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Which Pagh-th?

Posted on Wed Feb 24, 2016 @ 1:19am by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Bajoran Gardens

Ilana had seen him come aboard.

She'd reached Deep Space Five a month earlier when the cruise liner Aurelian docked. Something told her that it was time for her to move on - singing in the cruise lounge was all well and good, but on a liner there was nothing to spend latinum on, and she'd amassed quite a stock over the years.

It was time for her to become a lady of leisure, for a time at least. Those weeks were spent in the anonymous embrace of the bars and casinos - a whirl of excitment and emptiness.

Then one day as she was making her way back to her quarters by a circuitous route to make sure that night's lover did not follow her, she brushed past him.

As far as Ilana knew he had not even noticed her - if anything his expression was one she had experienced as a child - that he'd rather she didn't exist at all.

But since that fleeting encounter Ilana had not been able to get him off her mind.

A Vedek.

She took the precaution of winding a gauzy scarf around her head. Ilana had no wish to draw attention to herself when she was on the promenade in the daytime, and the scarf hid her most prominant features.

She paused, then with a hesitant step she crossed the threshold into the Bajoran gardens where she had seen the Vedek walk.

Antos always enjoyed a nice stroll. he was very happy it was a passtime he could accomodate, despite his hectic schedule.

During his short time aboard Deep Space Five, he had made an effort to visit the surprisingly large number of Bajoran sites the station offered.

Today his stroll brought him to a new favorite destination of his, the Bajoran Gardens. Being in the Garden reminded him of his children. The Katana and Leyana flowers were in full bloom. Their colors erupted all over the scenic garden. He could smell the sweet Jaxa fruit ripe for picking. And he could feel the shade of the Mekat trees. Here, he was surrounded by family, and he felt truly at peace. He closed his eyes and sat on a bench amongst his children's namesakes.

Ilana tugged her veil a little closer about her, there were many happy to pay for her company at night, but few wanted to be confronted with a reminder in the daytime with their families gathered around them.

Her pace slowed with each step.

Why am I even here?

Why do I even think he will listen?


She almost sidled up to the bench. "Do you mind if I sit?" she asked, her face still veiled and slightly turned away.

Opening his eyes, the Bajoran man couldn't fully see the person the request came from. From the voice, it was clear it was a woman. "Please, I welcome company."

Ilana didn't turn, not yet. "I've noticed you sit here before, and walk in the gardens," she said, "What draws you here?"

The Vedek smiled. He was admittedly cautious of the woman who would not show herself completely. "I use to tend my own garden on Bajor, and then the one a my Monastery. Being around the familiar plants calms me." He said, not delving any further for her.

Her shoulders tensed slightly. Ilana knew he was a man of the Prophets by his dress, and a Vedek from having observed him, but she did not know if he would be as judgemental of her as those at Ganiah had been.

"Its nice that you feel a sense of home here," she ventured, "If I am not interrupting your meditations could we talk about that?"

"Is something troubling you?" The man asked, without hesitation.

It was a question that was always with her. "I am troubling me," Ilana said as she slipped back her veil, "I find myself drawn to you. I wonder if you have the time to talk with me."

Antos retained his pointedly calm demeanor as she revealed herself. This was not the first Cadassian-Bajoran hybrid he had encountered, and he always found them strangely conflicted. "The Prophets tell us that those who seek the wisdom of others, deserve it most of all."

Without asking, he reached for the woman's ear and held it firmly in his hand. "Your Pagh seems....lost."

Gently, Ilana pushed his hand aside. "All of me is lost, not just some spiritual hoohaa," she said. "I don't know why I'm talking to you, but I knew I had to ... to connect at least if that makes sense."

Krell looked puzzled. He recoiled his hand. "I take it, you were not raised on Bajor?"

Ilana shook her head. "I left when I was twelve. It wasn't that the monks were unkind, just that they didn't really see me as a person. I was part of two worlds, neither of which wanted me so I set out to find my own way."

Krell's heart sank. "My Ministry, and that which I was raised under, has tried to foster a mutual understanding between all beings." He tried to keep the Prophet talk to a minimum.

"In fact, as a High Vedek, I have had the opportunity to study and be inducted into over 35 different orders of Bajoran Faith. I like to think that I can see things through many views."

"I've been looking for ten years, I was on the other side of the wornhole for a while then I found my way back to the Alpha Quadrant and I've just been drifting. I'm not sure there is any meaning to anything," Ilana said sadly, still not sure why she was opening up to a holy man.

"So you're still looking for a place to belong?" The Vedek spoke in a fatherly tone.

For the first time in a long time her lips curled into a small but genuine smile, it leant a light to her eyes that few people ever saw, "I don't know," she said, "but I think I might be."

"I will say this, I think you have found a fantastic place." He peered around them, " This station is beyond any words I know."

How would she describe it? "Its ... big, I think that's why I came. Big enough to disappear in."

Antos regarded her a moment. She was rather majestic. Her features not unlike some of the Bajoran women he had know. Cautiously he took her hand in his. "If you even need a place to disappear, my Temple and my terrace are at your disposal."

Before she could pull away, he let her hand go from his own. "Speaking of which. I should be getting back." He stood, and gave a weary stretch. "It was very nice to have finally met the one who was keeping such a close eye on me." He gave a quick wink. "Krell Antos" He said, finally introducing himself.

"Ilana," she replied, wondering if he had really spotted her, or it that was some clerical trick to garner trust.

The old Vedek smiled. "It is good to meet you." He said and then turned to depart, his smile holding as he passed through the garden.

NPC by Louise

Vedek Krell Antos
Ambassador, Bajoran Republic


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