, =*=But take his weapons before he comes up.=*= He knew Draxx was an opportunist, he wasn't about to give him an opportunity.

A burly human stepped to Draxx, his phaser rifle on maximum setting aimed right at Draxx's face, "You heard the boss, gimme the weapon and follow."

"I heard a Ferengi" Draxx clarified. He didn't flinch. Only half the moon was blown up. It figured someone would still be alive and making a play at salvaging some of the business. And this chap wasn't going to kill him. His story didn't end like that.

"Your boss is sprawl eagled and very dead out there." He handed the gun over but informed the goon, "Be careful with that. I will be getting it returned."

When Draxx and the guards finally reached Torm's former office Squink stood to greet him, "About time someone got here!" He screeched, "Where the Hell were all of you when we got attacked?"

"Stupid question. You were there. I had several weapons pointed at my ship and was ceremoniously ejected from the complex after bringing Torm one of the most exquisite specimens in the universe. I went to free Biggs sister you numpty, while the Latinum was still hot in our hands. What the hell happened here?" he demanded. "I leave for a few days, give the big guy time to simmer back down to come back for the job Orson mentioned and its complete carnage."

"Yes, well, someone, possibly a friend of yours, in a Peregrine fighter did all this damage, Hooman!" Squink snarled, "And after they turned the place into a smoking wreck some capitol ship beamed off two of Torm's most expensive women: the Orion he overpaid for and that color changing harlot you sold him."

"Gun Squink," he demanded. "NOW. And if you want me to help you in any way I need a computer and the security footage. I'll run it through one of Biggs recognition software's. Work out who the fuck you guys pissed off." He didn't look happy about it but the Ferengi nodded and the goon handed the gun back to him. Draxx holstered it once more and powered up the computer on the desk that Squink vacated.

"This had better be worth it." Squink said, showing Draxx that there were still a Hell of a lot of guns that would be brought to bear on him if it wasn't or if he tried to do something stupid.

Meanwhile unknown to Squink and his men, he collaborated the pendant. Smiled slightly as it unlocked all the files he was after and silently transmitted them to his ship orbiting. The console up there fired into life, and relayed the information to 3 secret locations. Draxx's fingers danced as he punched up images. All getting more and more fuzzy as the time elapsed to the explosion. Then he pulled up footage looking out from the complex. "Ahhhhh, 'Midnight Angel'," he said triumphantly.

"Midnight Angel?" Squink questioned, humans had some of the stupidest expressions, "Do you know who the glebbening hell did this or not?"

"Actually nope, haven't got a clue yet but its going through a long programme cross referring all the stuff and secrets I've found out over the years for a match. By the way Squink, how's the side drugs business going?" he said cocking an eyebrow. "Orson and I covered your ass a few times when Torm got close to homing in on that venture. Was actually quite nice to see you expanding your horizons. Showed you actually had some lobes. And your Moogie? She still puppeting your step dad to get profit back on Ferengini. Don't look surprised. I make it habit to background check my co-workers. And well ..... we are all friends here. About to get more visitors," he said darkly as the large cruiser appeared at the seen.

"Fuck fuck and fuck," Draxx said suddenly as he zoomed in on the "ghost" of ships past. "That's Torms fathers ship. And considering hes been dead from prison for the last 10 years. This can't be good."

Squink said nothing intelligible, merely hung his head and grumbled, before saying, "He's sure to be in a fine mood."

Draxx watched as people started beaming down outside. Torms father appeared. "So faked his own death then. I always wondered," Draxx muttered impressed now.

Squinks goons set off back into the corridor to assume a position against the impending forces. Draxx meanwhile took the opportunity to place the necklace on the floor and vaporise it with his gun. Then he set on what was left of the computers to the Ferengi's horror and confusion.

Yolanthe and assumingly Kila was no longer here. That much he was certain of so it meant Draxx didn't have to stick around. But was Squink useful??? He wasn't sure but he would toy with that thinking for the moment.

"Time to go Squink," Draxx stated grabbing his arm and activating a button on his wrist. They beamed up to his hidden ship.

"You're making a serious mistake, Hoo-mon!" Squink snarled, he hadn't expected Draxx to kidnap him.

"Touch anything and I will break something," he said darkly powering up the engines. It was time to get the hell out of there.

"I'm going to need things from your replicator, idiot." Squink replied sharply, deciding that Draxx had better treat him as an honored guest or kill him, because if he did anything else Squink was going to make sure the pirate's suffering was legendary even in the vault of eternal destitution.

"Okay first," Draxx said ignoring the insult, the irritating way all Ferengi pronounced human and beginning to regret the decision to bring this sorry son of a bitch already. " How you can possibly want to eat at a time like this, and second its limited programming. Your not going to get much past ham sandwich, soup and Roxon banana split with human sprinkles and toffee sauce. You don't argue with a Gorn with a sweet tooth," he stated at the look of incredulousness on the aliens face at that statement. "But if you fancy all that, be my guest. All I am saying is this ain't no cruise ship. Its not going to do grand buffets and its not going to do clothes and weapons if that's what your thinking." Draxx told him firmly.

"I need other things, Draxx, and food isn't one of them." Squink sighed, he wasn't happy about this at all, "Not that it matters, Torm's father is going to kill us anyway."

He was quickly running through several of the files he had transmitted up with a happy smile on his face. However many were still locked up tight with encryption codes. He would need Biggs to help hack through them. No doubt all personnel files were locked up too. There was no time now to keep attempting to find and barge his way through. Then there was a small klaxon noise from one of his other programmes.

"Who else got out Squink?" Draxx demanded as he pulled up the cause. "Rubin? One of the accounts I set up for him has just been accessed and completely cleaned out. Oh don't look surprised Squink. You weren't the only person trying to make something for yourself in the background of Torm. Rubin was just smart enough to come to me for help. You think that dope had the kahuna's to attempt that himself and stay alive?" Draxx promptly froze the rest of the accounts and moved the money. He then covered his tracks the best he could. Biggs could do a better job than him. In fact Biggs could make them completely disappear but anyone trying to find the funds would now have a horrendous goose chase on there's hands for the moment. At least it would bring Rubin out the shadows if it was him. He sent a quick ping to Biggs to alert him so he could get started.

"No." Squink answered quickly, "Rubin is definitely dead, I've gotten pictures from a source on Verex III. When the feds hit his place they literally brought down the house, everybody's accounted for except for two. Xiona and one of those filthy Naussicans Rubin insisted on having around." The fact was Squink didn't like Brent Rubin, very few in the organization did, and he was glad he was dead.

"Oh Xiona," Draxx said his face a mix of pleasure and worry at that thought. "Well that could make things interesting later down the line. But I do like to live dangerously," he winked at the Ferengi.

"By the way Squink. I'm not kidnapping you. I'm headed back to the Orion market, then moving on. Your welcome to go your own way then and replicate anything you need. I just thought you might not want to stay back and be killed."

"I planned on taking over the organization." Squink shrugged, "But seeing the original master returned from the dead fracked that up royally. Guess it doesn't do you any favors, either, does it?" That much was obvious, both of their backs were now against a very dangerous wall, "Amazing how quickly everything goes to shit, isn't it?"

"Don't mean you can't rise like a phoenix from the ashes Squink," Draxx grinned at him. "I find having the right information opens doors you never even imagined. And its not gone to shit. Its just one step forward, two steps back right now. That's all."


Ricardo Draxx

Free Agent Gangster


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