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Responding Force

Posted on Fri Apr 22, 2016 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,612 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: MD 11 - 0300 (Immediately after Albedo)

(Prior post:


Senior Chief Petty Officer Kurrall took point as he exited the turbolift, flanked by a flood of Security Personnel. He made a gesture and the group parted into two halves, each side moving forward along the corridor leading from the turbolift towards the location of the incident that the Burlesque Dancer and reported several minutes before.

"SCPO Kurrall to team, all stop." He said into his comm unit as he examined the immediate area through the scope of his phaser rifle. The Promenade was typically empty during this time period. Those that had not shut down their shops had done so after Security had initiated Lockdown Protocols for all levels of the Promenade. Additional personnel had been re-directed in order to maintain control throughout the Promenade and keep others from entering the designated crime scene.

The large gorn doorman from the Box of Delights was standing close to the gap between the two stores, trying to watch everywhere, head twitching, tongue tasting the air. An Andorian woman clung to him and cried into his suit. More of The Box's staff were rubber necking from the gate in the shutters.

Two paramedics in teal were already there. And already packing up. One of the paramedics moved away to the Andorian whilst the second, severe looking even for a Vulcan woman, made a beeline for the security officer. "We've called it. There was no response to cortical stimulation. She's as we found her."

She indicated the Deltan woman, lying on her back at the dead end of the small gap between a tailors and the Personal Comms store. There were smears of blood across the deck plating, but no puddles. One arm was broken, lying at an odd angle, but that was it for obvious injuries.

SCPO Kurrall lowered his weapon as he spoke to the Vulcan medic. "What caused it? Was there some altercation that took place between her and an unsatisfied customer?" He asked as he slowly walked towards the body of the Dancer.

"The girlfriend," The Vulcan indicated the sobbing Andorian. "Said they were attacked. She didn't see who."

"SCPO Kurrall to Response Team, lock down the immediate area. I want everyone interviewed before they're allowed to either leave or open their shops. I also want a thorough search performed of every business and restaurant on this level of the promenade before anyone is allowed to leave." He reported into his comm unit.

=/\= "SCPO Kurrall to Ensign Kato, ma'am, we're going to need someone from Investigations down here for a...unidentified death." He said, genuinely uncertain how to categorize the body laying before him.

"It will need an autopsy to be sure. But she took a beating. Fractured skull, broken bones. Look at this," She beckoned for him to follow, and stepped carefully around the blood stains to crouch next to the victim's head

Since Deltans lacked hair, the damage was plain to see. A depression fraction had caved in her skull from the back left hand side to just above the ear. the skin was puckered, split open on impact and still oozing, but the long dent, like a smashed in boiled egg, was clear.

"That's at least two, maybe three, overlapping blows. Even in quick succession it would have taken several seconds, and quite a lot of force." The Vulcan raised a perfect eyebrow in the way all Vulcans did. "And yet the girlfriend saw nothing?"

SCPO Kurrall nodded. Despite being a Vulcan, the Security Leader could detect the uneasiness in her voice. "That much violence and she doesn't see a thing? Pretty damned amazing if you ask me. . ."He said rhetorically. He saw the look in the Vulcan's eyes indicating slight confusion at his last statement.

"No, I didn't mean for you to ask m---" SCPO Kurrall's explanation was interrupted by another member of Security. "Senior Chief, he's the initial sensor logs for the entire promenade deck B through D." Petty Officer Sa'Jeen reported. "I've got Secondary OPS working more intensive scan results, but so far I'm not picking up anything." The PO stated.

SCPO Kurrall grunted in response as he handed the padd back to PO Sa'Jeen. "Get me everything you know on the decedent and her girlfriend. I'm not sure what the Koreesh happened here, but we're gonna find out soon enough." He said.

"Already done sir," the petty officer handed him a padd. "The victim is Charis, a Deltan, the Andorian girlfriend was Jhimia Zh'rellaq known as J'Rell. Both are dancers for 'Madame Miaow's Interstellar Burlesque And Cabaret. It travels but has regular runs at The Box. The women have been here a month and have been sharing quarters.

"About six months ago someone got handsy with J'Rell and the doorman threw him out with slightly more force than strictly necessary but nothing came of it. Other than that there's nothing immediate popping up. Model citizens." She put an emphasis on the phrase to indicate such things were up there with angels and unicorns.

"Well, looks like we're gonna get some kind of answers. I don't know if they're gonna be good ones." He said as he gestured to Ensign Deborah Kato stepping off of the turbolift and walking towards their general direction.

"I received an initial report about one dead, has there been any forensic evidence recovered?" The female Bajoran asked of the two individuals in front of her.

The Vulcan handed Kato her tricorder. "We did a basic scan as part of triage. She had traces of Andorian DNA in her saliva and on her hands; we assumed the girlfriend's. Additionally, low levels of alcohol in the blood. Anything else will have to wait for the autopsy. There is some blood at the scene, probably hers. We tried to not make a mess, but we're paramedics, not CSI."

Ensign Kato nodded as she reviewed the preliminary information. "Ok, I want this entire area secured so that Operation Security can perform a deep-layer forensic and spectrum scan of the area. I'll be able to review things further once the information has been compiled into a holographic recreation." She said as she turned her attention towards the survivor of the attack. . .or possibly suspect, she hadn't made that decision yet.

"Escort her to a nearby security station and get a interview room available. I want to talk to her privately after she's had a chance to calm down a bit." Ens. Kato said to SCPO Kurrall. "Have the body transported to Sickbay for an autopsy. I'm sure the Doctor will have a few questions herself." She said to the Vulcan.

"Aye-aye, ma'am," The Farian replied.

The paramedic moved away to arrange the removal of the body, but was back less than a minute later, the body still in Situ, "Ma'am. Operations are having difficulty with the transport. They are reporting a bio-electric field of unknown origin covering this area."

The sudden update caught Deborah off-guard.

"Bio-electric field? But I thought everything was deactivated since this is an active crime scene?" She asked while sharing a look between SCPO Kurrall and Vulcan paramedic.

The Vulcan remained impassive. "I queried that. Ensign Tholos insists that they have indeed deactivated all possible systems in the area, and is-"

She was interrupted by Kato's comm badge chirping and a disembodied voice saying, "Tholos to Kato. I thought you should know; the bio electric filed over the body is moving. Its heading down the east promenade away from the service hub."

Ensign Deborah Kato had her doctorate in forensic science, she was an investigator by nature and by trade. Unfortunately, this was quickly devolving into a tactical situation.

"Wh--Wel---I...." She began to say as the words seemed frozen in her throat.

"Ensign Tholos, ma'am, this is SCPO Kurrall, deactivate all turbolifts for the upper and lower decks," He said as he grabbed his weapon, "Get OPS to flood the deck with a low-level of baryon pulses in the localized areas where the bio-electric field is moving." He said in a raised tone.

"Whatever is responsible for that body of there isn't leaving this deck until we find out what it is and how to kill it." The Farian said as he hefted his phaser rifle into the low-ready position.

Ahead of them force fields sprang up as a short stretch of Promenade was irradiated. The small shrubs in the planters suddenly shivered as they were blitzed with baryon particles, green leaves shriveling, and turning brown, and then crumbling under their own dead weight as the area was sterilized.

Then there was a flicker, a brief glimpse of the Andorian girl who'd been sobbing by the box of delights, and of a small boy, the tell tale brown spots of a trill clear to see before he to winked out, and human woman, scalp peeled back, her skull filled with long slender electrodes, the wires trailing from them like hair. And then there was nothing.

The forcefields switched off, and Tholos' voice came over the comms again. "We've completed the irradiation. The bio-electric field has gone. Its just vanished."

SCPO Kurrall bit down on his front row of teeth as listened to the update from OPS. He looked towards the ranking officer on the scene. "OPS, stand-down the security alert. Dispatch a Science team to the area to perform hazard clean-up." Ensign Kato said, finally regaining her wherewithal.

"I want to know who the hell those images were." Ensign Kato said to the gather group.


Ensign Deborah Kato
Security Investigation Officer

Senior Chief Petty Officer M'Fen Kurrall

Vulcan Paramedic
Ensign Tholos
NPC's by Notty


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