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Before You Pull the Trigger

Posted on Sun Feb 21, 2016 @ 8:26pm by

386 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Q'uits

At 5'6" Toq Qua'lon was short for a Klingon male, very short, but it was a fool who judged him on his size as many had learned. Armed, what he lacked in stature he made up with speed and agility, and unlike most Klingons, he recognised diplomacy as a valid weapon of war.

Like many things that irked him opponents sometimes suggested that his grandmother must have dallied with a Ferengi, and when he found who they were he corrected them accordingly.

Valkris had been despatched back to the embassy to begin arrangements - that jumped up Cardassian t'gla and his Romulan running dog lackey were clearly in cahoots.

Toq made his way to the nearest Klingon bar, Q’uit's and took a table and a carafe of blood wine.

It was here that Sir Mortimer found him, half way to the bottom.

Sir Mortimer clasped his hands together, "Ambassador, I would hesitate to insult your taste, but the barkeep retains a more impressive vintage under the bar."

"What do you want?" Toq snarled, his lip curling to reveal an impressive set of fangs. "Shut down the collaboration between those worms before I do."

"Yes, Yes," Sir Mortimer agreed, "One moment."

He returned bearing a silvered flask after what appeared to be a heated discussion with the barkeep. "I trust this will be more to your taste," he said pleasantly, "that one thinks he's rather above himself actually."

Toq regarded the mild mannered diplomat oddly, "You talk a lot," he observed, a little impressed with the way the stuffed shirt did not shy from a confrontation, "Can you drink?"

"Why else would I be here?"

"Then sit, and join me."

Three flasks later Sir Mortimer's tie was askew and he sat side by side with the Klingon ambassador who was diligently trying to teach him insults although the pronunciation was somewhat slurred.

Sir Mortimer was also rather sure that a bit of quick action on his part, and what promised to be a monumental hangover on a collossal scale, had assured that for now at least there was not going to be an armed standoff between the Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians in the skies above Pangaea.

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor


Ambassador Toq Qua'lon

NPCs by Louise


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