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The Vedek Arrives

Posted on Sat Jan 16, 2016 @ 8:48pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos
Edited on on Sat Aug 6, 2016 @ 4:42am

261 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Bajoran Lightship Bettara
Timeline: Current


It was customary for Vedeks of Krell's order to travel by Lightship. Modifications to the original design had been made of course. The cabins made larger. More creature comforts than it's ancient predecessor. The outfitted impulse engines helped as well.

Krell Antos strode towards the office afforded to him for the flight. There were some matters to attend to prior to his immenent arrival at Deep Space Five. Pushing the heavy door open, the Bajoran man slipped inside, allowing the door to swing closed behind him. As he made his way around the desk, he reached for a PADD activating it before sitting.

He mentally checked off items that were of importance. Materials for the new Embassy and Temple to be constructed, staff manifests, Holy artifacts. The lists went on and on.

For several minutes he sat in solitude, pouring over his details, before he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"You may enter." He called out to the unseen visitor.

A squirrely looking Page entered. "My apologies for interrupting you, Your Excellency, you asked to be informed when we were approaching the Station."

"Thank you Cera." The Vedek stood, smoothing his grey robes."Shall we?" Antos rounded his desk and made towards the door.

The Page, Cera, stood aside. The older bajoran led the way.

The pair arrived in the ship's observation deck.

"So that's it?" Krell said as the Impressive Stardock Class station became visible from the ship.'Here goes nothing.' he thought before speaking again."Hail them."


Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Republic


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