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A Second Pair Of Eyes

Posted on Wed Feb 24, 2016 @ 6:32am by Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

791 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Dr. Bennett's Quarters, Deep Space 5
Timeline: 21.40

The one thing Liam did like when he was starting to flag after a long day, was discovering all the senior staff lived quite close to each other. His quarters were not far from where he was stood now. It was late though. Well later than he felt comfortable just descending on someone he didn't know too well for a personal visit. Well it was in a professional capacity. Never the less he pressed the chime. Things had gone okay with the security chief and he didn't doubt her ongoing professionalism wouldn't be present.

When the door opened she was in civilian wear. The colours were nice, in fact she looked relaxed, much more relaxed than he had seen her in the therapy room, rather pretty infact, and it threw him. Cade and him had decided he wasn't nursing this crush he told himself sternly.

"Hi. I'm sorry to pop up really late but I need ..... sorry .... want to ask a favour."

Noelle was in lounge wear, not quite night clothes but definitely out of uniform. She wasn't naked by any stretch, but felt a bit more exposed when she saw who was outside her door. She straightened slightly as she stepped back to allow him entry. "Sure. Come on in. How may I help you?"

Liam's empathic gifts felt the awkwardness off her and he suddenly felt bad. He had caused that. He would make this brief he decided. Stepping in he didn't really know where to stand so stood awkwardly close to the door. "I'm taking the summit on a trip planetside. I have permission from Commander Aldrex, just sorted that out and negotiated with the security chief some help there. The commander stipulated that. I feel that they all need to understand and see what they are actually all squabbling over."

"There's also the issue of the possibility of encountering these Fae again. And what happened last time, be it from lack of understanding on both our sides or .... well I don't know exactly I wasn't here but I hear first contact didn't go well. For many psychologically. I thought having a counselor with us would be useful. And another pair of eyes on the situation is always useful. You see well into the reality of situations and even though I have only known you a short while, I trust your judgment and you. Would you come with us or could you spare someone to accompany us?" he asked.

Despite Noelle's initial surprise at seeing Liam at her door this late, as soon as he started speaking of work, Bennett was all business. She nodded in approval when he mentioned showing the diplomats what they were fighting over, but she still didn't know where any of this was going or what it had to do with her. She appreciated his compliments but found they didn't take away from any of her confusion. When he asked her to accompany him or at least approve someone from her staff to come along, the compliments suddenly made a lot more sense. She had no doubt in Liam's sincerity, but she also understood his secondary motive.

Bennett smiled. "You could have just asked me to go along with you, you know. I appreciate your kind words, but just so you know for next time, you don't have to butter me up. I would be happy to accompany you. I'll just need a little time to rearrange my schedule, but I anticipated I might be called upon to provide diplomatic assistance as it's part of my professional obligations as a counselor. At the same time, as I said before, I know we have a full diplomatic contingent, so I also knew I would have to be mindful of not stepping on your toes. I appreciate the opportunity to collaborate."

He cleared his throat, "Ah I see you have anticipated me then. I guess there's nothing more to say other than thank you and see you bright and early in the morning. Hangar bay 5. 09.30."

"No need to thank me," Bennett replied. "I'm happy to do it and as I said, I appreciate being invited. I'll see you in the morning." Was he nervous all of a sudden?

He took a step towards the door then stopped. "I wasn't buttering you up. If I was buttering you up, for the record I would have appeared with tea and cake. Homemade cake," He raised a finger, "Victoria sponge. With my grandmothers Uttaberry jam."

Noelle smiled and then chuckled. "Then I guess next time, I'll hope you'll butter me up."

Liam raised his eyebrows and returned the grin. "Good evening Doctor." He exited her quarters.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor


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