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Lodging a Formal Complaint

Posted on Sat Feb 6, 2016 @ 3:10pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,653 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Federation Embassy
Timeline: MD 11 - 1130hrs (after "May The Prophets Welcome You")

Ambassador Hydel Turvan sat impatiently as we waited for Federation Diplomacy Officer to arrive. It was bad enough that he had to take time out of his day to address the Human, as if he did not have more pressing matters to tend to regarding the recently discovered planet. But to make matters worse, he had to wait on the human to return from "wherever" he had gone to.

"Chief Reynolds is not available right now and as you have not made an official appointment to speak to him I can only take a message in the meantime or ask you to wait," the human redhead informed the disgruntled Cardassian.

"No, taking a message from me will not be necessary nor acceptable." Ambassador Turvan responded for the second time to the younger officer. He was an Ambassador, not some errand-boy. It was the duty of the Federation Diplomat to respond to the needs of the Ambassador and their staff, not the other way around.

He was about to take more drastic measures when he saw the Federation Diplomat enter the meeting area, followed by a Bajoran Vedek. It was obvious that the Human was not expecting to see Turvan.

"Ambassador," Liam said cheerfully returning back. It figured that as soon as the Bajoran's had landed on DS5 that Hydel Turvan would be paying him a visit. Drama Queen was definitely the correct description for this man.

"It's about time, Mr. Reynolds. I have something very disturbing to discuss with you." Turvan said as he rose to his feet and approached the human. "Why exactly have you authorized the construction of a Bajoran Temple on the Embassy level?" He asked pointedly.

"That section is dedicated to delicate and highly sensitive business, not for the exercising of elementary worshiping rituals and practices." Turvan added. "As the representative for the Cardassian Empire, I am lodging a Formal Complaint and demanding that it be destroyed and removed to a more appropriate location, like the Promenade, with the rest of entertainment venues on board." He said.

Antos was taken aback by the Cardassian's assertion.

"Well as your not going to dispense with any pleasantries such as "Good Morning," I'll get right to the point of answering your queries shall I?" Liam stated. "I did NOT infact sanction the building of a Bajoran temple. The Bajoran's are going to be building one inside their embassy which they are just about to start setting up. Permission for this was given a couple of months ago. Unfortunately a race cannot just rock up and be handed deck space or just be allowed an Embassy. Things have to be negotiated and paperwork sorted before hand, as was done by my predecessor. In case you are not aware I have only been on the station just over a week," he informed him. "But I thank you for taking the time to come antagonize me for actions I was not involved in."

"The Bajoran's have the same amount of embassy space as any other race and if they want to put a temple in it I am not one to question it. If the Cardassians wish to fashion a temple into theirs I have no issues with it. There's an official list of what you can and cannot have in the embassy space the Federation grants you. Mainly the obvious - weapons of mass destruction are discouraged, certain live stock, biological threats. I will ensure you get another copy of that list. But temples for personal use within a races own embassy, as long as no health and safety is at risk, and they do not exceed their space is not on that list. By all means lodge a formal complaint if it makes you feel better, I can happily direct you to the correct paperwork." Liam had seen the long list of other grievances this man had issued over his time on the station and although he had only met him twice had come to the conclusion the Ambassador was bored and had nothing better to do.

The Bajoran took a confident step forward. "I appreciate your truth, sir." He said to the Cardassian, allowing his face to break into a sincere smile. Antos had encountered this type of opinion form Cardassian's before, but never by a diplomat, which he assumed Hydel was. Usually diplomats were more accepting in their opinions, at least in public.

Hydel looked into the Vedek's face with obvious distain. The nerve of this Bajoran to actually address him as if he was some naive "believer", fearful of being struck down by the Prophets for not following their path. Although Hydel was never assigned to Bajor as an assignment, he always got a humorous joy out of hearing stories of the Bajoran's elementary fawning over the aliens that resides in the wormhole spacial anomaly.

However, Hydel was not in the laughing mood.

Hydel ignored the Bajoran and returned his attention to the Human. "The Embassy level is designated for official business, not out-dated superstitions and tribal rituals. Considering it was your Captain Benjamin Sisko who was killed while searching for one of those Bajoran 'orbs' " Hydel said as he used the Human tradition of making quotation marks with his fingers to emphasis his point.

"I would think that your government would be much more vigilant in protecting against another loss of Federation assets." He added.

"How's about," Liam said cheerily, "I'll worry about our government, any imminent danger of our CO and you can worry about yours. No one is making you step into this temple. You won't even be able to see it on the outside of the Bajoran embassy. This is happening Ambassador so please wrap your mind around it. There are far more pressing issues kicking off in the morning," he finished.

Ambassador Turvan pursed his lips thoughtfully before responding. He was tempted to make a remark in regards to the abysmal failure that was the Diplomatic Conference concerning the planet of Pangaea. However, as much as it would please him to crush the frail human's ego, he knew that revealing his hand too soon would endanger Cardassia's plans for the planet. "Yes. . .I suppose there are." The Cardassian finally responded.

As he turned to leave he found himself walking directly into the Bajoran. "Can I help you with something, Bajoran?" He asked, not caring enough to inquire as to his rank, title, or general purpose on the station.

"I am simply contemplating your statement about the Emissary." The Bajoran spoke truthfully.

Liam shook his head in dismay. He was not having this. Not on his watch. A Cardassian thinking he could just show up and have everything his way and slowly covertly bully a Bajoran and a Bajoran religious man who was meekly going to take it with such sayings as "appreciation of truth!". In short he would ensure Turvan toned it down and Antos grew a thicker skin if he had too.

"Ambassador Turvan you know very well this is the new Bajoran Ambassador Vedek Krell. Your not telling me that you managed to get intel on what their delegation planned to house to the point that you felt you had to come wait here to make your concerns felt to me but NOT find out who headed the delegation. That would just be sloppy wouldn't it? And Cardassians don't do sloppy or they are certainly not supposed too. So if your utter lack of respect just then to refer to the Bajoran Ambassador as just Bajoran was down to sloppiness on your intel gatherers part I suggest you look into it," Liam informed him.

Ambassador Turvan shifted his gaze from the Bajoran to the Human. "How fitting, the Federation rushing to the aide of its helpless ward." He returned his glare back towards the Bajoran. "Eventually, you people will need to stand on your own two feet and not hide behind the so-called "altruism" of the Federation." He said, with a tone filled with displeasure.

Antos was a bit taken aback."The Republic is a member of the Federation." He said. "We handle our own affairs outside of that agreement."

A smile danced across the Cardassian's face for the first time since entering the facility. "Yes....your 'own affairs', Ambassador Turvan said slowly. "Let that delusion surround and embrace you like a warm blanket at night." He said in a deliberate tone as he turned and walked away from the two men.

"Ambassador," Liam called after him as he had possibly deliberately and completely missed the point of what he was trying to convey. "I expect your manners and decorum to be better fitting of your title and position here. You might want to work on an attitude shift."

Liam fully expected to be ignored as the alien stomped off, so stepped forward and spoke to the poor bewildered receptionist. "Next time he descends on here throwing his weight around over nothing send me a message just titled "days of our lives". I'll make him wait longer until he starts showing everyone else some respect. If he wants to play games, games he gets."

He turned his attention back to the Bajoran Vedek, "Well I was hoping you would get a warmer welcome. Hopefully the other ambassadors will not be as rude when you cross paths with them. I really hope you don't mind me stepping in there but I am new on the block and I need to assert to him that whatever behavior my predecessor may have put up with I will not be doing. And that starts with having the decency to refer to people by their proper designations, me included."

The Bajoran shook his head. Some things never change.

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Lieutenant JG Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Republic


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