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The Summit Day 2 - prior to take off

Posted on Tue Mar 8, 2016 @ 7:13pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D.

1,293 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Hangar bay 5
Timeline: MD13 09:20

Hangar bay

Liam was glad to see Mortimer shared his purchase of being early although as the human aid walked towards him, he had to admit something. He looked awful. He felt awful too. "Good morning, are you feeling alright?" he asked waving at Amia as she entered the doors followed about a minute later by an equally punctual Dr Noelle Bennett.

Not only did Sir Mortimer look and feel awful, he was horribly aware of the cloud of ethanol vapour that preceded him. His usually neat hair was dishevelled, his skin blotchy and his breath - though he had cleaned his teeth many times over - was as fresh as a marathon runner's crotch.

"oh, just a bit of a Klingon experience. That last flask of Blood Wine must have been off," Sir Mortimer said not sure why the usually solid deck had been replaced with a semi inflated dirigible, "Self inflected and all that, can't complain."

"Hey super Doc! Have you got anything that can help with the aftermath of blood wine," he asked Amia when she had completed the walk to outside the large shuttle they were standing next too, and with a wicked grin indicating Mortimer who from the feelings he was throwing out was considerably regretting indulging so much last night.

"Hangovers?" Amia raised a disapproving eyebrow. "How am I going to keep you reprobates on the synthahol if I make it too easy for you to recover from the adverse affects of the poisonous stuff?" she lectured but handed over a hypospray vial for each of them anyway, despite her harsh words.

"All in the line of duty," Sir Mortimer said receiving his hypospray as his stomach gave an almighty gurgle.

Noelle smiled as she witnessed the exchange between Amia and Mortimer. She was completely sympathetic to his situation, but could also understand where the doctor was coming from. "I suppose you could say he took one for the team, Doctor."

"Good work on the Klingons though," he said softly to the other man. "I think the Romulans are planning on having my head at some point. Just a normal day in the life of a diplomat ehh! But he was not taking over and your right unholy Romulan/Cardassian alliance and all that."

"Good morning Doctor," he said cheerfully as he turned to Noelle. He echoed the same manner, tone and smile as his exit from her quarters the previous night.

"So introductions - I don't think you two need one ladies?," he assumed they saw some of each other. Counseling and Medical did go hand in hand usually, "but Mortimer just in case you have NOT had the pleasure, Dr Amia Telamon-Aldrex, Chief Medical officer " he looked at her hoping he had got that right. He had never had to formally introduce her and in her married name before. She had always been his Amia. "And Dr Noelle Bennett, Chief Counselor. Ladies, Sir Mortimer Praxis, indispensable diplomatic aid and Knight," he added for effect and with a proud smile. He was still hoping to get the story of how that occurred.

"Nice to meet you Sir Mortimer" Amia smiled politely and held out her hand. "It's just Telamon for me, Liam. The "Aldrex" part is Cade's symbiont's name and I don't get to take that. Telamon is the original family name that was his before he and Aldrex joined." she explained the construction of her formal married title. It hadn't been easy for her to work out exactly who she was married to sometimes. She often felt that the symbiont "Aldrex" and his many previous hosts were all extra players in her life and it hadn't been easy to get her head around but the 'name thing' as she thought of it, had been much simpler by comparison.

"Sorry," Liam said sheepishly. "I'll get it right next time."

"Nice to meet you, Sir Mortimer," Noelle echoed politely.

Liam looked at the hypo spray Amia had pushed into his hands. He wasn't hung over. "Can I take that for you?" he offered politely at her med kit as her led them into the shuttlecraft the Commander had allowed them to us. They already had a pilot sat ready who nodded at Liam as the group entered and two human security ladies. The pilot also doubled as a security but he was in a different uniform. Cade had insisted but Liam felt the less in your face security was, especially after yesterday the better. He nodded back and stored Amia's case in one of the storage lockers.

He held a hand out to help Amia ascend and then did the same to the Doctor. Mortimer he hoped now he had his hypo spray to help with the hangover didn't need it.

"Okay we are, going here," he indicated one of the computers side panels pulling up a visual of the planet, magnifying it several times so they could see jungle terrain. "And landing here so there will be a little walk to get there but the teams the Commander has sent down said there was some ruins and open space this way that we can set up nicely for a day 2 of this summit. Another smaller shuttle is coming down later and will beam some tables, chairs, lunch and stuff. I thought it more fun to have the walk, the adventure and let them see the planet and its environment than beam everyone in from landing. For some weird science reason I won't even try to understand, we can't beam down from the atmosphere."

"I am hoping that seeing the ruins might make them take the idea of the Fae being the owners of this more seriously," he added.

"I rather hoped it would be an inhospitable plot that would put them off the idea," Sir Mortimer said feeling a little better. "Still, it looks okay."

Amia took in the map and tried to memorise some of the main markers. It was always sensible to have an overview in your head just in case something unexpected happened. She remembered having been lost on .... well, that was a long time ago. In the days when she and Cade had only been starting out. Part of her missed those days and ached to be with Cade more. Life moved on though and for now, she needed to focus on the task at hand. She felt a little queasy and that took her concentration away from her reminiscing.

"How long will the trip take?" she asked. "From here until we reach the ground?"

"Possibly half an hour?" Liam speculated looking over at the pilot. He didn't know how to fly ships. The chap nodded in agreement at his estimate. "Probably longer as we may have to convince and cajole certain parties to get in the shuttle or we have to allow them to come down in one of their own. Then we have to ask your husband's permission. Lets hope they are in a cooperative mood!" he grinned at her.

"Oh you'd better not count on getting favours out of the XO! I've heard he's tough!" she grinned back.

"That he is," Liam agreed. "And he would never give me favours. Nor would I ask. I'd have my arse handed to me if I tried anything like that. So lets really hope all our delegations are going to be cooperative and get in this shuttle with us ehh."

Having witnessed some interactions between the delegations so far, Noelle said with good humor. "It's always good to have a dream."

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant (JG) Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor

Lt Cmdr Amia Telamon


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