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Quickie Divorce

Posted on Tue Mar 8, 2016 @ 5:23am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

2,863 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Diana's Arrow, Interstellar Space
Timeline: MD15 1100


Several days had passed, the warp engines had had to be taken offline for maintenance and they were limited to impulse power until tomorrow when the warp injectors would be able to be used again. It wasn't the most convenient way to travel, but it had given them some extra time for a proper reunion and for Rianni and Andy to work on Midnight, even if Andy didn't feel she'd been that much help, "Can't believe they let y'all damn hotshots fly these birds an' not know how ta fix 'em when ya frack 'em up!" He grumbled, demanding, "12mm spanner."

"12mm spanner." Rianni replied, handing him the requested tool, "And don't blame me, Andy. I had no idea that I was jumping on a guy who converted his house to a battle station...."

"Well, next time do yer damn homework, College Girl." Micklin sighed, "Gimme that new coil."

"New coil, comin' up." Rianni laughed, handing him the new phaser coil.

Yolanthe chose that moment to walk in, dressed in plain black shirt and pants, hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her skin was its usual violet, with only a few black smudges from bruises left to fade. "Is there anything I can help with? Klia's asleep and If i don't do something useful i'm going to go stir crazy."

"You any more competent with a wrench than this one?" Micklin growled, "Because she's about as useless as tits on a boar targ."

"He loves me." Rianni laughed, "And, yeah, we could use some help, can you help me hold this phaser coil in place so Andy can bolt it in?"

Yolanthe moved over to the open phaser bank and helped Rianni heft the coil into position. "How much longer till we get back? Becuase-" she began.

And then the red alert klaxon went off.

"Oh, what the Hell?" Rianni sighed and rolled her eyes, adding, "Probably Debby coming to arrest us all...."

"Who?" Yolanthe was fully expecting reprisals for what had been done a few days ago. She wasn't expecting Rianni to be on first names basis with them.

"Oh, yeah, guess I should've mentioned we kind of interfered with a long term investigation into Torm and his dealings." Rianni shrugged, "The Colonel in command is a friend of mine, tried to stop me on Verex III; there were Saurian slavers, gunfire, I had to escape from Debby and her agents to get to Klia, it was a rough afternoon."

"So what do we do about it?." Yolanthe turnes a shade of gold. "You seem remarkably relaxed."

"Yeah, well, to be honest I didn't really think that far ahead." Rianni answered bluntly, "I was focused completely on getting Klia home safely. Then when I saw you there getting you out as well became another priority, then we had the iso-bursts, etcetera, etcetera, and Debby just kept getting pushed down the list. Besides, unless she's found out how you got there I'll just tell her that you had nothing to do with it and you were a hostage yourself. I'll go down alone, don't worry."

"We'd better go see how much shit we're in." Yolanthe replied. She wasn't sure Rianni could make such a promise.

With Yolanthe walking behind Rianni entered the turbolift that would take them both to the bridge, striding straight to her Grandfather's side, "If that's the Carpathia tell Debby I'll turn myself over, Papa."

"Not sure who it is, child." Gregori shook his head, turning on the screen and revealing an armed Romulan Freighter, "But it's most assuredly not the Carpathia."

"Shit." Rianni lowered her head, turning to Yolanthe, "Okay, it's actually much, much worse."

The Bokkai looked at the ship, frowning. "How much worse?" She didn't recognise the ship at all, all she saw was the somewhat inelegant freighter.

"Well, it's a Romulan ship." Rianni replied, adding, "And not one of ours. It's also got no reason to be out here, there's no trade between the empire and this system."

"Pirates?" Yolanthe asked, skin turning the colour of pumpkin flesh.

"In a Romulan vessel?" Rianni raised an eyebrow, then began scanning her PADD, "No reports of an Imperial freighter getting snagged, probably not pirates."

"Helm, open hailing frequencies to the Romulan vessel." Gregori ordered, ~Those two girls will debate until we're in a bloody prison camp.~

"Yes, Sir." Dexter replied, opening the frequency and finding himself staring at a vaguely familiar Romulan.

"Yep, much worse." Rianni snarled as she viewed the image of D'rek D'Liin on the screen, "What do you want, you sack of shit?"

"I've come to retrieve my runaway bride, naturally." He replied with a smirk, "Now, if you'll kindly lower the shields and beam yourself over I won't be required to destroy the SS Rustoleum, darling."

Yolanthe gave Rianni a sidelong glance, wondering what her reposnse would be. She didn't know enough about Romulans to know why he felt he had to order his wife onto his ship at gun point, but she'd be surprised if Rianni stood for that sort of temper tantrum from a man.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Rianni replied flatly, "And you're bluffing. You know if you fire on this vessel my father or, worse for you, J'Tar, will use you for target practice. Now, turn your delivery truck there around and leave, okay?"

The mention of her even more psychotic brother shook D'Liin, he knew J'Tar tr'Khellian would love nothing more than to eviscerate him just because, but he wasn't going to let her know he knew that, "I'll tell you what then, counteroffer. You lower your shields and I'll just come get you and bring you back."

"Right, that's going to happen." Rianni laughed, turning to the helm, "Dexter, shut this mindless dribble off."

"Very well, then I'll just do it for you." D'Liin laughed, closing the channel from his end.

"That's not good." Rianni sighed, knowing what her sleazebag husband was no doubt planning.

"What was that all about?" Yolanthe's skin had turned yellow at D'Liin's comments, but now was turning turquoise.

"It means we're about to have company." Rianni groaned, turning to Yolanthe, "Stay here, you'll be safe. I'll send a couple guys to keep Klia secure. I'm going to go get a divorce." She smiled and winked, pushing back her shirt to show her disruptor riding in her waist band.

Yolanthe didn't say anything. Whatever he'd done, she couldn't condone or even contemplate the cold blooded murder of a man. It was too much of a taboo.

Rianni knew what Yolanthe was thinking, but she was way off. She actually figured once D'Liin saw that she was armed and not going to let him have his way he would leave; he was in it strictly for the money after all, "I'll probably end up just paying him off." She joked, "This is why divorce is so costly, it's worth it."

"Sir, our shields just went down!" Dexter interjected, his voice cracking with terror, terror which, seconds later, proved to be completely justified as D'Rek D'liin, Mals, and four armed guards appeared on the bridge of Diana's Arrow.

"Well, say what you will about him, but he knows how to make an entrance." Rianni sighed, turning to D'Liin, then choosing to ignore him and address Mals, "So, how did he drag you into this, sweetheart? Not only to let him force another woman into marriage but to help him kidnap her? That has to be burning you up inside."

D'Liin rolled his eyes and handed Mals a disruptor, "Hold this will you, darling? And don't let her get inside your head."

Mals said nothing, pulling the disruptor close to herself. Rianni was right, she didn't want to be here, didn't want to be a part of any of this, never had, ~But it's for D'Rek.~

"It's really sad, you know." Rianni continued, "Because poor Mals really loves this son of a bitch. And the worst part is she thinks he loves her, too. He doesn't, honey, he only loves power and wealth."

"SHUT UP!" Mals screamed, "JUST SHUT UP!"

Yolanthe was watching as many of them as she could in one go, from the four armed guards covering the four people on the bridge, to Rianni's husband, to his hysterical girlfriend. This was going to go very badly. She began to slowly flush mint, then apple, then emerald.

"Yes, please, shut up." D'Liin sneered, turning to Yolanthe, "Oh, look, it's the Chameleon Madam. I see you survived. Hilarious that that ogre couldn't handle two women; a prostitute and a drunk at that. So, were you able to rescue the Orion he paid too much for?"

Rianni looked to Yolanthe, surreptitiously mouthing to her "Hit them on the right...."

Yolanthe exploded forwards, slamming two hard blows into the first Romulan's side right in the kidneys.

As the first Romulan guard fell his partner slammed this.... whatever the color changing creature was in the stomach with the butt of his phaser rifle, then trained the business end on her, "Don't. Move."

Rianni attacked at roughly the same time as Yolanthe, spearing D'Liin and taking him to the ground before being pulled off of him by her hair, "Let me go, you mother....." She swore, scratching and kicking at the guards behind her, especially the one holding her hair.

"Both of you stop!" Mals screamed through tears, waving the disruptor around, "Stop or I'll shoot!"

The guard holding Rianni's hair slung her to the ground and extended his hand to D'Liin, who stood up laughing, "Well, isn't this cute?" He looked around and raised an eyebrow, "What about the other? The six thousand bar Orion? Where is she? Or were you too late, darling?"

"Fuck you." Rianni spat, pushing herself off of the deck.

Yolathe eyed the Romulan with the rifle. He was standing too close. With luck she could have it off him. without luck, he could put a hole the size of a football through her guts. "Look," she said to D'Liin. "You want Rianni? Take her and fuck off. I've had a long week and I really don't want to hear a man yapping at me any more."

"Want Rianni?" D'Liin laughed haughtily, "My God, you're just as stupid as the Halfling, aren't you? No, no, my dear, that no longer pleases me. No, you see, like that... creature over there has already stated, this is strictly a financial arrangement. In mere seconds another team is going to beam over here, highly paid mercenaries I bought just for this job, all of whom are going to plant bombs on this ship. Then this ship, along with my dear wife, is going to be destroyed in an accidental explosion."

"See why I hit him with that glass now?" Rianni asked as she looked to Yolanthe.

"Yes, that." D'Liin remembered, walking over and kicking Rianni in her face, sprawling her onto her back, "Now, go get the Orion woman, would you? I'd like her to watch this as well."

"You... stay... away from... Klia." Rianni gasped through mouthfuls of blood, he'd broken her nose with that kick.

"Just get on with it," Yolanthe said, "I don't see the difference one more bored audience member will make."

"As lovely as this display of 'girl power' has been, you're not the one making the decisions here." D'Liin sneered, "I am in charge here, understand?" He turned to the two guards on his left, the ones between the Bokkai and Mals, "Escort her to the Orion and bring her back. In fact, no, her mouth has already become such a bother take Mrs. D'Liin to her friend and bring them both back. Mals, shoot her."

"What?" Mals gasped, "Shoot who? Why?"

"The Chameleon, shoot it." He repeated with a nasty groan, "Make it respect it's Romulan betters."

"Okay...." Mals said, her voice shaking as she trained the weapon on Yolanthe, a person she had no ill will towards who had done nothing to her. It should be so simple, she'd used weapons before, she'd undergone Seronna same as any other Romulan.... But she hated them, hated the idea of killing someone for no reason, or even for a reason, it just wasn't in her. She turned her eyes back to her lover, "I'm... I'm sorry, I can't."

"Sweet, sweet Mals." D'Liin sighed, she didn't have it in her, he knew that all along, ~Disappointing.~ He reached over her shoulder and took the disruptor, pushing her behind him gently, "I'll handle it, darling. Just relax, alright?" He turned his attention back to Yolanthe, "Well, you seem to talk so much, would you like to give us some famous last-?"

She jumped him, in a sudden burst of motion, slapping the phaser to her left, snapping it from his grasp, and sending it spinning away. At the same time she grabbed the wrist with hre left hand and twisted it, opening his guard and powered the heel of her right hand into his nose.

Seeing Yolanthe taking D'Liin to the floor Rianni found the distraction she needed, driving her elbow hard into the guard on her right's groin as she kicked the one on the left in his knee, hyperextending it gruesomely, pulling her disruptor and dashing back to the fight only to be hit with a light stun blast that sent her over the tactical console.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" Mals screamed, kicking Yolanthe in her face. She didn't want to do it, but she had to now, Yolanthe was going to hurt D'Rek! "Please, get off of him!"

The bodyguard Yolanthe had used as a punching bag prior wrapped her ponytail around his arm up to the elbow and pulled her back hard, laying the muzzle of his rifle to her face, "Please, keep fighting, I dare you."

D'Liin staggered to his feet, nearly unconscious after the Bokkai's savage attack, but lucid enough to give orders, "Bring over the second... the second team."

Dexter had been keeping very calm, almost not even moving, but working hard the entire time to bring the shields back online and he'd done it, ~No way is there another boarding party coming here.~ He thought as he brought the shields back up. He'd hoped that would've been detected by the Romulan ship, but it wasn't; eight energy readings against the shields showed that the team had already been beamed away as he raised the shields, the mercenaries had been destroyed against the shield, their atoms now scattered forever into the void, ~My God.... what have I done?~

Gregori had finally managed to get to his own weapon under his seat, an old style Smith and Wesson Model 29 he kept just for such an occasion, he having decided long ago if anyone ever raided him and got to the bridge he wasn't about to stun them and risk it happening again. He brought it to bear on the two guards who had had Rianni in their clutches just seconds prior and snapped off two quick shots, sprawling them both across the deck: one dead, one sincerely wishing he was.

Everything was coming apart, the whole plan was collapsing around him, and all D'Liin could do now was shoot his way out, starting with that filthy Chameleon who had attacked him, "Say good night, whore!" He muttered, leveling the weapon at her head and preparing the fire.

Rianni could see what was about to happen, Yolanthe was held in place by her hair and about to get shot, ~No way do I let this happen....~ She decided, managing to raise her disruptor and fire at the guard holding Yolanthe. The shot hit and he fell dead, collapsing on Yolanthe as he did, trapping her, but forcing her down so D'Liin's shot passed over her head harmlessly. He was bringing the muzzle down on Yolanthe again though, Rianni needed to get to her but her limbs felt like lead.

D'Liin fired again, this time there was no way he'd miss.....

Rianni moved, shoving back the numbing sensation of the stun blast and threw herself between the Bokkai and D'Liin, firing twice. The blast from D'Liin's disrupter smashed into her unprotected face below the left eye. The disrupter had been set to burn, and now her cheeks were on fire.

Her own two shots were dead on point, striking D'Liin in his chest and blowing him off his feet, dead before he hit the ground.

Rianni writhed in pain on the deck in front of Yolanthe, her weapon across the deck and her face literally in flames where she was hit.

The two living guards trained their weapons on Yolanthe, she'd proven herself to be the biggest threat, but Mals made a slashing motion across her throat, there would be no more killing, and brought the shields down with her PADD, she had been the one who did it before. Without another word they beamed away.

Gregori ran to his granddaughter, using his coat to put out the flames, "SOMEONE GET THE DAMN DOCTOR!"


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

CO IRW Dhelan/Rouge Pilot/Corpse(?)


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