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Others Sail on The Sea (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Jan 14, 2016 @ 5:43am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

3,005 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Orbit of Siva 6
Timeline: MD10 1420

She didn't want to change. The last time she'd gotten into a really nasty melee without her armour or a weapon, her whole life had come crashing to a stop. "Because I'm trying to find any way of doing this where i get to keep some armour on."

"Not going to work if we are selling you as a slave and Torm has good scanners," Draxx stated.

Yolanthe lifted the strap for her falchion over her head and started pulling at the buckles to the manica on her right arm. She glared at the lot of them, her colouring now a dark dark yellow. "This would go a lot faster if you'd all help and not just stand there."


Draxx stood up and indicated the door silently. Lucy and Biggs disappeared. “I knew you would ask me to undress you eventually,” he grinned.

The dark yellow lightened a shade, "That was not what I meant, and you know it." She sighed, as she shrugged the manica on her right side all the way off and onto the bed. Then she angled her left side towards him. "You might as well get this off,"

He did as he was told, moving closer in so they were just inches apart. Slowly he undid the buckles on her arms sliding them off as he looked her in the eyes, holding them and speaking softly. Honestly.

“I’ll get your girl out and we will find a way to come back for you,” he told her.

She felt his fingers start on the clasps on the back of the neck piece; his thumb ever so gently grazed her neck when it unlocked and he pulled it away.

“And I’ll get her back to your place on DS5?” he confirmed. "But I still need that favour." He continued to remove the upper body armour.

She stopped working on one of her right side buckles for a moment. "I fail to see why, or even how, I would do that, considering what's about to happen."

He sighed and undid the buckle she left letting the armour fall from her.

"Why - how are these for reasons? 1 - the job was to take you to the Orion market which I did. 2 -You didn't negotiate an escape plan, yet I am still willing to put everything on the line for that. 3 - your payment is not complete, you owe me a favour. 4 - Your kiss was just dam well pitiful and despite that .... 5 - You are a better person than me and I think your actually starting to like me,"

"Like you?!" She laughed. "How about one, I told you back at Q'uit's after Verex 3 there would be somewhere else, and I wanted to be in and out fast. Two, You sold me out, which quite frankly renders pretty much everything null and void, so fuck your kiss and fuck your favour and quite frankly, fuck you."

"Oh you would like that sweetheart, so in denial" he shook his head in utter belief.

She lifted the body armour over her head, leaving her standing in her leather pants, boots and the bodystocking that formed the armour's foundation. The heavy leather hit the manicae on his bed with a weighty slap.

"What favour did you want anyway? Its going to be hard to call it in when I'm locked up down there, don't you think?"

"If I can get Selena back I need a place for her to lay low," he muttered, distracted at her undergarments, his hand moving down to her waist. "For a little while. What do you say to a new bar tender?"

She crossed her arms over her chest. "It will be Klia you'll have to convince. I left instructions. It goes to her if she makes it back. If not, Edward will sell it and split the profits among the staff. If you want a place for her to lie low, you better make sure Klia gets back there, and I'm reason and light compared to her. You better give her a damn good reason to do so, because she won't be grateful."

"Anything I have left after securing Kila and Biggs sister I'll transfer to the Box of Delights of course," he stated.

Which may or may not be a lot of cash but.."That will probably work. She's practical that way." She gave him a pointed look and then indicated the plated boots that came up to her knees.

Draxx's eyes went hard and he pushed her forcefully to the ground. "Oh yeah you want a man to know his place right. Well regardless to whatever shitty ass backwoods planet you managed to crawl out from, get this through your thick colour changing head. Its my fucking ship and my place is top of the chain here. Reason and light. That's the most hilarious thing I have heard today. Well sweetheart if our agreements nil and moot and all that awaits me for trying to do the right thing in a crappy situation and promising to come back for you, is another women screaming at me perhaps I need to rethink this. Maybe I should sell you for real and let you and your precious Klia rot in that Harem. Take your own boots off, your capable and decide whether you want me on your side here or not."

She rolled to get back on her feet, and used the movement to scythe his legs out from under him, landing him flat on his back, and came to her full height in one smooth move. SHe planted one boot on his chest and leaned over him, skin grey and hair glossy black. "You call this being on my side? You sold me out! And you're expecting me to be happy about it." She stripped the gloves from her hands and chucked them at the bed.

She reached down to work the first buckle on her boot, resting her full weight onto his chest. "Do you want to know what happened the last time I let a man take my armour off? He betrayed me and sold me to slavers too." She laughed. It was bitter and sharp and for a moment her skin was as grey as charcoal. "History repeats itself. That boy ended up with his throat cut for his trouble. Think about that while I take my own boots off."

Dam it hurt more than he gave her credit for but he wasn't going to show her that. Well the best he could. He didn't quite manage it. It smarted. Really smarted. He couldn't control the retching gasp trying to get air back in. And she looked on, enjoying that show no doubt.

"Oh that's what this is really about," he stated when he had his breathe back. "You got your heart broken once and can't get over it. In case its escaped your notice, history hasn't repeated itself as I HAVEN'T sold you out yet, I might be rethinking things on account of you being a total bitch, but no one has sold anyone out YET. And besides, your in full knowledge of the plan of which is your own making!!!!"

He mimicked her, raising his voice more high pitched, "Buy Klia for me. Buy her back with what he gives you, make her part of the deal. Whatever it takes. Then take her home."

He laughed at her. "No wonder your so sexually frustrated. You obviously don't have any success at all if you keep on having to threaten or slit men's throats."

"Please keep going," he wriggled under the boot.

She practically tore the last buckle off with fingers rapidly turning neon yellow. She stood back to kick her boot across his room. "You said you'd sold me to Torm. Two hundred bricks." Then she kicked him in the crotch with her stockinged foot.

"Fucking hell," he rolled to his side as his crown jewels throbbed and not in a good way. "I said we were going to sell you to Torm. Do you see him? Has money changed hands?"

She nudged him to his back with her other foot and set that on his chest. "Who's frustrated now?" She pulled at the buckles, leaning heavily on his sternum. Once undone she stepped back and toed it all the way off. Then she shoved her pants down, hopping from one foot to another to get them off her feet, shook them out and whipped them down onto the pile of gear with a loud smack.

He took the moment while she hopped about to pull himself back up into a standing position. "Oh you wish sweetheart. That out your system now?" he asked. Now she was minus the armour and he had a good idea as to her weight they were on even footing. Arms folded, he admired the view.

"You said sell." She reached behind her to get the zip on her body suit. "Your exact words were "We're going to sell you to Torm." She tugged on it and it snarled for a moment as the fabric stretched. "And how would you know how much you'll get if you hadn't. Asked. Him?" She broke off as the zip moved, her hand jerking back, and she scraped her hand along the underside of her braid, still bound in razor wire. " Fuck!"

She brought her hand out to inspect the damage. Multiple thin lines of silver were welling up along her hand. "Fuck!"

"Yes," Draxx said. "I said we are going to sell you to Torm. And you seem to be dipping in and out of different time states around that event to justify you attempting to beat the crap out of me. And I know," he muttered walking forward and gently grabbing her arm and pulling her in the direction of the bathroom, "Your worth as Orson looked up what others of your species have gone for," he turned on the tap, jammed her hand under it and stepped behind her putting his full strength between them meaning she was going nowhere.

Now it was her turn to be stinging and she hissed as the freezing cold water hit the slashes on her arm. "I haven't actually spoken to Torm yet. So when we get there if you open that trap and start spouting off at him like you keep yelling at me we might not get enough or be able to negotiate your precious Klia back. You want this to work you have to get it all out your system now and dial it back. Play the part. You need to smile, be pretty and docile. I know its against your nature but your going to have to try."

She gritted her teeth, ignored the blood in his sink. She'd had worse. "If that's what he wants."

As the water continued to flow silver running down the drain, he gently ripped and worked down the rest of her body pulling the stocking away until the only thing left of it was a small area near her braid. He did not touch her hair, Steered completely clear of it. She could feel the tell tale stiffy on him between them.

"You are such a cliche."

"Yes, I'm frustrated okay," he snapped as she looked at him in the mirror. Truimph or just to rub it in. He wasn't sure. "Happy now?."

"Delirious." She was still the colour of bananas, making the lie utterly obvious. She looked at her slashed arm, and then the bruise on her cheek that was still black. "He's probably not going to like his new toy damaged

"I have a dermal regenerator, can possibly fix that up," he said slowly tracing the curves of her hips and moving his hands up her stomach, "but I am not sure the best strategy to get that out," he looked at the braid again. "How did you even get it in?"

"Gloves and practice." she admitted. She sighed a little then , the yellow disappearing completely into a smokey violet. Like her armour, it had to come off. Except he was pressed up against her and any sudden move would probably result in cutting her own back, and if she tried to shove him back, Draxx would end up with his face slashed to ribbons, maybe even take an eye out, and whilst she may have gone for him in anger, she wasn't sure she had it in him to actually maim him in cold blood.

She didn't move to get them, instead going still at the sensation of his hands at her waist. She tried not to think about it. She'd be enduring things far less pleasant soon enough.

"Standing here won't get this out," she pointed out.

Draxx nodded, "Okay," he realised her and stepped back carefully. " I'll get the gloves," he sighed retrieving them from the large pile of armour bits and handing them too her. "I'm also getting you some layout intel," he stated returning back to his desk. "And there's a lady in there. Original wife or first in the Harem, I am not sure but she will help you. We have worked with her in the past, got a couple of girls out again. Going to try do the same if we can,"

She sighed, and pulled the gloves on. her hands were now cantaloupe. "If you'd lead with that, the last ten minutes would have been a lot less painful." She unwrapped the braid from its razor wire with great care, and then put the coil of barbed metal down on the cabinet next to his bed.

She pulled the end of her chest wrap away from its mooring and it gave way with a loud tearing sound as the velcro surrendered its grip. Then she took a breath, "I'm sorry I hurt you." she was a brighter orange now, and didn't look him, just concentrated on unwinding the wrap.

"Hurt me," Draxx laughed as he picked up what Lucy had found him earlier and tossed it in Yolanthes direction. "Don't get excitable," he laughed. Pressing a button on his desk he yelled, "Biggs,"

The door opened and his first mate walked in holding a couple of devices. "Where are we?" Draxx asked.

"Just coming up now. Ready to beam over in about 5 minutes. Here," the other man handed Yolanthe the items he had in his hand doing his best to ignore her state of undress. "Looks like hair slides. Has enough power to maybe laser through a couple of locked doors perhaps. Best I could do at short notice captain," he nodded at Draxx. "But we can fool his sensors with them."

Yolanthe had no issues with nudity; her whole species used their changes of colour as much as others used facial expression, and covering up was considered impolite. She showed no discomfort as she took the hair clips, frowned at them, then tossed the on the bed to continue dressing. "Fool his sensors?"

"We can beam it over without him suspecting its not a hairslide," Biggs stated.

"He's been tinkering with new circuitry for a while now. Getting quite good at things," Draxx said clasping his on the shoulder. "Use it wisely."

The thought of beaming made her feel sick, and she turned an unattractive shade of swamp water green for a moment. "If I can." She privately doubted that she'd get much of a chance. Without an escape route ready to go, they would be no better than trinkets. And who knew when, or even if Draxx would be back, despite what he said. Her skin took on a sharper shade of green, like fresh lime.

This was going to be a one way trip. Whatever he was claiming, she was going to be left there, and she could guess what would happen. They'd want to know what made her change colour. And eventually they'd probably get curious over what colour she went when she died.

She adjusted the dress, not entirely sure she had it all in the right place. It was more modest than most things she had worn on her homeworld, though it was revealing by federation standards, but it seemed to be all drapes and swathes that hid and revealed as the wearer moved and she had no idea if it was on right. Not, she supposed, that it would be on for long.

She sighed, and the green deepened until her skin was the colour of emeralds, and her hair was as dark as seaweed. She ran her fingers through her hair to get out the last kinks form the braids, and used the hair clips to hold the front back from her eyes. "How do I look? Docile enough?"

"Beautiful," Draxx said with a smile. "Just missing one thing." He fished around in one of his drawers. "Forgot about this," he muttered to his first mate. He handed her a necklace. "Its got the same communicator in as that earring we gave you but it won't activate unless our ship is in the vicinity. It will get slightly warmer when we are." He indicated she turn around and gently fastened it round her neck. Then turned her round again to face her, his voice calm.

"You get to that lady and stick with her. We drop Klia back at DS5, Biggs to where he needs to be to negotiate Selena back and Lucy and me will come straight back to the Orion market for more work in Torm's direction. Then we will make a play to get you back out. It will happen. Just hang in there."

She didn't change colour. "Just get her home. Don't make promises you might not be able to keep."

"We'll see," Draxx stated. "Right lets do this shall we?" he indicated the door and led her to the transporter.


A JP between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


Ricardo Draxx


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