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Diplomatic Soiree - Part 3

Posted on Wed Jan 27, 2016 @ 4:35pm by Valkris of the House of Inagh & Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Benj Amoran & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian Sigrún Aronsdottir
Edited on on Fri Jan 29, 2016 @ 1:08am

1,657 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Diplomatic Summit Chamber
Timeline: MD 9/2000

==== Later in the Evening ====

The orchestra had retired for the evening and with it the dancing. A quartet of Vulcan musicians were now sitting in with their ka'athyras, the idea being to give the room a more peaceful, meditative mood in preparation for remarks from the assembled VIPs. A few holdouts, however, still carried on boisterous conversations at their tables, fuelled by the free booze. Security officers stood unobtrusively at key points around the room, keeping an eye on things.

Cade Aldrex stood from his place at the head table and stepped up to the speaker's rostrum. With a few taps of his fork against a champagne glass he brought the room to his attention. The ka'athyra players also stopped.

He began, "Good evening, friends and distinguished guests. On behalf of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets I welcome you to Deep Space Five. We are honored to have you with us as we stand on the precipice of yet another frontier. Despite all our differences we are united in our curiosity for this new world, the excitement at the possibilities that we may discover down there.

"And yet my own excitement is tempered by the knowledge of the dangers already encountered. In the short time that this planet has existed in our universe several have already died while pursuing knowledge of it. Twenty-one civilian scientists aboard the research vessel Sunesis, and three young officers under my command. Two were killed by an as-yet-undetermined phenomenon while exploring a cave.

"A cave," he said again for emphasis.

After a moment's silence he continued, "Those of us in Starfleet are well aware of the dangers we face while on duty. We accept them as part of the job. We learn from our mistakes, make necessary corrections, and go on. Nevertheless, as the acting commanding officer of this station, which serves as gateway to Pangaea, I also take it upon myself to ensure the well-being of our guests.

"That said, let me reiterate Starfleet's stated position that Pangaea will remain open to all visitors, pending a final negotiated decision on its political status. In the meantime, however, I request that all landing parties file a plan with station ops detailing number of persons in your party, landing site coordinates, and expected radius of movement. Please do this before your departure to the surface. This will better enable Starfleet personnel to lend assistance in the event that it is needed. I recommend this for your safety.

"In addition, I insist that all landing parties, once on the surface, maintain a community of cooperation and mutual respect. Any show of hostility, aggression, or refusal to lend support in the face of danger may result in punitive actions from the diplomatic, logistic, and/or security functions of this station. Let's please not see that terrible scenario become a reality."

That prompted a few murmurs from the crowd. Cade Aldrex concluded his remarks. "I'll now offer the lectern to our diplomatic guests, if they would care to make some remarks. Thank you and good luck." The murmurs gave way to polite applause.

Maekhev D'Aerrol was first. He gave Aldrex a curt nod as they passed. Once at the lectern he said, "The Romulan Star Empire expresses its sympathies for the loss of life suffered by our Federation friends. We are no strangers to the hazards of exploration, having been out among the stars for much longer than most other worlds. And while it is terrible to see young ones die for the goals of their uniform, it is also a noble deed. We, therefore, will continue to push forward fearlessly, to learn all that we can about this new place, to conquer all its secrets. In this way we can best honor the cause for which they died."

He cast a glance at Aldrex, then back at the audience. "On that note, and with respect to Starfleet, I can assure you that the Empire will not ask assistance of anyone, come what may. If our fate is to die here then we do so for the glory of the Empire. We will, nonetheless, enthusiastically support the call for respect and cooperation while exploring Pangaea. Let us move forward together. Let us share in the spoils of what these Fae have left for us, whether it be in their wisdom, or in their lunacy. May the whole of the Alpha Quadrant prosper from this magnificent discovery." He was saying what he needed to say before this crowd, not necessarily what he believed.

Ambassador Hydel Turvan stood from his seat at the table and addressed the gathered individuals. As the Romulan Ambassador made his way back to his seat he shared a meaningful glance with the alien counterpart for several moments before looking back at the assembled dignitaries.

"We stand here today at the precipice of opportunity and providence," the Cardassian began. "Providence has brought to this sector a once in a lifetime opportunity to strengthen and reinforce the foundations from which our people will stand upon for generations to come.

"But with such a great opportunity comes the temptation to believe that uncommon circumstances can be controlled with mere common actions," he said as he turned his gaze to the Starfleet representative. "While I…appreciate...the Federation's offer of personnel, you will have to forgive me if I would question your ability to sufficiently help, seeing how your attempts to protect your own crew members were less than successful," he said pointedly. "As such, I join with my Romulan colleague in politely declining any potential assistance or 'rescue'," he said ruefully.

"We will abide by your regulations to the extent that they do not interfere with the Cardassian Empire's rights as a sovereign entity," he said. "The Cardassian people charted the galaxy long before your people had even contemplated warp travel," he quipped. "And we will continue to do so on Pangaea," Ambassador Turvan concluded.

Caleb scowled. “They’ll get help whether they want it or not,” he whispered to Opal beside him. Glancing to his other side, he said, “You all right, Ensign?” he asked Jessica.

“Yes,” the blonde security officer said, giving her boss a guilty look as she brought her hand down from rubbing her shoulder. “Just flashbacks to getting shot.”

“Still hurt?” Caleb asked. “I thought Medical gave you full clearance and said everything will heal up fine?”

“Phantom pain,” she assured Caleb with a smile. “I’d never been shot before.”

“It doesn’t get any easier,” Caleb told her. “You just learn to work through it.”

“Yes, sir.”

Tianys watched the mammals with contempt as they went on and on about “their” new world, when there were millions of her people with no world at all. She slapped at the hand of a too-persistent admirer under the table.

The Ferengi ambassador was climbing the steps, her dress bright and attention-grabbing as she stepped up to the podium. All Tianys could see was the top of her lobes, though, and the short alien scowled.

“Nazl!” the Ambassador barked, and her underling scrambled onto the stage. He quickly dropped to his hands and knees and Qinee stepped up on his back, clutching onto the podium where she could now be seen more clearly.

“Much better!” She beamed a snaggle-toothed grin. “Thank you, Federation hosts,” she said. “Your hospitality has been…most gracious, considering recent incidents.” Her glare locked on Caleb and the security chief shifted uncomfortably.

“The discovery of any new planet such as Pangea brings with it great opportunity for profit,” the Ferengi woman began. “Profit that can benefit us all if managed wisely and well. The Ferengi Alliance is more than happy to work with the Federation in developing this new resource and offers whatever contributions may be necessary, and hope others will be as generous and cooperative.”

"Profit and double speak, that is all you," Ambassador Toq bellowed at the Ferengi before turning to the reptile, "and the Cardassians in your pockets care for." He rose to his feet. "We stand by our allies who have the only legitimate claim to this system, a claim that the Klingon Empire will be proud to defend."

Qinee straightened up to her full short height. Nazl grunted beneath her. “Their claim rests only as long as they have the goodwill of their fellow galactic neighbors,” she reminded. “Given recent violations of sovereign territory, one might question their sudden eagerness to be so cooperative. We shall see if their actions match their words.”

With that, the Ferengi ambassador gingerly stepped down off of Nazl’s back. The male grunted as he rose, a hand pressed to his aching back as he staggered off the platform after his boss.

Liam stepped up to next to Cade. He hadn't had to make an official speech for a long time. "As chief diplomatic officer of the station it comes to me to bring this soiree to a conclusion. Thank you all for coming this evening and I hope that the spirit of cooperation as mentioned by the Commander will continue in full force in the time it takes us all to convene. I look forward to opening and chairing the diplomatic summit in a day’s time, giving you all chance to settle into the station, and any further parties," his eyes fell on Tianys, who had turned up at the event. He had not invited the Rowa’ni, as they had no official representation set up that he was aware of, "wish to be included can contact our offices. If there are any further queries, myself and my senior aid, Sir Mortimer Praxis, can be contacted at our offices on Deck 60." He hoped he had addressed the man correctly. Mortimer seemed the sort who would not approve of incorrect titles.

"Thank you all again, and may I wish you all a good evening," Liam finished.



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