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Others Sail On The Sea (part 2)

Posted on Mon Jan 11, 2016 @ 10:11pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

1,380 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Orbit of Siva 6
Timeline: MD10 1410


"Your worth a lot. Bricks and bricks of latinum. It turns out. With bricks and bricks of Latinum I can get my somebody back. Years ahead of when we thought it could happen. So we are going to sell you to Torm."


She moved fast then, surging up from the seat to grab him round the throat and slam him back into the bulkhead. In the fraction of the second it took from start to finish she had gone pure brilliant white.

"But ....." he held one hand up in front . Something in his demeanor changed. Not joking around or playing scared anymore. This was a side of Draxx she had only seen fleetingly perfectly at ease breaking Ferengi's limbs right before she had got on his ship.

"But what, you sonofabitch?" Her fingers on his neck all but shook as she resisted the urge to just throttle him right there. Like it or not, she was trapped. She was on his ship, with no way off. Fighting him would only delay the inevitable; killing him would only make things worse.

His other hand definitely stayed on his weapon though just in case. "I want that rat bastard dead. My crews jittery at going up against an arms dealer and Orson is playing it safe making sure he still has a job if we try something and it goes south ...... so I am racking my brains how we can come to a mutually beneficial conclusion and all win out here."

She let him go, and stood back. "You-" she devolved into a stream of invective he didn't understand, though the general gist was abundantly clear from the tone. "-backstabbing little shit." she concluded.

She turned away, resting her arms on the sink, staring at nothing, the white turning back to neon yellow on her skin. She was screwed. Utterly screwed. Even if she got past him, did this thing have life boats or escape pods? And in Orion space there was little hope that whoever picked her up would be any better.

"How much am I worth?" she asked quietly.

"After that little show I am beginning to question that myself," Draxx spat at her rubbing his neck.

"200 hundred bricks. And your little outburst just then, ask yourself if I was a much of a shit as you just made me out to be in whatever THAT language was, would I have bothered coming to talk to you at all? No I would just have delivered you to Torm."

"Two hundred?" Yolanthe turned grey, and gave a short, near hysterical, giggle in despair. "I had no idea."

"Also ask yourself if the situation was reversed and you needed a butt load of coin to save "your girl" would you not do the same? Because I don't believe you if the answer isn't yes," Draxx challenged.

He was right, curse him. She'd sell another woman in a heartbeat and not change a shade. The grey deepened. She was never getting Klia back.

And then it occured to her. Two hundred bricks. Klia sold for a fraction of that. She pushed herself up from the sink. "Buy Klia for me. Buy her back with what he gives you, make her part of the deal. Whatever it takes. Then take her home.

Draxx was smiling now

"You wanted a way we could all win. This is it." She took a deep breath and closed her yes for a moment. "Please."

"Come with me," he said heading to the door and leading her surprisingly to his bunk. "No I am not going to try anything I shouldn't," He informed her. "Unless you want me too, although its bad timing," he grinned opening his door and revealing a much bigger room, a huge desk, several PADDs and one rather large bunk in the corner. She could smell the scents of several things she had smelt in "sweet and spice". Draxx clearly indulged in his sexescapes.

She shook her head in slight disbelief, "Gosh, how does anyone ever resist your subtlty and charm?"

"Its been known to happen, can't fathom out his success rate with women myself but it does happen," Lucy stated as the door shut behind them. "So she's onboard?" the Gorn asked Draxx.

"Its been really amusing seeing you not want anything to do with him. Lucy and I had a bet going. I lost but ...." Biggs said walking out as Draxx claimed his seat at his desk. "Refreshing breathe of fresh air. I particularly liked the puffed up peacock comment by the way"

Yolanthe hadn't been expecting there to be anyone else here, and a shrap turquoise strgulled out of the grey for a moment before being swallowed up again.

It was the first time Biggs had actually addressed her. Lucy meanwhile was circling her looking at the armour. "This is NOT going to work. Who are you meant to be? The Ascorian knight or something? Seriously?"

"I'm..." For a moment Yolanthe wasn't sure what to say, "myself. This was my plan, go down there, get Klia, try not to die before you could beam us back up. Its not my fault you all decided to get creative."

Lucy fished around in one of the drawers near Draxx's bed and tossed something flimsy in her direction. "Change into that. Guess one of your floozies leaving something behind finally paid off Captain," she laughed. Then she pointed at the door to the John in the rooms other corner.

Yolanthe looked over her shoulder. "What?" missing the reference.

"You need to get out of all that garb again," Draxx said seriously not even looking up or taking a moment to "offer his services" with help there. Whatever he was doing on the screens was more important. "Report?"

"Shirleen came through. She's keeping Orson busy as we speak. He has not contacted Torm. Looks like he's solid and not going to doublecross," Biggs stated.

"I could have told you that," Lucy snorted.

"The 20% incentive might be more to it," Biggs stated flatly. "And he believed our little rouse. Like he has any clue on getting Selena out."

"He's useful but it was better to keep him in the dark on this one. We tested the waters. Didn't go our way," Draxx said. "Its too big and I don't want him getting it in the neck if Torm susses out we have been the leak over the years. Or thinking Orson was in on it. We might still be able to come out of this and keep this business intact."

"Anyway, Bok passed the message along to Orson, didn't question anything. I was able to get him to give us some missing spots in our intel," Lucy stated. "Although I think he's planning to doublecross Orson if he gets a change to get his hands on some bricks."

Draxx sniggered. "Like to see him try that."

"Why are you not changing? There's a bathroom there. What? You want to throttle me again?" Draxx asked as Yolanthe stood wordless staring at all of them holding the thing Lucy had tossed.

She didn't want to change. The last time she'd gotten into a really nasty melee without her armour or a weapon, her whole life had come crashing to a stop. "Because I'm trying to find any way of doing this where I get to keep some armour on."

"Not going to work if we are selling you as a slave and Torm has good scanners," Draxx stated. "Good, they can be hoodwinked but we haven't got time to try make it so all of that doesn't show up."

"Oh for the love of," Yolanthe lifted the strap for her falchion over her head and threw the weapon to his bed and started pulling at the buckles to the manica on her right arm. "But I'm not going in there. I need room and i'm not some mewling human afraid of her own skin." She got the buckle open and tugged the plated sleeve of her arm.

She glared at the lot of them, her colouring now a dark dark yellow. "This would go a lot faster if you'd all help and not just stand there."


Ricardo Draxx

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delight


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