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Wherever we will, we'll roam.

Posted on Tue Jan 26, 2016 @ 6:26am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Edited on on Thu Jan 28, 2016 @ 11:52pm

1,265 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate, SIva 6
Timeline: MD10 1900

The blue room was obviously a guest room. A large four poster bed was covered with tholian silk bedding in a periwinkle shade. The carpet was a dark sapphire. The drapes were somewhere between the two. They hung over a set of doors leading to a balcony that faced the mountains. The bed was comfy, and really quite bouncy. There was nothing underneath it of any use, and nothing in the closets but hangers and a couple of spare blankets. There was a small replicator, but it wanted voice identification, and Yolanthe hadn't the first clue how to bypass it.

The bathroom was just as empty or useful stuff. a large shower stall, a bath beg enough for her to fit in comfortably, made of a granite like stone shot through with quartz. It was rather nice, but all there was was a pile of bright blue towels that were huge and thick and fuzzy.

She tried the balcony doors. They opened. She bit down a shout of triumph and looked outside. The balcony had a table and chair set, and was surrounded by a stone wall that came to just under her waist. It was broad enough for her to dance on without any trouble, let alone walk.

She looked over the edge. It was at least twenty meters straight down. But to either side were more balconies. She grinned. It was only about three meters between them. Maybe whoever Torm had bought before weren't particularly athletic anywhere outside the bedroom.

The table was up against the wall. She pulled out a chair and sat down, drumming her fingers. She wasn't going to hang around. Presumably once her face had been fixed, she'd get a visit from Torm. She had no intention of being there when he arrived.

She searched the room from top to bottom for anything else that might be of use. Nothing that she could adapt right away. The room needed to look undisturbed whenever came up with the medical supplies arrived.

She paced for a bit, sat down for a bit, and just when she thought she was going to start tearing her hair out, the door opened and Valak returned entered, unlocking the door.

"If I were you, I'd try and relax." Valak saw her pacing as he entered, setting down a tray of food, a dermal generator, balanced on the edge. "The master is likely to be quite late tonight." He switched the generator on, and ran it over her cheek with precise business like strokes. "He has personal matters to attend to. Get some sleep if you can." He picked another device up off the tray it looked like a large hand held disruptor. "Hold out your arm."


"Contraceptive implant, and a tracking chip. If you set foot outside the Estate boundary, you'll be found and returned."
He gave her a kindly look. "The master isn't interested in in girls who play him up. Misbehave and he'll just get bored. And once he's bored, you have no protection, do you understand?"

"Yes." And there was no way she was going along with that. She'd waited long enough.

"So, your arm, please." he held up the injector again.

She held her forearm out to him. He picked up the gun and reached for her.

She moved, jabbing her fingers into his throat, then stepping behind him whilst he choked, locking her arm around his neck and squeezed with everything she had. It took about thirty seconds to choke him out entirely. Ripping up one of the silk sheets, she trussed him up and gagged him.

He came round whilst she was fixing the last not, and he made some futile wriggling. "Sorry." she said, he'd been civil to her, and the apology came on instinct. She patted his pockets, found his com and chucked it aside. It pinged off the injector. She grabbed with a feral smile. then she tugged the waist of his pants back, stuck the nozzle against his buttock and pulled.

He yelped into the wadded cloth in his mouth and let his pants spring back. "Not Sorry."

She changed quickly, feeling more comfortable in her own clothes again. She checked his feet. Hers were larger than his. She'd have to stay barefoot. Time to go.

She took a run along the balcony, bounced from the chair, skipped off the balcony and threw herself across the gap to the next balcony, arms windmilling, until her feet hit the stone and she dived forward into a roll until her momentum was spent and stayed low, looking all around for signs she'd been spotted.

She was pretty sure she hadn't. That was the easy part over with. She tried the Balcony door. It opened, and she stepped into another bedroom, one that looked lived in, bed unmade, clothes draped on random pieces of furniture. No one was inside, and she ducked in quickly and started opening closets and drawers, looking for anything that might help.

There was sudden hiss - the sound of door seals opening. She flattened her self against the side of an armoire, obscuring herself as best she could.

Soft foot steps entered, unhurried and light. Yolanthe tensed as a figure passed her, and she made a grab for it, one arm going round the shoulders, her other hand covering the girls mouth.

"Shh." she hissed. "I'm not going to hurt you."

~I know.~ Adriel said to the new woman's mind, ~If you take your hand off of my mouth it'll be much easier.~

Not expecting the telepathic touch to her mind, Yolanthe dropped her.

"Thank you." Adriel nodded when the new addition, a large woman of a species she'd not seen before, released her mouth, "So, you're new..."

"Just passing through." Yolanthe kept her voice low. "I'm here to find a friend. An orion, Klia. Is she here?"

"Been sharing a bed with her for days now." Adriel smiled, "Here I was thinking I was her only friend. Look, she's in deep shit, if we want to get her out of here alive we've got to move fast. Nobody has ever come out of the black room alive." The black room. Just saying it made her shudder, she remembered being a young girl, hearing Torm and Squink torturing an informant to death over the course of eleven days.....

"Look, Klia tried to kill Torm and she fucked up." Adriel continued, "They're no doubt planning to kill her, we've got minutes at best. Hope you've got a gun suitcased somewhere."

Yolanthe flushed emerald green then dark yellow. "Well my original plan got screwed over." And she'd take that out of Ricardo Draxx's smug back side if she saw him again. "But to be honest, I'm kind of up close and personal when it comes to fighting. Can you take me to her?"

"Yeah, that's where I was trying to get anyway." Adriel answered, motioning for the new woman to follow her. The Black Room was difficult to access, but fortunately Adriel knew Torm's code and was able to get them through the locked doors into the subbasement area where the house's evil heart lay. Pushing the other woman against the wall silently she sent a message, ~The Black Room is down that hallway, about twenty yards from here. Every five minutes a patrol comes by, we've got very little time.~

Adriel paused for a second, hoping her next message would be received, ~Be strong, Klia, we're coming for you, baby.~


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


Betazoid Slave


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