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May The Prophets Welcome You

Posted on Wed Jan 27, 2016 @ 10:41am by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Edited on on Sat Feb 6, 2016 @ 7:36am

523 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Docking Bay
Timeline: MD11- 1100Hours


Ops had contacted Liam to say a Bajoran ambassador he had not been expecting, had now arrived at the station. As Ops sorted out all the official arrival procedure, he headed down to the landing bay they were directing the Bajoran ship to personally welcome them. It was not hard to spot their new ambassador as he was dressed in very official Bajoran robes. Liam stepped forward as he was talking to a couple of aids.

"Good morning, I'm the stations Chief Diplomat Liam Reynolds. Ops contacted me of your arrival so I thought would come down personally," he said gently at the new delegation.

Antos smiled at Liam. "May the Prophet's smile on us on this day of first encounters." He moved to hug the man, a gesture of good faith.

The hug was a surprise but Liam could tell he was genuine in his actions, so happily took it and when he released him again said in agreement.

"I am sure the Prophets will. Well welcome to DS5. I am sure you will have many happy and interesting times here. Did you have a good journey Ambassador?" he asked.

"The journey was long, I never understood Kai Pralor's affinity for Lightship's. I find them too slow and bothersome." The Bajoran said, with lighthearted snide.

"I have never been on a lightship myself," Liam said looking the vessel over. "Do you travel often?" He asked.

Smiling warmly, Antos explained."Not so much for recreation. My last post was working with Federation Aid Efforts, so we went where we were needed."

"Would you like me to show you to your quarters or would you like to go straight to where your new Embassy will be?" He asked happy to guide him to either.

The Vedek pondered a moment, "I have already recieved a progress report on the Embassy, so I think just my temporary lodgings will be fine." He was very clear in his wording. Despite what Starfleet's plan was, Antos intended to live in the Embassy, along with all of the diplomatic staff.

Liam nodded. As long as this embassy the Bajoran's planned to build was fit to purpose for his party to all live there then he had no issues. Starfleet would only jump on something like that if there was a health and safety issue or overcrowding. Who was he to question other races practices. "Right then, this way," he said leading him toward the hanger door.

"Have you ever lived on a star base before?" Liam asked. "Its my first time and its taking some adjusting too. DS5 is so big."

"I have not." The Vedek said with regret. "But if it is anything like living in the Temple's I think Ill adjust well."

"I am sure you will," Liam stated. "I would offer to show you round abit but at present I only know a few places. I am sure, if you would like abit of a tour I could maybe find someone."

Antos shook his head. "I would like that very much."


Lieutenant JG Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Republic


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