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Dirty Deals, Not Dirt Cheap

Posted on Mon Mar 7, 2016 @ 6:04am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Mon Mar 7, 2016 @ 6:11am

785 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: DS5
Timeline: MD12 2100


T'shar Dokarr leaned against the bulkhead as he watched the various denizens of the lower section of the station pass by him. He had been waiting for the past 15 minutes to meet with his contact. Although he had arrived early, he still hated waiting on anybody. He was tempted to call off the whole thing, but he knew that his contact was the best source for the material and weapons he needed. T'shar knew that Starfleet would thoroughly search any vessel that had come from any a non-aligned sector of space. It would have been foolish for him to arrange any transport directly from Cardassia. So he was forced to rely upon others to help him achieve his goal.

Caila D'Liin had been there the entire time, watching to make sure the Cardassian was alone, one, and two making sure he knew that Romulan time was more important. She walked over quickly, her steps sounding focused, this was strictly business, "Dokarr, good. Shall we get down to business?"

I'shar looked up as the Romulan appeared. He was naturally apprehensive about speaking in such an exposed area. He gave a simple nod, indicating to follow him. He walked down a darkened hallway towards a small hatchway and stepped inside. He turned and leaned against the wall as the Romulan followed and entered.

"Did Security stop your vessel?" T'shar asked.

She fought the urge to throw her head back and laugh, instead merely shaking it off, "No. My vessel has diplomatic clearance, they even try to step on board and it's an act of war." Caila replied, "Now, as I recall we were discussing a rather robust order as I recall, Mr. Dokarr. An order that robust requires payment that is equally so."

"The payment will be delivered as promised." He said as he leaned against the wall. "Otherwise I wouldn't be here. My time is valuable and I do not intend on wasting it on false promises." He said annoyed at being question.

"The more important question is will your weapons be able to evade Starfleet's weapon dampening system?" He shot back. It would be ridiculous to obtain class-X weaponry if they weren't able to fire due to the station's weapon-dampening protocols.

"Are you really asking if top of the line Romulan weapons can get past the Federation's pathetic defenses?" Caila laughed, "Have the last hundred and thirty years taught you nothing? Now, are there any other unnecessary questions?"

"Now is not the time to become blinded by your ego, Romulan. I am fighting a war for the survival of my people. I need tools and assets that will assure us victory, anything less would be detrimental to our cause." Dokarr said passionately.

"Our people onboard this very station are being led by that arrogant Hydel Turvan. Our people need true decisive leadership not whatever Bill of Goods that he continues to peddle to his Federation handlers." Dokarr said roughly.

"How do I know you aren't in bed with this Station's Commanding Officer?" He asked.

"Isha?" Caila laughed harder, "Please, just because my brother is married to her wretched Halfling niece earns her no favor with me. If anything she's as big a disgrace as the Halfling, parading around in that disgusting Federation uniform. I'd sooner see that woman dead than allow her in on my business. Now, as for Turvan, he's a fool, yes, but you're a bigger fool if you make your move on Cardassia with him still standing. Just a little strategic advice."

"No!" Dokarr said strongly. "As misguided as he is, he is still a Son of Cardassia. She will need each and every one of her children in this coming battle for her glory. He simply needs to be. . .'re-educated'" The Cardassian said as he produced a Cardassian PADD. "Killing him. least now, would not achieve that goal."

"The payment has been transmitted through the necessary channels." He said. It would have been stupid of him to directly send the payments, thus tipping any would-be sluth as to who was involved. Instead, he relied upon various intermediaries to get the payment to its intended source.

"Where can I collect the necessary package?" He asked.

"At these coordinates." She replied, sending him a set of coordinates on an as yet unexplored portion of the planet below, "You'll want to move them quickly. Beam them off and move along as it were. Will you be looking to attain any more of my products?"

"We'll see..." Dokarr said as he began to exit the confined hallway.


T'shar Dokarr
Cardassian Patriot

Caila D'Liin
Arms Dealer
Paris, New York, Romulus


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