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Warm for the rest of his life

Posted on Sun Jan 17, 2016 @ 1:13am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

551 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate
Timeline: MD09 2330


Klia had learnt a lot of things in the last year. One thing she had learnt was that was eventually, when someone is so beaten down, so broken, that is is possible to go all the way through broken, and out the other side, into the calm waters of a freedom so pure no-one can take it away, because you don't care if you live or die anymore. Other people can hurt you more, break you more, make you do worse and worse and worse, and when you let go, it doesn't touch you.

And more, when you let go, people don't realise that that freedom is more power than they can conceive. They just see the husk. the shell, the chrysalis. Not the danger lurking inside.

So she didn't raise any suspicions when she was sent to Torm's spacious bathroom. Not even Torm glanced at her twice while she undressed him, accepting her claim that the jar she held was just a skin balm for after, then slid into the water next to him, washed his hair and body and endured his attentions. He relaxed in that bath, the gentle glow of candle light soft on the eyes, the scent of wild flowers rising off the wax.

After, when the candles were burning low and full of liquid wax, she dried him off carefully, then she moved behind him, drawing a candle closer.

He practically purred whilst she combed out his hair, luxuriating under her touch.

Then she dumped the napalm over his head. It wasn't that stick, and slid down over his face and neck. He roared as it stung his eyes. Klia grabbed the candle and thrust it at his unprotected back.

The jelly ignited with a bark of superheated air and Torm screamed. His hair blackened and crisped in a heart beat and he thrashed his big blubbery body, slipping and falling into the empty marble bath. She stepped to the edge to watch him burn.

The bathroom doors burst open and Torm's bodyguard rushed in, took one look at the burning Torm, grabbed one of the huge towels, and smothered the flames, calling for help.

Klia looked at Torm screaming. He was still screaming, still gasping. Still alive. It hadn't worked.

More and more people were running in now. Valak, more guards, Torm's medic, everyone rushing in. Someone grabbed her arm, and shook her. It was Valak, Torm's chief of staff.

"What happened?!" he demanded, shaking her again.

He lived, that's what happened. She dumped a good half a litre of the stuff over his head, and he was still alive. He should be dead, a shrivelled husk, eyes eaten up, hair gone, face scarred beyond recognition. He barely burned for a few moments, not enough that could even give dermal regenerator a hard time.

She was going to die now. She knew that, she was expecting it, wanting it, counting on it . But she had wanted to take him with her and now he would not. Frustration made her eyes tear up, and she gave the only answer she had. She spat into Valak's face with everything she had.

Valak shoved her at another one of Torm's men. "Take her to the Black Room, and chain her up."


Klia N'Shahdra
NPC by Notty


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Comments (1)

By Captain Isha t'Vaurek on Sun Jan 17, 2016 @ 3:43am
