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Never Shall We Die (Part 3)

Posted on Tue Feb 9, 2016 @ 7:15pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,601 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate
Timeline: MD10 1930


Torm's men returned fire with a vengeance. Klia yelped and scrambled under the shuttlecraft. Yolanthe jumped to the far side of the tool box, squeezing as much of her oversized frame as she could behind the slight cover it offered, twitching as heat from phaser blast cut inches from her toes.

Adriel was not so lucky. One of the yellow phaser beams caught her in the shoulder, a second low to the stomach. A final one struck her dead center.

She crumpled to the floor, it was painful, burning, the way she figured poor Klia had burned; though the worst part was that now she knew she was never going to see anywhere else, she was born here, she was going to die here. She wanted to call out for help, but wouldn't endanger Klia like that, so she simply sent a thought to Yolanthe, ~Get Klia out of here.....~

From under the shuttle all Klia saw was Adriel hitting the floor. The tiny spark of hope that had come when she'd first her Adriel's voice in her head when she'd been strapped to the bench in the Black Room snapped out. She slithered out from under the shuttle craft., keeping its bulk between her and Torm's guards, now rapidly descending the stairs

The tool chest she'd shoved in front of the door shuddered once and the men behind it heaved at it. Then it toppled forward, spilling tools and and small parts across the floor, turning the smooth floor between Yolanthe and Klia into a field of sharp objects and shattered glass.

Yolante grabbed a long piece from the tool chest, some sort of wrench she guessed, relishing the cool weight of the metal in her hand, and steeled herself for what came next.

As fast as she dared, the wound in her thigh tearing larger with each bound she crossed the debris strewn floor, feeling metal glass and more being ground into the skin of her bare feet and leaving streaks of silver almost invisible on the grey concrete floor.

The men coming through the freshly unblocked door raised their weapons, and she threw herself into the relative safety of the gap between two shuttles only just fast enough to avoid the bright lines of yellow orange death that cut through the air behind her.

Klia wiggled her way out from underneath the shuttlecraft, brown eyes wide with shock. Yolanthe hauled her out the rest of the way, holding her close as the smaller woman tried to drag the cut edges of her flimsy clothing together without touching it to the oozing woods that now hand grime and sweat making them look even more dire "I think i locked it shut."

Yolanthe glanced out, and nearly got her face shot off. Torm's guards were approaching fast. "Can you try the third?"

"Can't do any worse than I have with these two."

"Then do it. I'll distract them."

Klia gave her a look of disbelief. Yolanthe just shrugged. They were cornered, The orion knew it. She knew it. But she wasn't going to lie here and wait for the inevitable.

Then she remembered the hair clips, Draxx had given her, and tugged them from her hair, leaving long strands of deep green tangled in it. "Try using these."

Klia took them, fingers fumbling slightly. Then she realised what they were, gave the taller woman a grim nod and put her hand over Yolanthe;s "Thanks, for trying." and slithered under the last shuttlecraft.

The bokkai gripped the wrench, and brushed the debris from her feet, scooping the handful of washers and nuts into her fist. On the otherside of the two shuttle craft from the door she had blocked, were the sound of feet pounding the spiral staircase, shaking it in its fitting

She slipped round the side of the shuttle craft Klia was under, flung the handful of improvised grape shot int the faces of the men approaching. They flinched back to protect their faces. phaser blasts lanced out, but she didn't look to see if they came near. She had the momentry distraction she needed to slip fully behind the prow of the last shuttlecraft and charge the first one coming down the spiral stairs, dashing out his left field of vision to slam the wrench down on his gun hand, breaking the wrist with a muted crunch and sending the disruptor pistol spinning off to a corner.

The return swing cracked over his face. His head snapped around, and his body followed. She grabbed for it with her free hand, using it as a shield from the blasts of energy his two companions tried to shoot at her, then shoving it back at them and using their scramble to dodge to dash across the field of fire before they could lock onto her again, to take cover behind Torm's personal runabout.

She put her head out, and they immediately fired at her, but she was back under cover before they could react. She wasn't trying to approach the last two. Just wanted them to know she wsa there.

Then she pulled back towards the door where the rest of Torm's guards had been, drawing them back to the back corner of the hangar bay, away from the shuttle she hoped Klia would be able to pry open. She could hear two sets of feet approaching from either side. She had to hope they had forgotton Klia, were focused on the bigger threat.

Closest enemy was to the left. She rolled from behind the runabout, coming out inside and underneath his guard and kicked out at his knee. the burn to her leg took most of the power, and it was weak. he wobbled rather than went down. and she had to make a deperate swing with the wrench to knock his phase away before he could fire it into her face.

She let the momentum of the swing pull her up, and grabbed for the phaser the last one held twisting the muzzle away from any vulnerable spot and twisting on her good leg, to elbow the young boslic in the face. When his nose crunched and a short spurt of blood coated her skin, she felt his grip go lax and he toppled her away from her with a bellow of pain.

It had been fast, but not quite fast enough. The last two rounded the runabout. on instinct she threw the wrench. It tumbled end over end for two full turns before slamming handle first into the shoulder another Andorrian was turning to it to protect his face. The impact drove him back and he stumbled and went down.

His Orion companion shot her. The beam caught her in the calf of her good leg. Muscle parted like a razor blade cut silk and she dropped, hamstrung.

The boslic with the broken nose kicked her from behind and she sprawled forward, catching herself on her hands, and rolled to avoid his stamping foot. She came up onto her knees out of sheer habit, and the pain in her legs sent a sweaty wave of nausea over her, greying her body to the colour of ash.

The boslic aimed another kick and she was a fraction to slow to block it on her braced forearms, and the toe clipped the side of her head enough to daze her. She spat blood, straightened as best she could, and failed entirely to stop the next kick. This time his foot connected squarely with her ribs. She felt at least one crack.

But she grabbed the foot and hung on even as it ploughing into her. She heaved on it as hard as she could. The Boslic boy went down and she rolled over him, locking her hands around his throat and started to squeeze the life from him.

He wheezed, gasping for breath like a landed fish, his hands prying at hers, but she'd already got a good enough squeeze that his life was getting fuzzy at the edges and his grasp was weak.

Then she heard Klia scream in pain, and she froze for an instant. The Andorian who'd she thrown the wrench at tore her from the top of the Boslic, and then she had two disruptors pointing at her and she knew it was over.

The dragged her out to the centre of the hangar bay, and shoved her back onto her knees next to Adriel's fallen form. The light from Siva's moons in their various stages shining down and making the night bright and clear, stars barely visible.

Torm himself appeared from behind the shuttle craft she had left Klia at. He had Klia's arm twisted up behind her propelling her forward until he could drop her down to kneel next to Yolanthe.

"Somebody give me a phaser." he snarled. The side of his face that had been smashed with the jar earlier was swollen and oozing blood, his eye half swollen shut. "Orions," he spat. Globules of saliva actually splattering out to land on Klia. "More trouble than your're worth. And you were worth an awful lot."

One of the Andorians offered him one. This one was a neat compact model in a Bajoran style with a short barrel and enclosed hand guard. Torm took it and put it to the back of Klia's head.

As she heard Torm flick the power setting to max, Klia reached for Yolanthe's fingers, and squeezed tight


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The BOx of Delights

Klia N'Shahdra
NPC by Notty

NPC by Drea


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