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Never Shall We Die (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Feb 7, 2016 @ 6:21am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,537 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate, Siva 6
Timeline: MD10 1930


The light wasn't at the end of the tunnel. But only because the end of the tunnel was a pit that dropped down into the earth. A perfect place to dump a body. Yolanthe was running flat out. She wasn't going to be able to stop.


She was going too fast to stop, so she didn't. She jumped at the last moment, bunching her legs and leaping up and out, throwing Klia ahead of her, praying with everything she had left that she could make it across the gap. It was short, only three meters, but it felt like an endless abyss. They both landed on the grass beyond, rolling awkwardly as Yolanthe tried not to crush Klia.

Adriel followed as close as she could, though Yolanthe, even carrying Klia, was much faster, knocking down things along the way to slow down their pursuers as much as she could, ~They're getting close, I can hear the footsteps.~ She thought, broadcasting it to Yolanthe as she reached the pit herself, "Damn it." She muttered, not sure if she could make the jump or not, ~One way to find out....~

Adriel leapt with all her might, there was no other choice, and barely cleared the pit, rolling on her side to a stop alongside Yolanthe and Klia, "Well..." She murmured, "that was fun...." She began to push herself back to her feet, definitely not easy, she wasn't used to this sort of thing. She extended a hand to Yolanthe, "Uh, hate to ask, but, little help?"

The Bokkai gave her a look of surprise at the request and the contempt that rolled from her was palpable and she quite pointedly helped Klia up instead.

~Well, fuck you, too.~ Adriel thought, but didn't broadcast, figuring the poor woman across from her was more than a little stressed out. She struggled to her feet as best she could, though she knew her left ankle was sprained, ~This is going to suck.~

Feet pounding from the tunnel made Yolanthe shove Klia at the betazoid. "Get moving." She looked around. "Into those trees!" she gave them a shove.

Pollux appeared at the tunnel end, throat a darker blue where he'd been choked out. He jumped the gap at the foot of the tunnel opening with practised ease.

Which is when Yolanthe appeared from his left and booted him in the solar plexus. His arms windmilled as he stepped back and vanished down the hole with a scream.

In the tree line Adriel held Klia close, whispering into her ear, "It's going to be okay, Klia. We're almost out of here. You just be strong for me, okay?"

"Don't stop!" Yolanthe came belting past, grabbing Klia's hand and dragging her deeper into the greenery that surrounded the estate. There had to be a boundary. Once they were past it and out in the wilds they could...

Yolanthe hadn't really thought that far ahead. Fuck it. she'd think of something. Right now they had to get away from Torm and his men. There was yelling behind them. Other guards were coming now. How close did they need to be to shoot? Was there enough cover among the trees?

Adriel knew what Yolanthe was thinking, would've even without her paracortex, and the answers to all were sadly no. Torm would burn the trees if he had to to get them, there wasn't enough cover on the planet as long as he was after them, they needed to get out of the mansion, She thought for a second as she ran and then thought to Yolanthe, ~The shuttles! He keeps a few shuttles in an underground hangar. We need to go West!~

"Which way is west?" Yolanthe shouted back.

"Just follow me." Adriel replied, quickening her pace and banking to her left.

They veered off in that direction, running as fast as Klia could manage, Yolanthe practically dragging her along. "I hope there's something there you know how to fly," she told the little orion.

Klia gritted her teeth and ran. "I can fly anything as long as you don't want me to do anything fancy."

"That might be-" Yolanthe was cut off by a phaser blast clipping her thigh. The aim had been far to far to the right to do anything but lightly singe her. But it hurt like a bitch, and she stumbled, fell, rolled, and scrambled back to her feet in one motion, limping on as best she could. Thank the ancestors it had been set to kill. A glancing blow with a stun setting would probably have left the whole leg numb and useless.

They glanced back to see half a dozen of Torm's men charging across the long lawn from the main house. The mostly had small arms, though a couple had long rifles, and they were raising now as the three women raced across the open lawn towards the entrance to the hangar bay.

Adriel fired a couple of shots as they ran, striking one of Torm's guards in the chest purely by coincidence, knocking him down and into the one behind him, ~Not that we're not still outnumbered and pretty much trapped....~ Adriel thought, but didn't slow down.

They reached the door to the hangar. It didn't open. Yolanthe swore. Another blast, this time from a disruptor, chewed a chunk from the door right next to Klia's head.

The Bokkai pushed Klia close to the building. Put herself between the Orion and the men fast approaching the point where they wouldn't miss.

"The code is his mother's name." Adriel stated, continuing to fire wildly enough to slow, but not stop, the oncoming guards, "It's Liorana. L-I-O-R-A-N-A." A quick glimpse downward showed the weapon's battery would soon die, maybe a dozen or so shots left.

Yolanthe entered the code. Stabbing at the panel with grass green fingers. The door slid open and the dashed in to find a spiral staircase going down two stories. "Move.move. , move." She hissed as much to herself as the others as she limped her way down."

At the bottom were four small craft, three shuttles and a bigger runabout. "That one?" She asked Klia pointing to the midsized shuttlecraft. It looked similar to the one they had taken to DS5 so many months ago.

"I can do that. Out of my way you freaky giant." Klia elbowed Yolanthe aside examining the shuttle for a door release. "We need the bay doors open."

Yolanthe looked to Adriel. "Any ideas?

"Avoid the biggest one." Adriel said, "That's Torm's personal craft, it'll only start by his thumbprint. I'm not sure about the others."

Klia moved onto the next shuttle looking for a way in. "Big doors. They have to be open." She pulled a small panel open next to the door to the shuttle craft and started to rewire it's contents.

Adriel could pick up on the thoughts of the guards now, she could also hear Torm himself, they were going to be coming in from all sides in a second, "Uh, ladies, we're going to need to rush this job, we're about to have a lot of company." She scanned the area quickly, seeing a large toolbox against the far wall, "Yolanthe, can you push that box in front of that door." Torm was about to be on the other side of it, she wanted to slow him down as best she could. In turn she ran to a panel on the next wall, and pushed the button to open the hangar bay blast doors, and the doors began their slow grind back, opening the hangar to the sky

The Bokkai looked at the huge tool chest, then shoved at it with all she had, leaning her weight into it as it inched across the smooth flat floor of the hangar. She got it into place just a whisker before the door opened. There was swearing, and she ducked back as someone poked the muzzle of a klingon style disruptor through the gab between the door and the tool chest, and shot wildly.

There was a hiss and a burst of sparks from the shuttlecraft that Klia was trying to open. She swore in Orion, her voice thick with despair as much as frustration.

Then from above there was a volley of shots that sent all three women scrambling for cover.

Adriel fired three more shots, the weapon's battery going dead as she did, felling one of Torm's guards. He screamed once as he toppled over the rail of the staircase from the outer doors and landed landed atop one of the shuttles with a thud.

His friends returned fire with a vengeance. Klia yelped and scrambled under the shuttlecraft. Yolanthe jumped to the far side of the tool box, squeezing as much of her oversized frame as she could behind the slight cover it offered, twitching as heat from phaser blast cut inches from her toes.

Adriel was not so lucky. One of the yellow phaser beams caught her in the shoulder, a second low to the stomach. A final one struck her dead center.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The BOx of Delights

Klia N'Shahdra
NPC by Notty

NPC by Drea


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