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Posted on Wed Jan 13, 2016 @ 1:16pm by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

2,217 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Verex III Slave Market
Timeline: MD10 1120-1412

With Diana's Arrow waiting for her in orbit under cloak Rianni walked through the slave market, fighting hard not to explode on all of the scum here selling people, ~Focus, Rianni, Klia's life might depend on it!~ She reminded herself, though keeping herself from crying was nearly as hard as keeping herself from going on a rampage, the suffering of some of them struck her heart so. She took a deep breath and a few surreptitious pictures of the various slave ships, she had nasty plans for them later, after she got Klia back, ~Send all of them to Hell.....~ She thought, smiling a little, though she knew some of these ships would have to wait, no way she could take them with her fighter, ~The Dhelan though, that's a horse of a different color.~

"Beautiful lady." A raspy voice called from behind, "Beautiful lady is here to ssssell? Or to buy?"

Her left hand on her secreted disruptor, Rianni turned to face a large Saurian woman, and answered softly, "Buy, naturally."

"Doesssss beautiful lady need man for labor?" The Saurian asked, "Or for love?"

"No." Rianni chuckled softly, "I'm shopping in a different department entirely."

"Oh, beautiful lady wants a woman." The Saurian laughed, "Beautiful lady is a madam in need of sss-tock, yessss?" She'd seen this many times, a lot of Madams found their profit margins higher if they used slaves instead of sub-contractors.

"No, no." Rianni shook her head, "This one would be for personal use."

"Assssss, you wish, beautiful lady." The Saurian shrugged, though she was more than a little repulsed by the whole thing. Her species viewed mating as a task of reproduction and same sex matings didn't help in that task. But, lesbian latinum spent as well as anyone else's, "Please to come with, Sssss-alamae, let her ssssshow you her wares..."

"After you." Rianni replied, forcing a fake smile onto her face as she followed the repugnant reptile into a dirty backroom where women, maybe a dozen of varying species and ages, slept on the floors of cages nearly too small for a large dog, let alone a person. She walked a pace behind Salamae, looking into the eyes of the terrified women and wanting to comfort them somehow, but knowing she couldn't break her cover she simply eyed them with false disdain, looking them over like they were just meat before saying, "I'm actually looking for an Orion."

"ORION?!!?" Salamae exclaimed, "You can't be ssserious! Do you know what Orion cost? Ssssso much latinum, beautiful lady."

With a disdainful laugh Rianni reached into her coat and pulled out a brick of latinum, "There's the trailer, if you want to see the feature presentation start talking Orion to me. Otherwise I'll take my business somewhere else."

"No, no! There was just recently an Orion here! A man named Torm bought her for an insane price." Salamae said, running to get between beautiful lady, or at least her latinum, and the door.

"Tell me more." Rianni smiled, sliding the bar of latinum to Salamae, ~That'll loosen this lizard's lips.~

"Of course, beautiful lady." Salamae grinned, finger raping the bar of latinum as she spoke, "Torm and a Romulan, a sssssscrawny ex-sssample of one, got into a bidding war for thissss pathetic creature."

"Really?" Rianni feigned mild interest, though deep down she was about to explode with excitement, this had to be Klia, "Go on."

"Torm bought her, but the sssscrawny Romulan ran the price up on him." Salamae continued, laughing hard as she'd always hated Torm, though she had sold him nearly fifty women so far, "When I left the price had already gone over a thoussssand barsssss, I don't know where it sss-topped."

"Think this Torm would sell her?" Rianni asked, her voice flat, this was just a business deal, "Of course there would be a twenty percent finder's fee for your assistance, Salamae."

"It would cosssst much latinum." Salamae replied, "And I don't know if Torm would ssssell.... or if he even could." She figured Torm had probably already killed and disposed of this girl, "But, perhapssss Sssss-alamae can find beautiful lady another Orion?"

"I'm more interested in this one." Rianni said, placing another bar of latinum between herself and Salamae, "If Torm paid so much for her she must have been exquisite."

"Yessssss, exquisssssite." Salamae remembered, "Beautiful as the sssss-tars themsssselves, but a weak sssss-pecimen. Covering hersssself all the time." She through her head back and laughed hard, all the covering and cowering was why she decided to pass on this particular Orion, "Worthlessss......"

Hiding her rage was becoming more and more difficult, but she forced herself to focus on the mission goal: Rescue Klia and waste this Torm, "To you maybe, but my needs are very simple." She said with a wink, placing a third bar on the table between them, "Now, take me to this Torm."

Salamae's laughter become uproarious at this point, this woman was as stupid as she was beautiful, ~Take her to Torm? The idea!~ It was then that she knew that beautiful lady's story was a lie, ~Ssssshe's probably a Federation agent.~ "Let me ssssssee what I can do to find Torm for beautiful lady." Salamae replied , stepping behind the counter that made up her workstation and sliding one hand underneath to press the silent alarm that would bring her sons into the room, "Sssso, what is beautiful Federation agent's name and rank?"

"Federation agent?" Rianni laughed, "Have you taken leave of your senses?" ~Shit, she knows I'm not really a buyer, might need to get out a lot quicker than I'd hoped.~ Knowing she needed to rebuild the proverbial dyke she pushed her hair back to reveal her ears, "Know a lot of Romulans in Federation service do you?"

The delicate points on beautiful lady's ears gave Salamae a new idea altogether, Torm would pay highly for a Romulan, it was the one species he'd never had.... yet. As he two sons, Azrak and Brezil, entered the door behind beautiful lady she grinned widely, "Perhapsssss you will meet Torm sssssooner than you think, beautiful agent. Take her."

~Well, this is lovely.~ Rianni thought, deciding that she wouldn't be taken alive regardless, but knowing that the two Saurian males were vastly stronger than her she would need a strategy, ~Well, males of every species have that one weak point....~ Knowing she didn't have any better ideas she waited for the first one to grab her and lifted her left leg as hard as she could manage, striking him hard in his groin and causing him to cry out in pain, ~Direct hit!~ Spinning around she found herself facing his back, kicking him hard forward into his brother, sending them both into the floor and turning to point her now drawn disruptor at Salamae, who had drawn her own weapon, "Drop it, Salamae, don't be stupid."

"You are the one who is sssstupid, beautiful agent." Salamae snarled, setting the ancient Klingon disruptor to maximum power, "Now, drop your weapon or Sssss-alamae will vaporizzze you."

Letting the weapon turn upside down in her left hand Rianni put her hands up in a false gesture of surrender, hearing the brothers behind her clambering to their feet as Salamae kept her weapon trained on her. Her frightened expression was replaced by a smirk as she dropped the weapon, then dropped into a split, catching her weapon as Salamae fired, missing Rianni, hitting Brezil and killing him instantly.

"BREZIL, MY SON!!!" Salamae screamed, not noticing Rianni had fired. She never knew the shot that hit and killed her had happened.

Azrak flew into a rage, not only had this Romulan bitch kicked him in his balls now she had killed his entire family, and she was going to pay. While she tried to get back to her feet he wrapped his huge arms around her waist, picking her up and throwing her against the far wall.

The sensation of flight simultaneously frightened and thrilled Rianni, at least for the couple of seconds before she slammed into and slid down the far wall, her disruptor clattering away across the floor, "Frack!" She hissed, realizing she'd just broken the same ribs that her new husband had broken earlier again. Pushing herself up on her palms she felt a boot impact against the same broken ribs and she tasted blood.

Azrak snatched the Romulan up by her hair, he was going to hurt her as much as he could before killing her, mother and Brezil's memories demanded it, "You're going to sssssuffer greatly, bitch." He growled directly into her ear as he clamped his claws around her throat, considering just tearing it out.

She could see her disruptor now, a good fifteen feet from her and doing her no good whatsoever as the lights were about to go out, her only hope was to reach one of her blades and she began to desperately grope for them. The Khukri was pinned against her left hip by the Saurian's leg, no way she could reach it, but her dagger was still readily accessible in her waistband and with the last burst of energy she managed to stick him in his right leg with it, causing him to howl in pain and stagger backwards, landing against one of the cages.

Falling to her knees, Rianni gasped for breath for a few seconds before crawling along the floor trying to get to her gun as fast as she could, knowing that the remaining Saurian was going to be on her again almost instantly, ~Don't got... a lot...of... time....~ She thought, the pain making even her thoughts cloudy as she stretched her fingers out for the weapon, before turning back at the sound of a loud thud behind her to find the Saurian dead with her dagger in his back and multiple oozing wounds, seemingly inflicted by the trembling Bajoran woman in the nearest cage. Holstering her now recovered weapon she looked in the direction of the bloody Bajoran and gasped, "Thanks."

-ten minutes later-

It had taken every bit of ten minutes for Rianni to get off of the floor and spring the cages, releasing the overjoyed women and thanking Eisn that one of them was a nurse; first aid was definitely in order after that ass kicking she'd just taken. She'd found Salamae's padd as the lovely Deltan tended to her, everything was there, not just Torm but hundreds of other slavers and their vessels, many of which she'd seen at DS5, "I'll need to transmit these names to security..." She thought aloud.

"Judging from these wounds I would say you need to invest in body armor." The Deltan nurse, Lalena, quipped, "Perhaps your friend in security can loan you some."

"All the nurses in the galaxy and I had to draw the..." Rianni began, wincing as Lalena applied pressure to a bleeding wound that was tragically close to one of those broken ribs, "comedian."

"I'll be here all week." Lalena sighed, "Though I advise you not to be. You need a doctor, immediately."

"Actually, I got..." Rianni started again, another sharp pain stopping her in her tracks for several seconds, "other business." While perusing Salamae's padd she'd found this Torm had a buyer permanently stationed on Verex III, a slimebag human named Brent Rubin, and she'd pegged him as her next stop, after she found some extra firepower.

"Never fails." Lalena sighed, "The pretty ones are always at least a little stupid."

"We need to get you out of here." Rianni said matter of factly,"I've got a shuttle, it's not far from here, I'll set it to fly you to the ship by remote, we'll get you all home in a few days... You'll be safe."

"Yes, and if you don't come with us you'll be dead." Lalena stated bluntly, "You're cut inside, you need advanced medical treatment. Turn this over to FIS and let them handle it and I'll do what I can to keep you out of your grave."

"We should get moving or we're going to draw a crowd." Rianni said, not really interested in a medical lecture at that moment, "It's only about a klick and a half, but we can't drag our asses." ~How the Hell I think I'm going to get a dozen women through a slave market I don't know.... Too late to worry about it now.~ "Let's go, ladies."

-Fifteen minutes later-

Gregori guided the shuttle Apollo into the shuttle bay of the Arrow, cursing himself for letting Rianni go down there alone, "I should have taken charge, no matter how much she protested." He grumbled, wondering not only what kind of mess his granddaughter had gotten herself into but also what he was going to do with all these women she'd rescued from the Saurians who nearly killed her, "I guess I'll figure that out as we go along, seems to be what we do now." He resolved then to sit that girl down and talk to her about some of the ideas that popped into that pretty head of hers as the women filed out of the shuttle, ~I thought Rianni said she was sending twelve women up....~



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