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Revealing One's Hand

Posted on Sun Feb 21, 2016 @ 3:16am by Maekhav D'Aerrol & Civilian Hydel Turvan

797 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Romulan Embassy
Timeline: MD 8 - 1500


Ambassador Turvan entered Maekhav D'Aerrol's office, escorted by one of the Romulan's assistants. "Mister Ambassador, how very kind of you to be our first important guest. Please excuse the disarray," D'Aerrol said. The new staff were still unpacking. There were containers littering every room, opened and unopened. And some offices were still unfurnished.

"Good afternoon, Maekhav, it is alright if I call you Maekhav, isn't it?" Hydel said as he walked into the still cluttered area. Hydel took a moment to slowly observe the young female assistant walk away back towards the main foyer. Once the doors had closed behind her, he returned his attention back towards the Ambassador.

"In private, yes, you may call me Maekhav," the Romulan replied, smiling. "In official settings, however, we should avoid the appearance of being too familiar with each other. I trust you agree." He motioned to the sitting area nearby, which consisted of a couch and two high-backed chairs that had, thankfully, been freed of their packaging. They stepped that way and made themselves comfortable.

"So, what can the Empire do for the Cardassian representative today?" D'Aerrol asked. No chit-chat. Straight to business.

"What exactly do you plan on presenting at the upcoming Summit that has been forced upon us by the Federation?" Ambassador Hydel asked, referring to the so-called Diplomatic Summit that the Chief Diplomatic Officer had invited him to. He knew it would be just another side-show spectacle for all of the government entities to argue over why they should have control over the planet. However, Hydel believed that a "united front" would produce much better results.

"I will say what I am expected to say. That we should all continue to work in a cooperative manner to share and explore this rare gift that we have been given. I will praise the hard work that Starfleet has already put in. However, I will also reiterate that the Romulan Empire will not be pushed into a secondary role. I'm suspect we agree that that is exactly what the Federation will attempt to do despite their words to the contrary."

"Naturally," Hydel responded. "I assume they will make mention of their military capabilities as a way of keeping everyone at bay." The Cardassian representative said. "However, they are fully aware that it would take the entire defensive capability of the station to prevent an all-out invasion of that planet." He added.

"So the question becomes: Just what does Romulus plan on doing after the Summit?" He inquired.

"We will do what we must," D'Aerrol answered cryptically, just like a Romulan. Then, recognizing that he needed to be more open, said, "The rumor we're hearing from intelligence sources is that Starfleet is considering taking us, the Ambassadors representing the various systems, on a guided visit to the planet. Their likely motive is to demonstrate to us how much we need them. I suspect that they will take extraordinary precautions to ensure our safety. Our return is all but guaranteed. When that happens I will make an official statement saying that Starfleet's travel restrictions are draconian and unnecessary. Then I will clear our own away teams to visit the planet. Any part of the planet they please," he added for emphasis.

D'Aerrol scoffed. "As for the defensive capabilities of this station. Well, we are moving our own fleet assets into positions nearby. I have every confidence that they could handle Starfleet. If that does become an eventuality, could we rely on the Cardassian Union for support?"

"While our initial offensive capabilities would not be as massive as I would prefer, I can assure you that you would find a willing and lethally capable ally within the Cardassian forces." Ambassador Turvan said boldly.

D'Aerrol clasped his hands together in gratitude. As powerful as they were the Romulans could not go it alone in this. They would need an ally, and he knew the Cardassians were every bit as capable as Turvan promised. Their low-key consultations with each other were paying off. "That is exactly what I wanted to hear." He leaned to one side and peered into a metal box next to his seat. "Would you like to join me in a toast?" He retrieved two glass tumblers and a long, slender decanter full of Romulan ale.

Hydel gratefully reached for the tumbler and held it up to the Romulan's. "Absolutely." He said while still raising it.

"To our Empires. . ." He said confidently.

D'Aerrol poured a generous portion of ale into Turvan's tumbler and then his own. "Long may they reign. And may the Federation, the Klingons, and all others crumble before them." He raised his glass to the Cardassian's, and with a nod he drank it down.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Maekhav D'Aerrol
Romulan Ambassador


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Comments (2)

By Captain Isha t'Vaurek on Sun Feb 21, 2016 @ 4:44pm

Oh dear. These two are going to be trouble, aren't they!

By Commander Caden Aldrex on Tue Feb 23, 2016 @ 1:57pm

Don't worry, Louise. I'm sure the good guys will prevail somehow. ;-)